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A mod that adds decorations to your Minecraft Worlds.

Supported Versions For Issue and Crash Support: MC 1.20.1.

Supported Mod Loaders For Issue and Crash Support: Forge (1.20.1 Version).

Unsupported Versions For Issue and Crash Support: MC 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20.

Unsupported Mod Loaders For Issue and Crash Support: 1.20.2-1.20.6.

We dropped support for 1.20.4 due to issues.

Future Planned Versions: 1.7.4


Mod Credits

Created by: CreativeMasterBonin

Some Textures and Other Ideas: Greenspelunking, blueman


This mod was originally called "Bluey's Thingamajigs", but a part of the name was omitted due to a personal problem with the term, 'bluey' and other franchises as we know. Say thanks to the many companies that run television for that one. Also, I've been informed they got the name 'bluey' first, so I guess I was too slow.

No I'm not angry or anything, it is just that is LITERALLY what happened, and I can't change that, oh well :)

The mod was started in 2020, and has been updating ever since. It has gone through 1 major rewrite and several smaller reconstructions of the mod. Versions 1.19-1.20+ are the rewritten version (sorta-ish, some versioning schemes were different in my mod back in 2020 so I have no clue what version counts as the first rewritten version after the old version was abandonded). Older versions of the mod won't be uploaded here (nor any source code) as they are under a different set of circumstances regarding shared code and textures.

Why Is This Here

To allow users of the mod to suggest features in the issues tab of this repository and to report bugs that need to be fixed in the mod. If anyone has suggestions, feel free to open a report and tag it as a 'suggestion'. Users of the mod may also see suggestions by CreativeMasterBonin. These are suggestions the mod may be able to have as a full feature in the future, provided they do not need too much help to create. It is always a good thing to ask for help, however.

What the goal of this mod is

To give users as many decorations as there are ideas in Minecraft, reinforcing the 'endless' part of Minecraft to the extreme, while allowing survival and creative players to enjoy the mod equally by using one item, the Thingamajig, to craft 'almost' everything in the mod (which is changed in 1.6.7+, we now use components instead of just the thingamajig by itself) where and if it makes the most sense to do so. As modders start living more (as in, their lives improve and they need to move on) and becoming less and less able to continue working on amazing mods, other people need to start continuing the idea of 'taking the torch' for these older, experienced modders, and have a try at the challenges of modding. In this case, Thingamajigs' goal is to re-implement a bucket load of decorative mod content from previous mods, and/or expand on others, while still bringing in as much fresh and original content as possible. A secondary goal is to remain a singular download, meaning Thingamajigs should not require a library or other mods to function at all (unless it is absolutely neccessary to get particular features working the way they really should be, like CTM or something). The final (and most difficult) end goal is to make a final update that has enough features to satisfy the environment of Forge for years to come (or, at least, many years... more than ten is preferred but no one can guarantee anything will last that long or beyond that time frame).

If you want to support this mod and it's creator directly (and if you think its worth your money), use this special donation link (choose between 3 options or name your own price): Donation Link. Note that the mod will continue to be free, but now if you so desire, you can donate. Note that on CF and MR that download count does nothing for me except put the mod on a higher rank than others. This is not the sole reason donating exists now, however. Moreso if I want to be literally capable (existance and such) to work on the mod, well, food and such... you know. It doesn't come from thin air for me. Also some of the money will go to some helpers somewhere so that others get help. :)

Some easy to replicate source code from Thingamajigs will be made public for use. Some code is not used in the actual mod (or has been deprecated).

This mod uses the official mappings Mojang Studios has provided to modders. This mod only runs on the Forge modding environment. Here is the official mappings usage message:

(c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. These mappings are provided "as-is" and you bear the risk of using them. You may copy and use the mappings for development purposes, but you may not redistribute the mappings complete and unmodified. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the mappings provided here. Use and modification of this document or the source code (in any form) of Minecraft: Java Edition is governed by the Minecraft End User License Agreement available at

Terms For Minecraft Brands and Guidelines:

Compliance Actions: This repository will follow a take down notice if necessary at any point to comply with the Minecraft EULA and any other laws. The takedown notice may be under the DMCA, meaning this entire mod (and links to it) would be removed and never seen again (that means thrown into a void, never heard, seen, touched... etc, etc). This also means one very important thing: No backups of any kind. Files will be erased, code will be forgotten, and much, much more.

If you don't want that, then don't ask for content that will make this mod get taken down instantly. Also, don't mock anyone with suggestions for this mod (we will remove you, permanently).

Also, if you are the owner of something referenced in this mod, I can just take out that feature from the mod you don't like, but that is it. Personal preferences are NOT valid reasons for a DCMA takedown or other legal action, sorry, that is how it works. Evidence and proof are easy to give if you are a company who wishes something to be removed from the mod, but if you don't like the mod because of something else, like a personal preference, I am sorry, I only take legal requests and suggestions that add content that everyone will enjoy, or rather, is safe for ALL people, not just individuals. Some problematic features could be gambling machines, or the poop, for example. Remember, this mod is only decorative, and does not endorse the real life stuff portrayed in this mod. You take responsibility for your own actions when downloading mods and content from 3rd parties. We can reject arguments on the grounds that the mod is a choice to download, not forced or required for you to use. You can delete this mod and never use it again if you don't like it, it is perfectly fine. But do not report a mod out of existence for one feature you don't like. These are the simple legal rules and such this mod is grounded upon (and some other things I don't need to go into detail here).

Technical Information About Repository Files

If you need help understanding what code you are looking at, it is specifically Java language (the syntax) and Minecraft Forge (and NeoForge if under the 'neo' source directories) methods and variables (and implementations, classes, etcetera). Note that some code may be outdated as it is right now impossible to get all the code at once to sync to this repository (for some reason or another).

Please look in the downloads folder to see a list of compiled versions (this is for convenience and safety of players who can't trust certain mod hosting websites). The downloads folder is also for players who do not want to support certain websites by waiting five seconds or more for a download. Note that not ALL releases will be here, only the most recent updates since Minecraft 1.19, as older versions do not follow the same guidelines.

Some files are for other websites, please ignore them.

Official releases of this mod are on these listed websites (not all versions are on every website):

CurseForge Page:

Modrinth Page:

Thingamajigs Official Info Page:

Thingamajigs Direct Downloads Page:

Version Licenses: Remake versions: All rights reserved unless otherwise explicitly stated.

Version 1.2.5 and below do not fall under this license, they fall under the GPL-3.0 and previously (pre-1.17~ versions) the Academic Free License 3.0.

Versions 1.2.5 of this mod and below are under the title, "Bluey's Thingamajigs". Consider these mods separate from each other.

Note that these versions have been removed from the online world entirely, and no longer exist digitally (did they ever exist physically?)



A mod that adds decorations to your Minecraft Worlds.








No releases published


