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.NET client for Neovim

Plugin Host Install

Using vim-plug:

Plug 'neovim/'

Quickstart for Linux

  1. Install dotnet
  2. Clone the Nvim .NET client (this repo):
    git clone
  3. Run the tests, to check that everything is working:
    dotnet test test/NvimClient.Test/NvimClient.Test.csproj

Plugin Development with C#

  1. Create a new solution and class library project.
    mkdir my-plugin
    dotnet new sln
    dotnet new classlib --output my-plugin
    dotnet sln add my-plugin/my-plugin.csproj
  2. Install the NvimClient.API NuGet package
    dotnet add my-plugin/my-plugin.csproj package NvimClient.API
  3. Create a class like this
    using NvimClient.API;
    using NvimClient.API.NvimPlugin.Attributes;
    using NvimClient.API.NvimPlugin.Parameters;
    namespace MyPlugin {
      // Make sure the class is public and has the NvimPlugin attribute.
      public class MyPlugin {
        private readonly NvimAPI _nvim;
        // Constructor with exactly one `NvimAPI` parameter.
        public MyPlugin(NvimAPI nvim) {
          _nvim = nvim;
        // Use attributes to expose functions, commands, and autocommands.
        // Valid parameter types and return types are:
        //   string, bool, long, double, T[], and IDictionary<T, T>
        public long MyFunction(long num1, long num2) {
          return num1 + num2;
        [NvimCommand(Range = ".", NArgs = "*")]
        public void MyCommand(long[] range, params object[] args) {
            $"Command with args: {args}, range: {range[0]}-{range[1]}");
        [NvimAutocmd("BufEnter", Pattern = "*.cs")]
        public void OnBufEnter(
            [NvimEval("expand('<afile>')")] string filename) {
          _nvim.OutWrite($"my-plugin is in '{filename}'\n");
  4. Make the directory rplugin/dotnet in the same directory as the solution file. If you are using git, you will need to create a file inside the directory so it can be tracked.
    mkdir rplugin/dotnet
    echo '' > rplugin/dotnet/.keep
    git add rplugin/dotnet
  5. Start nvim and run :UpdateRemotePlugins.


dotnet build

Generate API

The API generator takes two arguments: the output path of the generated C# class file and the path to the Neovim source directory. nvim and doxygen must be in the PATH.

 dotnet run --project src/NvimClient.APIGenerator/NvimClient.APIGenerator.csproj


Run all tests (nvim must be in the PATH):

dotnet test test/NvimClient.Test/NvimClient.Test.csproj

Run only the TestMessageDeserialization test:

dotnet test --filter TestMessageDeserialization test/NvimClient.Test/NvimClient.Test.csproj


  1. Update version as necessary in src/NvimClient.API/NvimClient.API.csproj.
  2. Run the publish workflow.


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