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APointer — antenna pointing system for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)


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APointer — antenna pointing system for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

This repository contatins the results of the work I did in 2015 and which was never finished. However, there may be some interesting technical solutions which can be useful in developing of simular systems.

Some modules from this repository (e.g. altimu, radant, ubntsig) also may be useful by itself in a wide variety of tasks related to the use of corresponding hardware.


To make it easier for you to understand the organization of the software part, it is need to tell a little about the hardware one. Main task of the system is to keep a pointing of the ground directional antenna to the flying UAV. On the UAV, the compact omnidirectional antenna was used, which is not requires for special pointing.

Data link

Data channel (primarily for HD video, i.e. FPV) was established with using of two Ubiquiti Rocket M5 802.11n routers. Getting the signal level from the ground station (for displaying and logging) with such hardwave requires some hacks. Firstly, it is need to configure the UAV's router as AP, and the ground one as a station, for simplicity to receiving signal level from the ground one (because station can has only one AP, while AP can have many connected stations, which would complicate the parsing of SNMP data). Secondly, by default Ubiquiti's snmpd configured to update SNMP counters only with 16 seconds period, so there is no real-time data. This can be bypassed by some crutches (see ./ubiquiti_hacks/).

Coordinates of the UAV

Coordinate data from UAV was received via Mission Planner program, which is mostly used as a remote management system for UAV's flight controller (such as APM or PIX). Flight controller on the board on UAV gets coordinate data from GPS and altimeter, and sends it to the ground point where Mission Planner receives and decodes it. Special Python script (Mission Planner allows to use such a scripts) sends this data next to the main control computer (see ./mission_planner/). If you find this scheme unuseful, you may alter it as you need, as the coordinate sending protocol is very simple (see ./mission_planner/ For example, you may send it from the special on-board controller with own GPS, altimeter and Ethernet devices.

Control device

Main control computer was Raspberry Pi B+ with Pololu AltIMU-10 magnetometer/barometer/altimeter board connected via I2C and u-blox LEA-6 GPS module connected via USB through pl2303 USB-UART converter. These sensors was used to determine coordinates and heading of ground antenna installation, so all of these devices was mounted directly on the antenna and rotates with it (this was used in calibration of accelermoter and magnetometer, see ./ Main software of this computer was Raspbian Wheezy with gpsd 3.6, nginx 1.2.1 and Python 2.7.3 (there was some problems with GPS support in Python 3, so it has been decided to use Python 2 for an entire project). Also, additional Python modules are required (corresponding Raspbian packages):

  • serial (python-serial)
  • smbus (python-smbus)
  • gps (python-gps)
  • netsnmp (python-pynetsnmp in Wheezy, python-netsnmp since Jessie)

System was tested on Raspbian Wheezy, and, some parts, on Debian Squeeze (my working machine on that moment, amd64) with the stock versions of packages. I do not remember this exactly, but in the case of problems with gpsd/libgps20 3.6, try 3.9 (can be found in Wheezy-Backports) or higher. There are no other dragons, AFAIK.

Antenna rotator

Antenna (Ubiquiti RocketDish 5G-34 in our case) was mounted on azimuth-elevation rotational device Radant AZ3000V which was managed by controller Radant AZV-1. This controller also was connected to the main control computer via pl2303 USB-UART converter, so, to distinct AZV-1 and LEA-6, it was need to add udev rules which permanently maps USB ports to /dev/ttyUSB* devices, e.g.

    KERNEL=="ttyUSB*", KERNELS=="1-8.1.5", NAME="ttyUSB0"
    KERNEL=="ttyUSB*", KERNELS=="1-8.1.6", NAME="ttyUSB1"

where KERNELS can be found out by performing

    udevadm info --name=/dev/ttyUSBx --attribute-walk

when your device connected to the given port, and other USB ports are disconnected.

Practical use

It is worth noting that with Ubiquiti Rocket M5 wireless routers on both sides, Ubiquiti RocketDish 5G-34 antenna on the ground point and a simple omnidirectional (~5 dBi) antenna on the UAV, it is possible to reach 200 km distance with stable link. (It was the main point to assemble all the system.) A few tips if you want to do some simular on really long distance (over a tens of kilometers):

  • It is recommended not to use both polarizations (i.e. MCS higher than 7) with H-V polarized antennas (e.g. RocketDish) since the horizontal polarization fades out faster than vertical one, which leads to channel disbalance and link unstability. Also you may completely disable one of the device's channels (see ./ubiquiti_hacks/

  • It is strongly not recommended to use MCS0, as there is some serious problems with implementation of this MCS on Ubiquiti devices. Depends of your data rate and selected channel width, MCS1 or MCS2 may be optimal on long links. Don't set MCS which maximum data rate is less or equal of your peak data rate (plus 20-30% gap for protocol overhead), since it may leads to long-term link failures.

  • Don't forget to enable AirMAX (Ubiquiti-specific TDMA mode), because of IEEE 802.11 implementation in such devices has an ACK timeout limit which in turn limits the maximium distance of the link to 25 or 50 kilometers (for 40 or 20 MHz channel width correspondingly). With AirMAX with "Long Range PtP Link Mode" enabled, we had no such problems.

  • It is recommended to disable DFS, or do not use DFS band if your firmware doesn't allow you to disable it. With DFS, re-establishing link after its loss may take significally more time (about ~40 seconds) than without it.

  • Limitation of scanning frequencies on the station to the frequency of AP channel also speeds up (re)establishing of a link.

  • Of course, if you want to get a really long link, you need to set TX power on both devices to maximum. Note that the hardware limit of TX power on Rocket M5 is 28 dBm, but there is also a software limit, which depends on selected country. See for further details.

Example configs for UAV's access point and ground station (in Ubiquiti config backup format) are located in ./router_configs/ dir. Note that it was a test configuration, so there was no security remedies was taken (e.g. WPA2, HTTPS UI, non-default root user ("ubnt:ubnt"), non-default SNMP comminity ("public"), etc). And, if you have uploaded them on your devices, don't forget to check all the settings noted above in this section.


Main software components are

  • — implementation of receiving sensor data from LSM303DLHC 3-axis accelerometer/magnetometer and LPS331AP altimeter (from AltIMU-10 module connected via I2C). Using of accelerometer/magnetometer requires preliminary calibration with rotating device on different angles and fixation of highest received values (to normalize follow-up indications on them). In our system, it was made using antenna rotating device (see ./ In fact, our system uses only magnetometer to detemine heading of rotator's base position relative to the magnetic north. Support for accelerometer and barometer was implemented and planned to use, but never used really. Support for L3GD20 gyroscope (also presents on AltIMU-10) was not implemented at all.

  • — working with Radant AZV-1 (and possibly AZV-3) antenna rotator controller. Allows to point antenna to the given position (with and without waiting for the end of movement), stop movement, request current antenna position and set angle speeds (last one is only for AZV-3 and was not tested).

  • — simple Net-SNMP wrapping module for receiving signal level from the ground wireless router (Ubiquiti Rocket M5) for displaying and logging. Please note that it requires some hacks to works normally (see "Data link" section). Also, SNMP OID for signal level may differs for different device models and firmware versions.

  • — class for working with config file (./main.ini), which incapsulates reading and writing confguration and also sets the default values for the parameters missing in this file.

  • — implements classes for working with listening stream and datagram sockets where messages are divided by newline charater (\n). It was handy specially for stream sockets, as a datagram ones allows to easy separate small messages. Used to receive coordinate data from Mission Planner. Note that stream (i.e. TCP) support was abandoned later due to problems on unstable links (needs to re-establish connection after link loss).

  • — script for calibrating the installation. Firstly, it rotates antenna with magnetometer for multiple times to calibrate the magnetometer. After that, it return antenna to base position and determines magnetic heading of this position. Using magnetic declination and static error (angle between antenna and magnetometer axes) values from config file, it determines true heading of antenna base position. In parallel, it determines antenna coordinates via GPS. After all, it writes results back to config.

  • — unfinished prototype of script which points antenna using only signal level, without GPS coordinates. I do not know what can be the use of it, but nonetheless did not delete it.

  • — main program which continously performs several tasks (yes, I know about GIL, but it was not disturb in our case):

    • Receiving the coordinates of UAV and calculating azimuth and elevation of the antenna to point it to UAV.
    • Sending these angles to the rotator controller.
    • Tracking the signal level (from the ground wireless router).
    • Maintaining the log which every line contains a UNIX timestamp, coordinates of the UAV, calculated azimuth and elevation of the antenna, calculated distance to the UAV and signal power in dBm in CSV format with Windows-style newline termination (\r\n).
    • Serving the requests from web UI (see ./web_ui/), viz. sending configuration parameters, coordinates of the UAV, azimuth and elevation of the antenna, distance to the UAV and signal power in dBm for displaying in the web UI. Note that this UI uses HTML5 and AJAX and requires some settings for web server (see ./web_ui/, but does not require any additional server-side interpreters such as PHP.

Current status

Work is abandoned since the August of 2015. Now there is a many of things in code I don't like, but I can't heavy refactor it since it is impossible to test it on real hardware. So the code provided "AS IS". (Sorry for tabs.)


The customer did not fulfill his contract obligations, and the only owner of all rights to the code is me. So I decided to publish all the code under WTFPL in the hope that it will be useful to somebody.