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Demo of Openshift Container Platform (OCP) and Container Native Storage (CNS)

About this project

The goal of this project is to help you test out Openshift Container Platorm (OCP) and Container Native Storage (CNS). It's using the opensource upstreams of the Red Hat products, as I'm not sure if the Developer Subscription or the CDK offers access to the production bits in a way that allows an operations guy to fully install a cluster like this. I recommend using the supported bits as I've had to pin my dependency to the upstream projects to specific branches in order to make sure everything runs smoothly.

bootstrap docker image

There's a docker image under /bootstrap that you can use to create an install environment. Since this demo is designed to run on AWS, I typically have a small EC2 or lightsail instance on AWS that I use for the installs.

Look at the bootstrap directory for more information

Understanding AWS and Ansible

Ansible will expect to be able to log into your EC2 instances. The easiest way to do this is to use the same SSH key you use to create the EC2 instances as the same SSH key you use for Ansible. The supplied Docker image in the bootstrap tries to help you do this by:

  • link/copy the current users ~/.ssh/ into the container
  • run ssh-agent as the starting shell
  • allow you to ssh-add your key (if it's not the default ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Layout of the demo

Checkout the Layout directory for more information


Clone this repository:

git clone --recursive
cd openshift-cns-demo

Optionally, then build and run the included docker bootstrap image:

cd bootstrap
cp aws.sample aws
# edit your aws information
vi aws
make run

Everything should work out if you use the Makefile.

# optional 
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa.ansible
# edit variables
vi inventory/demo
make help
make all

Important inventory variables

Required variables

You may or may not want to change these from what's defined in the inventory.

Variable inventory Description
ansible_user cloud-user EC2 instances normally don't let you run as root
ec2_ami_image RHEL 7.4 Atomic (Cloud Access) the EC2 ami image - you may need to update it.
ec2_instance_type t2.micro/t2.medium the ec2 instance type, currently the dns server can be t2.micro, and the OCP VMs can be m4.medium / t2.medium
ec2_vpc_id Single VPC this is the vpc you want your instance to run. If you only have ONE SINGLE VPC in your AWS region, then you can leave this default. Otherwise, you will need to define this.
private_ip_start 10 the start address for the hosts in the ec2 group (so we can have static addresses across boots)

Optional variables

You may want to change these defaults, but they defined to sane values in the inventory file.

Variable Role Default Description
ec2_demo_tag ec2 ocp The tag to apply to the EC2 instances for create, lookups, and destroy.
ec2_keypair ec2 ansible-dev The SSH Keypair the EC2 instances will use at creation. You must upload or create this key in EC2. I find it easier to use the same private / public key as what you're already using.
ec2_mynetworks ec2 [ ] list of networks/hosts to allow access to the demo EC2 VMs. The playbook will automatically include the current host upon which ansible is run.
ec2_public_ip ec2 True Set to false if you don't want a public IP. Though, you'll need a VPN into the VPC at that point. How to do that is beyond this demo. If you don't know what this means, I suggest keeping it at defaults.
ec2_region ec2 us-east-1 Which region to create the EC2 instances.
ec2_vpc_subnet ec2 First subnet playbook will select the FIRST subnet it finds in the VPC, unless you define it here.
ec2_wait ec2 300 How long to wait for EC2 to finish creating the instances.
demo_certificates ec2/local ./certificates The directory to persist the created PKI certificates.
hostname ec2/local {{ inventory_hostname }} our pleasantly defined hostname
local_custom_certificates local True Controls the creation of the custom CA
ocp_app_domain local apps.{{ ocp_domain }} Domain of app domain for OCP
ocp_domain local (nil) Domain of public cluster URL
openshift_release local 3.7 Release version of OCP to install

Explanation of playbooks

playbook Purpose
clean.yml To clean up the EC2 instances and the local environment.
create.yml To create all the EC2 instances for the demo. It will also configure the local environment by adding the hosts to the ssh/config and the /etc/hosts
config.yml To configure the dns server and OCP instances.
ocp.yml To read in EC2 instances and then run the OCP install playbook.
post_config.yml To post-configure the OCP instance by adding an admin user, copying the ca.crt, and log in.

Default Inventory

Host AWS type vCPU Memory Purpose
dns1 t2.micro 1 1GiB dns, haproxy, certserv
master1,2,3 t2.medium 2 4GiB OCP master, CNS storage
node1,2,3 t2.medium 2 4GiB OCP node, Infrastruture

Inventory Variables you'll probably need to change

Variable Why change?
ec2_ami_image You need Red Hat Cloud Access in order to see the supplied image.
ansible_user If you change the image above, you'll need to know the login user (ex: ec2-user, cloud-user)
ec2_demo_tag If you change this, then you can run multiple of these clusters in AWS at the same time. You'll have to add it to the ec2 group in the inventory file.
private_ip_start If you change the above, then you'll need to change this variable, too, probably.
ec2_instance_type If you want beefier VMs. With the current inventory defaults, it costs me $7.50 per day as of May 17th, 2018.

Getting Help

DISCLAIMER: I'm a Red Hat Solutions Architect. It's my job to introduce Red Hat customers to Red Hat products, and help them gain the most value from these products. I am not support, nor releasing this as a representative of Red Hat. Thus, I cannot help you use this playbook in production, enterprise, PoC, or bake-off situation. I will gladly help you get in contact with someone at Red Hat that CAN help you do these things.

The purpose of this playbook is to build a demo and an experimental environment to show the value of OCP and CNS backed by gluster. If you have any questions or run into issues running this playbook to achieve that goal, then please create a GitHub issue so I can address it!

If you have other questions or issues with OCP or CNS in general, I'll gladly help you reach the correct resource at Red Hat!