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Enabling BFCache for pages that set Cache-Control: no-store. 2 linked proposals to get there.


with much feedback from

**Status: Public, requesting feedback.


We are particularly interested in feedback on

  • the functionality of evicting on cookie change vs the alternative of providing an explicit API to evict
  • moving to caching documents with Cache-Control: no-store
  • where this will go wrong
    • risky cases we have missed
    • risky cases that are much more common than we think
    • cases that are impossible to mitigate



Documents with a Cache-Control: no-store header (CCNS) are blocked from entering BFCache in practice on all browsers. Chrome measurements indicate that this prevents about 17% of history navigations on mobile and 7% of history navigations on desktop from being BFCached. This is the largest single blocker of BFCache usage.

CCNS documents are blocked because they may contain sensitive content that was accessible when the document was first fetched but which should now be inaccessible. This is especially important on devices that are shared.

The goal is to unblock BFCaching of a meaningful fraction of CCNS pages without compromising sensitive information.


These proposals aims to move us from not caching any CCNS documents to caching most CCNS (but evicting some). In this state, we estimate that CCNS will cause BFCache misses for only about 1% of history navigations.

We propose to start BFCaching pages where we believe we can avoid exposing sensitive information that would otherwise have been inaccessible to the user. This policy is conservative and will deny BFCache to many pages that could safely be cached.

We also propose APIs that give page authors the ability to evict pages from BFCache, one based on monitoring cookies and storage (preferred), the other a simple, explicit eviction API. With either of these available we believe browsers can safely make a follow-on change to allow most CCNS documents into BFCache by monitoring cookies and usage of CCNS on RPC responses and then evicting documents when secure cookies change. This gives page authors finer-grained control allowing them to avoid over-eviction.

There are some other circumastances where we should not cache. These are detailed below.


In Chrome’s measurements, CCNS is the single largest reason blocking documents from being BFCached on mobile (18% blocked by only this reason) and the second largest reason on desktop (7% blocked by only this reason). However, in Chrome's experiments, less than 1% of documents with CCNS saw a HTTPS-only-cookie change during the 3m30s BFCaching window. On Chrome mobile, if all CCNS documents were cacheable and only evicted on HTTPS-only-cookie change, then we would see an increase in the BFCache hit-rate of about 14 percentage points (3% of all navigations would become BFCache navigations).

When a document is restored from BFCache, it is generally presented to the user almost instantly (10s or low 100s of ms). Without BFCache the HTML/script must be parsed and run, possibly including network and server delays. This is a huge performance improvement, a great user experience and has been shown to increase engagement and task completion rates on sites that make their pages compatible (Yahoo Japan blog post, Google internal measurements)



BFCache is a "cache" in browsers such that when the user navigates away from a top-level document, the browser may preserve that document in a frozen state and if the user traverses history back to that document's history entry, the browser may just unfreeze the preserved document.

This provides a significant performance boost on these navigations at the cost of not refreshing the content. Depending on the nature of the content, not refreshing the content may be harmless, inconvenient or a serious problem (e.g. the user has logged out but the page still contains logged-in content).

There are many things that prevent browsers from doing this with a given document (e.g. use of certain APIs, too much time having passed since navigating away).

This article has more information on BFCache.

Sensitive information

In the context of CCNS and BFCache, we consider sensitive information to be information that should not be available after the user has navigated away from the page and causes the use of CCNS.

We do not consider data in localStorage to be sensitive data in this context because that data currently remains available after the user has navigated away.

Data received over the network either in the page or in response to authenticated RPCs. Furthermore we would expect that if the content is senstive that is it would be uncacheable and include CCNS itself.

The sources of senstive data we consider are

  • documents fetched as part of the page (the main frame and iframes) authorized by cookies
  • data received via fetch and XMLHttpRequest
  • data received from
    • WebSocket
    • WebTransport
    • WebRTC


Secure cookies

Best practice for authorization has been, for a long time, to hold a token in an HTTPS-only cookie so that all requests present this token. Deleting this cookie deauthenticates the browser and usually corresponds to a logout. The same outcome applies when the cookie expires. Replacing the cookie with a new value might also correspond to a change in authorization state or it may just be a refresh of the token or other neutral change.

Conservatively, we can consider any change to be a significant authorization change even if it does not correspond to a logout.

Other cookies

Other non-auth or non-HTTPS-only cookies may also be significant to a page e.g. representing contents of shopping carts. Changes to these may also imply that inactive pages in BFCache or prerendering have outdated/incorrect contents.

The most conservative stance would be to consider all cookies on CCNS documents as potentially guarding access to sensitive information. We are not aware of any reasons why sites would use insecure cookies for this purpose and it is very poor security practice to do so. As a result we aim for an end-state where only secure cookies are considered.

Access tokens

Authorization may also happen via 3rd parties, or custom mechanisms resulting in tokens that are presented in RPCs.

For example, federated sign-in (sign-in with Google/Twitter/Facebook/etc) provides a token that can then be presented on later RPCs. There are sites that use this as their only form of authorization (with no use of cookies). Typically they are single-page apps since, without cookies, HTTP requests resulting from navigation may be unauthenticated with all sensitive information being provided through RPCs.


The OAuth spec recommends not to pass access tokens in the URL, to use the Authorization header instead. However, Twitter and Facebook accept access tokens in the URL, this practice is suggested on Stack Exchange and Facebook's JS client library always puts access tokens in the URL. We must assume that, despite the RFC's recommendation, passing authentication tokens in the URL is common practice. For OAuth, the token in the URL is standardized to be passed in the parameter access_token but we cannot assume that OAuth is the only authentication scheme.

This means that in practice, we cannot distinguish RPCs made with authorizatoin from RPCs made without.


Best practice for tokens like this is to write them to site-private storage, e.g. LocalStorage, SessionStorage, IndexedDB. The token is read from storage when attaching to each RPC. This ensures that a logout occurring in another tab or in the same tab but in unrelated code will result in fully deauthenticating the user.

Current interactions between BFCache and CCNS

Despite the name, BFCache is not a cache in the HTTP sense, so the CCNS header does not apply to BFCache, in theory. A browser implementing BFCache does not store web resources (HTTP responses) for later use, like an HTTP cache would. Instead, a browser implementing BFCache freezes previous web documents in memory, and restores them when a user navigates back, or forward.

In practice, all the current BFCache implementations treat CCNS as a signal to prevent the document from entering BFCache. This has been true for quite some time and the web ecosystem has built an expectation about this behaviour.

Some sites also use CCNS to prevent BFCache-related problems, e.g. where shopping-cart contents have changed. A better solution to this is not to prevent BFCaching but to update the UI to reflect the correct state in the pageshow event handler.

The general problem is that some state has changed while the document is in BFCache and if it were restored from BFCache, it would be inconsistent with the other documents of this site and inconsistent with the user’s expectations of correctness or privacy.

Past attempt to allow documents with CCNS into BFCache

In the past, Webkit experimented with allowing documents with CCNS to enter BFCache. This was discontinued after a serious privacy problem was reported. A bank was using shared tablets for customers. 2 customers used the tablet in close succession. Customer-1 logged out. The bank staff gave the tablet to customer-2 but instead of logging in, they went back and were presented with a page from customer-1's logged-in account.

Customer-1's cookies had been cleared by the logout but the document for their account was still in BFCache.

Detailed Proposal

Our goal is to identify pages which can safely be restored from BFCache even though the main frame was delivered with CCNS. To do this, we consider the sources of sensitive information and signals which tell us that this information could not be refetched by the browser.

Getting to the point where we can BFCache many documents with CCNS takes multiple steps and there are multiple paths we can take. Those paths are essentially

New API to monitor authorization impacting events

We propose an API that would give documents more control over when they are evicted from BFCache by allowing them to declare that certain events (change/delete/expire specified cookies or storage keys) will trigger eviction. This API has some merit on its own, as a way to avoid problems with BFCache without blocking it entirely. However there has been no demand for it from developers and on its own it would cause more BFCache evictions.

Signals used to determine if BFCaching is allowed

  • API is available - this requires that both
    • the API is exposed to JS
    • JS is not disabled by the user
  • HTTP-authentication state
  • enterprise policy switch
  • what cookies have changed. This signal is only valid if cookies are not disabled by the user/agent for this page. If cookies are disabled then we consider them to always have changed.
  • have RPCs occurred with CCNS responses? This is based on observing network responses made by the top-level frame and all subframes.
  • have network connections been made where we have no signal about cacheability?
    • WebSocket
    • WebTransport
    • WebRTC

Signals that are always used

In the below, the following signals are always used and can cause a CCNS page not to be restored from BFCache regardless of any other conditions.

HTTP-authentication state

If HTTP-authentication state changes then a CCNS page will not be restored from BFCache.

Enterprise policy switch

If enterprise policy disabled BFCaching of CCNS pages then a CCNS page will not be restored from BFCache. Enterprises often have difficult-to-update software and/or shared devices.

Opaque network APIs

If any of

  • WebSocket
  • WebTransport
  • WebRTC

APIs are used by a document with CCNS the we are forced to assume it contains sensitive information.

Allow CCNS documents to be BFCached without the API

If the API is not available, either because it is not launched or because the user has disabled JS for this page then we take a conservative approach

A frame (main or sub) is considered a "safe" frame if all of the follow are true:

  • the frame is not CCNS or cookies are enabled and no HTTP-only cookies have changed since the document was fetched. If cookies have changed, we conservatively take that to mean that the browser is no longer authorized to access the content.
  • no RPCs with potentially sensitive information have occurred (CCNS on response). Since we have no way to tell if an RPC was authorized or not, we conservatively assume that any RPC with CCNS on the response contains sensitive information that could not be refetched later.
  • none of the "always used" signals are present


Chrome's current timeout for BFCache entries is 10 minutes. WebKit and Mozilla have longer timeouts, up to 45 minutes. We proprose that a CCNS page should not be restored after 3 minutes. This is to address the fact that

  • CCNS may be used for freshness rather than for protecting sensitive information
  • access to sensitive information may be revoked at the server side without any signal to the browser

Proprosed approach

We propose to allow a CCNS main frame to be restored from BFCache if it and all of its same-origin subframes are considered safe.

More conservative approaches


Instead of all HTTP-only cookies, we could only consider all cookies. Best practice for cookies used to access sensitive inforation is for them to be HTTP-only. This is also well-established, common practice, not just a theoretical best practice. Even still, it's likely some sites do not follow it. We know from previous measurements (based on cookies alone, ignoring RPCs) that about 50% of CCNS have a cookie change while in BFCache for up to 3.5 minutes but only 5% have a HTTP-only cookie change.


Instead of only subframes which are same-origin with the main frame, we could consider all subframes. The risk here is that there are cross-origin subframes that contain sensitive information and the user could deauthenticate from that site in another tab (or in the same tab while the page is in BFCache) and then be surprised to find sensitive information visible after the page in question is restored.

Many sites disallow embedding in a subframe specifically because they contain senstive information and allowing embedding leads to security problems. We are unaware of examples of this.

Allow more CCNS documents to be BFCached with the API

We take usage of the API as a signal that the document can be BFCached even with the CCNS header because it has specified the conditions under which it should not be restored.

A CCNS page can be cached as before but

  • if the API has been used to declare cookies for a document then changes to other cookies are not considered relevant.
  • if the API has been used to declare where access tokens are stored and those tokens have not changed then RPCs are considered relevant.

This allows sites to

  • increase their BFCache hit rate
  • avoid restoring documents with information that should not be restored
  • with the very small engineering overhead of declaring a list of cookies or storage locations to monitor

BFCache CCNS pages if HTTPS-only cookies don't change

This is the ultimate combination.

With the API available, when no cookies are declared via the API we only consider changes to secure cookies as preventing BFCacheing.

This would happen some time after the API is stable. It would need to be well announced ahead of time and perhaps also use console warnings or other prompts to raise awareness.

There are some risks from this proposal but there are very large performance benefits from BFCache. We believe there should be some time and some effort to raise awareness between making the API available and default BFCacheing of CCNS documents. This will allow for more awareness and early opt-in by use of the cookie-monitoring API.

Spec changes

The interaction between BFCache and CCNS is currently unspecced. Allowing CCNS pages into BFCache requires no changes to spec. However, since freely fallowing CCNS pages into BFCache has known bad consequences it would be better to clarify the interaction.

Risks and remediations

Legacy Logins

Some legacy systems could use tokens in the URL instead of cookies, even when cookies are not disabled. This should be extremely rare, if it exists at all.

Server-side logout

Sites may log users out on the server side and clients may be unaware of this. This is not a new risk, sites that do this now will have the same problem with open tabs. This can be solved for tabs and for BFCache via various technologies such as periodically (and in pageshow) checking with the server, or using a service worker or BroadcastChannel to notify about logouts.

Stale information

Sites may use CCNS to ensure that fresh information is downloaded every time (rather than to ensure that sensitive information is not retained). Such sites would end up showing stale information (within the BFCache timeout).

Sites can mitigate this with a pageshow handler that detects event.persisted == true and either performs client-side updates to the page's content, or causes a reload.

Non-HTTPS-Only (non-secure) Cookies

Documents may have content that depends on non-secure cookies and by only evicting on changes to secure cookies we may restore some pages that should not be restored. Our goal is to avoid exposing sensitive information and we expect that to be tied to secure cookies. These sites can use the new API and can also use any of the mitigitations for stale information.

Sensitive information in non-CCNS RPCs responses

It is possible that an RPC response does not have CCNS despite containing sensitive information. This would allow the sensitive information to be cached stored on disk while the page containing it is not. This seems like it would have to be an error by the site.

That said, such errors may occur and our proposal could reveal that error which was previous mitigated by having CCNS on the main page.

Security considerations

This introduces no new surfaces or features beyond existing BFCacheing.

Privacy considerations

The concerns are divided into

  1. single-user devices where the user is surprised by seeing (again) information that is now inaccessible
  2. shared devices where one user has taken steps (e.g. logout) to prevent access to sensitive content by later users

We believe, that for sites following good practices we have covered these.

For sites not following good practices, there are mitigations described above. These all require action by the site.

It seems unlikely that we can find a way to ensure that sites not following good practices will not be impacted by this change.

TAG Security and Privacy Questionnaire

  1. What information might this feature expose to Web sites or other parties, and for what purposes is that exposure necessary?

No new information is exposed by this.

  1. Do features in your specification expose the minimum amount of information necessary to enable their intended uses?


  1. How do the features in your specification deal with personal information, personally-identifiable information (PII), or information derived from them?


  1. How do the features in your specification deal with sensitive information?
  1. Do the features in your specification introduce new state for an origin that persists across browsing sessions?


  1. Do the features in your specification expose information about the underlying platform to origins?


  1. Does this specification allow an origin to send data to the underlying platform?


  1. Do features in this specification enable access to device sensors?


  1. Do features in this specification enable new script execution/loading mechanisms?


  1. Do features in this specification allow an origin to access other devices?


  1. Do features in this specification allow an origin some measure of control over a user agent's native UI?


  1. What temporary identifiers do the features in this specification create or expose to the web?


  1. How does this specification distinguish between behavior in first-party and third-party contexts?


  1. How do the features in this specification work in the context of a browser’s Private Browsing or Incognito mode?

No difference.

  1. Does this specification have both "Security Considerations" and "Privacy Considerations" sections?


  1. Do features in your specification enable origins to downgrade default security protections?


  1. How does your feature handle non-"fully active" documents?

It is only concerned with these documents.

  1. What should this questionnaire have asked?



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