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PigPen is map-reduce for Clojure, or distributed Clojure. It compiles to Apache Pig, but you don't need to know much about Pig to use it.

Getting Started, Tutorials & Documentation

Getting started with Clojure and PigPen is really easy.

  • The wiki explains what PigPen does and why we made it
  • The tutorial is the best way to get Clojure and PigPen installed and start writing queries
  • The full API lists all of the operators with example usage
  • PigPen for Clojure users is great for Clojure users new to map-reduce
  • PigPen for Pig users is great for Pig users new to Clojure

Note: If you are not familiar at all with Clojure, I strongly recommend that you try a tutorial here, here, or here to understand some of the basics.

Note: PigPen is not a Clojure wrapper for writing Pig scripts you can hand edit. While entirely possible, the resulting scripts are not intended for human consumption.

Questions & Complaints


pigpen is available from Maven:

With Leiningen:

[ "0.2.13"]

With Gradle:

compile ""

With Maven:


Note: PigPen requires Clojure 1.5.1 or greater


To use the parquet loader (alpha), add this to your dependencies:

[ "0.2.13"]

And because of the weird way Pig handles dependencies, you'll also need to add antlr and log4j for local mode to work properly:

:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
               [ "0.2.13"]
               [ "0.2.13"]]
:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[org.apache.pig/pig "0.11.1"]
                                [org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-core "1.1.2"]
                                [org.antlr/antlr "3.5.2"]
                                [log4j/log4j "1.2.17"]]}}


To use the avro loader (alpha), add this to your dependencies:

[ "0.2.13"]

Release Notes

  • 0.2.13 - 1/19/15

    • Added load-avro in the pigpen-avro project: http:
    • Fixed the nRepl configuration; use gradlew nRepl to start an nRepl
    • Exclude nested relations from closures
  • 0.2.12 - 12/16/14

    • Added load-csv, which allows for quoting per RFC 4180
  • 0.2.11 - 10/24/14

    • Fixed a bug (feature?) introduced by new rx version. Also upgraded to rc7. This would have only affected local mode where the data being read was faster than the code consuming it.
  • 0.2.10 - 9/21/14

    • Removed load-pig and store-pig. The pig data format is very bad and should not be used. If you used these and want them back, email [email protected] and we'll put it into a separate jar. The jars required for this feature were causing conflicts elsewhere.
    • Upgraded the following dependencies:
      • org.clojure/clojure 1.5.1 -> 1.6.0 - this was also changed to a provided dependency, so you should be able to use any version greater than 1.5.1
      • org.clojure/data.json 0.2.2 -> 0.2.5
      • com.taoensso/nippy 2.6.0-RC1 -> 2.6.3
      • clj-time 0.5.0 - no longer needed
      • joda-time 2.2 -> 2.4 - pig needs this to run locally
      • instaparse 1.2.14 - no longer needed
      • io.reactivex/rxjava 0.9.2 -> 1.0.0-rc.1
    • Fixed the rx limit bug. pigpen.local/*max-load-records* is no longer required.
  • 0.2.9 - 9/16/14

    • Fix a local-mode bug in pigpen.fold/avg where some collections would produce a NPE.
    • Change fake pig delimiter to \n instead of \0. Allows for \0 to exist in input data.
    • Remove 1000 record limit for local-mode. This was originally introduced to mitigate an rx bug. Until #61 is fixed, bind pigpen.local/*max-load-records* to the maximum number of records you want to read locally when reading large files. This now defaults to nil (no limit).
    • Fix a local dispatch bug that would prevent loading folders locally
  • 0.2.8 - 7/31/14

    • Fix a bug in load-tsv and load-lazy
  • 0.2.7 - 7/31/14 *** Don't use ***

  • 0.2.6 - 6/17/14

    • Minor optimization for local mode. The creation of a UDF was occurring for every value processed, causing it to run out of perm-gen space when processing large collections locally.
    • Fix (pig/return [])
    • Fix (pig/dump (pig/reduce + (pig/return [])))
    • Fix Longs in scripts that are larger than an Integer
    • Memoize local UDF instances per use of pig/dump
    • The jar location in the generated script is now configurable. Use the :pigpen-jar-location option with pig/generate-script or pig/write-script.
  • 0.2.5 - 4/9/14

    • Remove dump&show and dump&show+ in favor of pigpen.oven/bake. Call bake once and pass to as many outputs as you want. This is a breaking change, but I didn't increment the version because dump&show was just a tool to be used in the REPL. No scripts should break because of this change.
    • Remove dymp-async. It appeared to be broken and was a bad idea from the start.
    • Fix self-joins. This was a rare issue as a self join (with the same key) just duplicates data in a very expensive way.
    • Clean up functional tests
    • Fix pigpen.oven/clean. When it was pruning the graph, it was also removing REGISTER commands.
  • 0.2.4 - 4/2/14

    • Fix arity checking bug (affected varargs fns)
    • Fix cases where an Algebraic fold function was falling back to the Accumulator interface, which was not supported. This affected using cogroup with fold over multiple relations.
    • Fix debug mode (broken in 0.1.5)
    • Change UDF initialization to not rely on memoization (caused stale data in REPL)
    • Enable AOT. Improves cluster perf
    • Add :partition-by option to distinct
  • 0.2.3 - 3/27/14

    • Added load-json, store-json, load-string, store-string
    • Added filter-by, and remove-by
  • 0.2.2 - 3/25/14

    • Fixed bug in pigpen.fold/vec. This would also cause fold/map and fold/filter to not work when run in the cluster.
  • 0.2.1 - 3/24/14

    • Fixed bug when using for to generate scripts
    • Fixed local mode bug with map followed by reduce or fold
  • 0.2.0 - 3/3/14

    • Added pigpen.fold - Note: this includes a breaking change in the join and cogroup syntax as follows:
    ; before
    (pig/join (foo on :f)
              (bar on :b optional)
              (fn [f b] ...))
    ; after
    (pig/join [(foo :on :f)
               (bar :on :b :type :optional)]
              (fn [f b] ...))

    Each of the select clauses must now be wrapped in a vector - there is no longer a varargs overload to either of these forms. Within each of the select clauses, :on is now a keyword instead of a symbol, but a symbol will still work if used. If optional or required were used, they must be updated to :type :optional and :type :required, respectively.

  • 0.1.5 - 2/17/14

    • Performance improvements
      • Implemented Pig's Accumulator interface
      • Tuned nippy
      • Reduced number of times data is serialized
  • 0.1.4 - 1/31/14

    • Fix sort bug in local mode
  • 0.1.3 - 1/30/14

    • Change Pig & Hadoop to be transitive dependencies
    • Add support for consuming user code via closure
  • 0.1.2 - 1/3/14

    • Upgrade instaparse to 1.2.14
  • 0.1.1 - 1/3/14

    • Initial Release


Map-Reduce for Clojure









  • Clojure 93.4%
  • Java 6.6%