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Repository files navigation

Work in Progress.

Currently deployed API:


To run the server locally, (optionally) create a new Python virtualenv of your preferred flavor and install the dependencies.

make init
# or `make update` if you'd also like to update dependencies to latest permissible versions.

# use master branch of PyLODE (
# until next pyLODE release (>=3.0.2).
pip install -e ../pyLODE/.

Initialize/supply ARK maps.

# This is sufficient to get started.
cp ark_map.example.csv ark_map.csv
cp ark_naan_shoulder_map.example.csv ark_naan_shoulder_map.csv

You can then run the server with:

export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs)
make up-dev

Example queries:

  • To get an HTML response:

    curl https://localhost:8000/ark:57802/2021/11/marda/phonons/material_id
    # Explicitly request HTML (not an owl:Ontology, so won't actually return HTML):
    curl -H "Accept: text/html" https://localhost:8000/ark:57802/2021/11/marda/phonons/material_id
    # Explicitly request HTML
    curl -H "Accept: text/html" https://localhost:8000/ark:57802/2021/11/marda/phonons

    or alternatively just visit https://localhost:8000/ark:57802/2021/11/marda/phonons/material_id (or https://localhost:8000/ark:57802/2021/11/marda/phonons) in your browser with the server running.

  • To get responses in various RDF formats:

    # A readable, hand-editable RDF format ("turse [sic] triples")
    curl -H "Accept: text/turtle" https://localhost:8000/ark:57802/2021/11/marda/phonons/material_id
    # JSON-LD
    curl -H "Accept: application/ld+json" https://localhost:8000/ark:57802/2021/11/marda/phonons/material_id
    # XML
    curl -H "Accept: application/rdf+xml" https://localhost:8000/ark:57802/2021/11/marda/phonons/material_id

    You can request any rdflib-compatible format or mime-type, e.g., application/rdf+xml, nquads, etc., via the Accept header.

    You may also use the RFC 7231 Accept header standard to indicate acceptable alternatives with relative quality factors. For example,

    curl -H "Accept: text/html;q=0.5,text/turtle;q=0.8,application/ld+json" \

    indicates that you prefer JSON-LD (q=1 is implicit if unstated); if JSON-LD isn't available, your next preference is Turtle; and if Turtle isn't available, you prefer HTML to any other format.

Notes (currently, a braindump)

termeric is a tool for term egress, revision, and ingress — calendarized.

  • terms: full-copy JSON-LD docs of metadata (so @context expected). Optional owl:equivalentClass or owl:equivalentProperty statement relating to a past-month term in this termeric repo, if this term was imported; this statement gets removed if the imported term is changed at all.

  • namespaces - JSON-LD docs of metadata about term namespaces (the part before the last / of a term URL, an org/repo qualified by yyyy/mm and by ark naan). Should be a owl:Ontology .

  • skolems - akin to "skolemized blank nodes". Entities for which you need stability of identity but don’t need to give it a human-understandable sign in the URL path, i.e. it need not be a term.

  • agents: users and their software agents that authenticate and CRUD resources. PLEASE just use HTTP Basic Auth. FastAPI has good support and documentation for it. You can store passwords hashed in mongo using the method given in the FastAPI docs for storing passwords for OAuth2. (canAdmin : List[Union(Org, Repo)]], canEdit : List[Repo], name : str, hashedPwd : str, @id, @type : Union[Person, SoftwareAgent]). A Person can CRUD SoftwareAgent agents that canEdit repos that the person canAdmin (directly or if canAdmin the repo's org). No one can edit the past. Example agent @id: 9999/12/ is the convention for org/repo terms that can change at any time. If you canEdit a repo, that applies for the current month and any future month. An agent can CRUD any and all non-admin software agents with a subset of their canEdit potential. However, only person agents that canAdmin can CRUD other person agents.

  • touches: a simple relation: (term, agent, timestamp)