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The Direct Sampling SDR's GNURadio Module for SDDC(software digital down converter).


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The Direct Sampling SDR's GNURadio Module for SDDC(software digital down converter).

Target Devices

  • BBRF103
  • HF103
  • RX888
  • RX888R2
  • RX888R3
  • RX999
  • *** Supporting Direct Sampling Mode Only. ***


First you need to install the dependencies (see below).

Setup GNU Radio

These blocks require the GNU Radio or new on Ubuntu 20.04.


Please build and setup GR-SDDC library to GNU Radio.

$ sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev fftw-dev
$ git clone
$ cd gr-sddc
$ sudo tar zxfv ./lib_so/ -C /usr/lib/
$ sudo ldconfig
$ sudo cp ./lib_so/libsddc.h /usr/include/
$ sudo cp ./lib_so/99-rf103.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
$ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig


Required dependencies:

linux support of libsddc by vladisslav2011

Usage SDDC_source Block

  1. Put sddc/SDDC_source Block & QT GUI Block on GNURadio Flow canbus.
  2. Setup All Parameters of SDDC_source Block.
  3. Sample Rate (Hz) : Select this from 32M, 16M, 8M, 4M, 2M.
  4. firmware_path : SDDC_FX3.img's Full Path.
  5. device_select : The 1st device is "0".
  6. antenna : RX1 Only.
  7. Setup a Sample Rate's Parameter of QT GUI Block.
  8. Sample Rate (Hz) : SDDC_source Block's Sample Rate.