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Optimize your video streaming app with our CI/CD DevSecOps project. Streamline development with continuous integration, deploy effortlessly, and fortify security seamlessly. Elevate user experience with rapid updates and robust protection.

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Repository files navigation

DevSecOps pipeline project

YouTube-Project drawio

Phase 1: Initial Setup

Step 1: Install Terraform on the local machine

  • Here are some Installation steps for MacOS, Windows, Linux & Chocolatey package manager.

  • Install Terraform

Step 2: Clone the GitHub Repository.

  • Clone this Git Repo on the locale machine.
  • Open this repository in the code editor.
  • Open the terminal and change the directory to jenkins_terraform.
cd jenkins_terraform
  • The terraform init command initializes a working directory for Terraform configuration files.
terraform init
  • The Terraform plan command compares the current state of resources with the desired state and generates a plan of action.
terraform plan
  • The Terraform apply command executes the actions proposed in a Terraform plan. It is used to deploy infrastructure.
terrafrom apply

terraforn apply

  • There is one file puts all commands for installing jdk,Jenkins, Docker, SonarQube, trivy, aws cli,kubectl and eksctlin this directory.
  • So that, when Terraform provisions all resources at that time all the tools will install automatically on EC2.

aws ec2

  • Go to EC2 Instance details and connect with ssh or Putty.
  • run all commands --
jenkins --version
docker --version
trivy --version
aws --version
kubectl version --client
eksctl version
  • Also SonarQube is running in a Docker container.

  • To check this run docker ps and see sonarqube docker container is running.

  • After that, access SonarQube in a web browser using public IP of your EC2 instance.


  • After, Popup one massage for Username and Password.

  • Username: admin

  • password: admin

SonarQube Dashboard


  • Access Jenkins in a web browser using EC2 public IP.


  • Unlock Jenkins

  • Run this below command.

sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
  • Run this command, After that you will see the Administrator password
  • Copy and paste pop message and local in a notepad.

jenkins Unlock

  • Now, Install the suggested plugins.
  • Jenkins will now get installed and install all the libraries.
  • After, Create an admin user (Optional step)

Jenkins Dashboard


Install Necessary Plugins in Jenkins:

  • Goto Manage Jenkins -> Plugins -> Available Plugins -> Install the below plugins
  1. Eclipse Temurin Installer
  2. SonarQube Scanner
  3. Sonar Quality Gates
  4. Quality Gates
  5. NodeJS
  6. Docker
  7. Docker Commons
  8. Docker Pipeline
  9. Docker API
  10. docker-build-step And then click Install


Configure Java JDK, NodeJs, SonarQube Scanner and Docker in Jenkins Global tool Configuretion.

  • Goto Manage Jenkins -> Tools -> Install JDK(17), NodeJs(16), SonarQube Scanner and Docker.

install JDK17

install Nodejs16 -> Click on Apply and Save

Configure Sonar Server in Manage Jenkins

  • Goto SonarQube Dashboard home page
  • Click on Administration -> Security -> Users -> Click on Tokens and Update Token -> Give it a name -> Generate Token.

sonar 1

  • Click on Generate Token
  • Copy Token

sonar token

  • Goto Jenkins Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> Credentials -> Add Secret Text

cred sonar jen

  • Now, go to Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> System and Add SoanarQube server credentials
  • Name: SonarQube-Server,
  • Server URL: https://<EC2-Public-IP:9000>
  • Server authentication token: SonarQube-Token

Click on Apply and Save

Create a Quality gate

  • Goto SonarQube dashboard and Click on Quality Gates
  • Click on Create -> name SonarQube-Quality-Gate -> Save

sonar quality gate

Now create a webhook between SonarQube and Jenkins

  • Goto SonarQube dashboard -> Administration -> Configuration -> Webhooks -> Click on create
  • Name: jenkins
  • URL: https://<ec2-public-ip:8080>/sonarqube-webhook/
  • And click on Create

sonar webhook

Create a project on the SonarQube server

  • Goto SonarQube dashboard -> click on Manually
  • Create a project
  • Project display name: Youtube-CICD
  • Project key name: Youtube-CICD
  • Main branch name: main
  • Click on Set-up

sonar project

  • Now you can see Analyze your project page

Sonar project token

  • Click on Generate -> Continue -> Other (for JS, TS, Go, Python, PHP,...) -> OS Linux -> Copy commands for the script.

Create a Jenkins pipeline

  • Goto Jenkins dashboard -> click on +New Item
  • Job Name: Youtube-CICD
  • Click on Pipeline -> OK


  • Click on Discard old builds -> Max# build to keep 2
  • Now apply & save this script
  • Click on Build Now
    agent any
        jdk 'jdk17'
        nodejs 'node16'
    environment {
        SCANNER_HOME=tool 'sonar-scanner'
    stages {
        stage('clean workspace'){
        stage('Checkout from Git'){
                git branch: 'main', url: ''
        stage("Sonarqube Analysis "){
                withSonarQubeEnv('SonarQube-Server') {
                    sh ''' $SCANNER_HOME/bin/sonar-scanner -Dsonar.projectName=Youtube-CICD \
                    -Dsonar.projectKey=Youtube-CICD '''
        stage("quality gate"){
           steps {
                script {
                    waitForQualityGate abortPipeline: false, credentialsId: 'SonarQube-Token' 
        stage('Install Dependencies') {
            steps {
                sh "npm install"
        stage('TRIVY FS SCAN') {
            steps {
                sh "trivy fs . > trivyfs.txt"

1st pipeline output

jenkins 1 pipeline

SonarQube scan output

sonar dashbord af pip

Set the Trigger

Got to Jenkins

  • Pipeline -> Configuration
  • Click on GitHub Project -> Select GitHub project URL
  • And Build Triggers -> select GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling
  • Now go to the Repository settings -> Webhooks -> Add webhook -> add Payload URL https://<jenkins-ec2-public-ip:8080>/github-webhook/ -> Add webhook.

Docker Image Build and Push

Create DockerHub access token

  • Goto DockerHub -> My Account -> Security -> Create a New access token and save it.

Add DockerHub Credentials

  • Goto Jenkins Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> Manage Credentials
  • Click on System and then Global Credentials.
  • Click on Add Credentials -> Secret text -> Enter your DockerHub credentials (Username & Password)
  • And Save it.

Create an API key from RapidAPI

  • Create an account


  • Now in the search bar search for YouTube and select YouTube v3
  • Copy API and use it in the file.
    docker build --build-arg REACT_APP_RAPID_API_KEY=<API-KEY> -t ${imageName} .


  • Now add Docker Build and Push commands in the pipeline script.
    agent any
        jdk 'jdk17'
        nodejs 'node16'
    environment {
        SCANNER_HOME=tool 'sonar-scanner'
    stages {
        stage('clean workspace'){
        stage('Checkout from Git'){
                git branch: 'main', url: ''
        stage("Sonarqube Analysis "){
                withSonarQubeEnv('SonarQube-Server') {
                    sh ''' $SCANNER_HOME/bin/sonar-scanner -Dsonar.projectName=Youtube-CICD \
                    -Dsonar.projectKey=Youtube-CICD '''
        stage("quality gate"){
           steps {
                script {
                    waitForQualityGate abortPipeline: false, credentialsId: 'SonarQube-Token' 
        stage('Install Dependencies') {
            steps {
                sh "npm install"
        stage('TRIVY FS SCAN') {
            steps {
                sh "trivy fs . > trivyfs.txt"
        stage("Docker Build & Push"){
                   withDockerRegistry(credentialsId: 'dockerhub', toolName: 'docker'){   
                       sh "docker build --build-arg REACT_APP_RAPID_API_KEY=a578815c0fmsh92bed2dp1b322c4b3260 -t youtube ."
                       sh "docker tag youtube dhruvdarji123/youtube:latest "
                       sh "docker push dhruvdarji123/youtube:latest "
        stage("TRIVY Image Scan"){
                sh "trivy image dhruvdarji123/youtube:latest > trivyimage.txt" 

  • Click Apply and Save
  • Click Build Now

second pipeline output

jenkins 2 pipeline af docker push

DockerHub output

docker hub

Setup Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring

  • For installing Prometheus and Grafana go to the monitoring-server directory
cd monitoring-server
  • The terraform init command initializes a working directory for Terraform configuration files.
terraform init
  • The Terraform plan command compares the current state of resources with the desired state and generates a plan of action.
terraform plan
  • The Terraform apply command executes the actions proposed in a Terraform plan. It is used to deploy infrastructure.
terraform apply

monitoring server

  • Now copy the EC2 instance public IP and connect via putty.
  • After connection run sudo apt update command.

Now check Prometheus status

  • For that, Run this command
sudo systemctl status prometheus


  • Check <EC2-public-ip:9090>

prometuse 1

Now check the Grafana Server status

sudo systemctl status grafana-server

grafana server

  • Access Grafana web Interface on <EC2-Public-IP:3000>

Grafana dashbord

Now check Node_exporter status

sudo systemctl status node_exporter


prometuse target

  • Now go to the terminal and run this command
cd /etc/prometheus/
  • list of all files

Configure Prometheus Plugin Integration:

  • Prometheus Configuration: To configure Prometheus to scrape metrics from Node Exporte, You need to modify the prometheus.yml file.
  • run this command to open prometheus.yml in nano editor.
sudo nano prometheus.yml
  • modify like this.
  - job_name: 'node_exporter'
      - targets: ['IP-Address:9100']

nodemode config

  • Check the validity of the configuration file:
promtool check config /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml

prom indentetion

  • Reload the Prometheus configuration without restarting
curl -X POST https://localhost:9090/-/reload
  • Now you can access Prometheus targets at:

node-exporter dash

Add Prometheus Data Source

To visualize metrics, You need to add a data source.

  • Click on the gear icon (⚙️) in the left sidebar to open the "Configuration" menu.
  • Select "Data Sources."
  • Click on the "Add data source" button.
  • Choose "Prometheus" as the data source type.
  • In the "HTTP" section:
    • Set the "URL" to (https://<Ec2-public-ip:9090) (assuming Prometheus is running on the same server).
    • Click the Save & Test button to ensure the data source is working.

graf con pro

Import a Dashboard

To make it easier to view metrics, you can import a pre-configured dashboard. Follow these steps:

  • Click on the + (plus) icon in the left sidebar to open the Create menu.
  • Select Dashboard.
  • Click on the Import dashboard option.
  • Enter the dashboard code you want to import (e.g., code 1860).
  • Click the Load button.
  • Select the data source you added (Prometheus) from the dropdown.
  • Click on the Import button.

You should now have a Grafana dashboard set up to visualize metrics from Prometheus.

Grafana is a powerful tool for creating visualizations and dashboards, and you can further customize it to suit your specific monitoring needs.

That's it! You've successfully installed and set up Grafana to work with Prometheus for monitoring and visualization.

Grafana dashbord af node

Configure Prometheus Plugin Integration for Jenkins

Integrate Jenkins with Prometheus to monitor the CI/CD pipeline.

  • Goto Manage Jenkins -> Plugins -> Available Plugins -> Prometheus metrics -> Install
  • Restart Jenkins
  • After that, go to Manage Jenkins -> System -> Prometheus
  • Configuration Path: Prometheus
  • Default Namespace: default
  • Collecting metrics period in seconds 120
  • Job attribute name: jenkins_job
  • Click on apply and save

Prometheus Configuration:

To configure Prometheus to scrape metrics from Jenkins, You need to modify the prometheus.yml file.

  • run this command to open prometheus.yml in nano editor.
cd /etc/prometheus/ & $ sudo nano prometheus.yml
- job_name: 'jenkins'
    metrics_path: '/prometheus'
      - targets: ['IP-Address:8080']

promet jenkins

Make sure to replace and with the appropriate values for your Jenkins setup.

Check the validity of the configuration file:

promtool check config /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml

Reload the Prometheus configuration without restarting:

curl -X POST https://localhost:9090/-/reload

prom jen 1

Import a Dashboard

To make it easier to view metrics, you can import a pre-configured dashboard. Follow these steps:

  • Click on the + (plus) icon in the left sidebar to open the Create menu.
  • Select Dashboard.
  • Click on the Import dashboard option.
  • Enter the dashboard code you want to import (e.g., code 9964).
  • Click the Load button.
  • Select the data source you added (Prometheus) from the dropdown.
  • Click on the Import button.

Grafana jenkins dashbord

Setup Email Notification through Jenkins

  • Install Email Extension Plugin in Jenkins
  • Go to your Gmail and Click on Profile
  • Then click on Manage Your Google Account -> click on the security tab on the left side panel you will get this page(provide mail password).
  • 2-step verification should be enabled.
  • Search for the app in the search bar you will get app passwords like the below image


  • Click on Generate and copy the password.

  • Once the plugin is installed in Jenkins,

  • click on manage Jenkins --> configure system there under the E-mail Notification section configure the details.

  • E-mail Notification

  • SMTP server:

  • Check Use SMTP Authentication and give your Email and password.

  • Check Use SSL

  • SMTP port: 465

  • Then, Click on Apply and Save

  • After that, Click on Manage Jenkins -> credentials and add your mail username and generated password -> ID: mail -> Description: mail. Now under the Extended E-mail Notification section configure the details.

  • SMTP server:

  • SMTP Port: 465

  • Advanced ^

    • Credentials
    • Use SSL
  • Default Content-Type: HTML

  • Triggers: Always & Failure-Any & Success

  • Now click Apply and Save

  • Go to pipeline and add this script

post {
     always {
        emailext attachLog: true,
            subject: "'${currentBuild.result}'",
            body: "Project: ${env.JOB_NAME}<br/>" +
                "Build Number: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}<br/>" +
                "URL: ${env.BUILD_URL}<br/>",
            to: '[email protected]',
            attachmentsPattern: 'trivyfs.txt,trivyimage.txt'


jenkins Email send

Create AWS EKS Cluster

  • Update packages in the Ubuntu instance
sudo apt update
  • Check kubectl version
kubectl version --client
  • Check eksctl version
eksctl version

eks install

Creating Role for EC2 instance

  • After that, Go to AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management)
  • Roles -> Create role -> AWS service -> select EC2 -> Next
  • Select AdministratorAccess -> Next
  • Role Name eksctlEC2Role -> Create Role.

Update IAM role

Now go to eksctl's installed EC2 -> Actions -> Security -> Modify IAM role -> select eksctlEC2Role -> Update IAM role

cd ..

Create an EKS cluster using eksctl command

eksctl create cluster --name youtube-cluster \
--region ap-south-1 \
--node-type t2.small \
--nodes 3 \

eks cluster command

Cluster created in AWS

Eks Cluster dashbord

  • Run this command to check running nodes
kubectl get nodes

eks nodes

Integrate Prometheus with EKS

  • Check the helm version by using this command
helm version

helm install

Installing Prometheus on the EKS cluster using helm

  • Add Helm stable chart for a local client by using this command
helm repo add stable

helm stable

  • Install Prometheus using helm chart by using this command
helm repo add prometheus-community

helm promet

  • Create a separate namespace for Prometheus using this command
kubectl create namespace prometheus

helm namespace

  • Install Prometheus by using this command
helm install stable prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n prometheus

helm pro stack

  • Check Pods for Prometheus
kubectl get pods -n prometheus

helm pro nodes

  • Check services for prometheus
kubectl get svc -n prometheus

helm service

  • These pods are not connected with the external world.
  • So that, edit Prometheus service file.
kubectl edit svc stable-kube-prometheus-sta-prometheus -n prometheus 

helm pro file edite

  • Edit the Prometheus service file
  • In type Cluster IP -> LoadBalancer
  • And Port expose to 9090
kubectl get svc -n prometheus

pro load added

  • Copy the Load Balancer URL and type in Browser.

eks prometh run

  • Goto Prometheus dashboard -> Status -> Targets

eks prometh servise

Import Grafana Monitoring dashboard for Kubernetes

  • Goto Grafana Dashboard
  • Grafana Dashboard -> Connections -> Data sources
  • + Add new data source -> Name Prometheus-EKS -> URL https://<LoadBalancer:9090-> Save

prom-EKS grafana

Import Dashboard

  • Create a Dashboard for Kubernetes pods
  • Goto Grafana -> Dashboards -> Add ID 15760 Click Load -> Data Source Prometheus-EKS -> Click Import

promth eks graf dashbord

Import Dashboard

  • Create a Dashboard for the Kubernetes EKS Cluster
  • Goto Grafana -> Dashboards -> Add ID 17119 Click Load -> Data Source Prometheus-EKS -> Click Import

k8s promth dash

  • View all Grafana Dashboards

Grafana dashbords

AWS architecture diagram: EKS Cluster

EKS cluster system dir drawio

Configure the Jenkins Pipeline for Deploy Application on AWS EKS

Install the Kubernetes plugin

  • Go to Jenkins Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> Plugins
  • Kubernetes
  • Kubernetes Client API
  • Kubernetes Credentials
  • kubernetes CLI
  • Click on Install

k8s install on Jenkins

  • Go to Terminal and run ls -a

ls -a

  • Go to .kube directory and after running cat config

cat config

  • Copy and Paste all content save in the local secret.txt file

  • Now add this secret.txt file in Jenkins

  • Go to Manage Jenkins -> credentials -> System -> Global credentials

  • New credentials

  • kind Secret file

  • upload a secret.txt file

  • ID Kubernetes Add Kubernetes steps in the pipeline.

    agent any
        jdk 'jdk17'
        nodejs 'node16'
    environment {
        SCANNER_HOME=tool 'sonar-scanner'
    stages {
        stage('clean workspace'){
        stage('Checkout from Git'){
                git branch: 'main', url: ''
        stage("Sonarqube Analysis "){
                withSonarQubeEnv('SonarQube-Server') {
                    sh ''' $SCANNER_HOME/bin/sonar-scanner -Dsonar.projectName=Youtube-CICD \
                    -Dsonar.projectKey=Youtube-CICD '''
        stage("quality gate"){
           steps {
                script {
                    waitForQualityGate abortPipeline: false, credentialsId: 'SonarQube-Token' 
        stage('Install Dependencies') {
            steps {
                sh "npm install"
        stage('TRIVY FS SCAN') {
            steps {
                sh "trivy fs . > trivyfs.txt"
        stage("Docker Build & Push"){
                   withDockerRegistry(credentialsId: 'dockerhub', toolName: 'docker'){   
                       sh "docker build --build-arg REACT_APP_RAPID_API_KEY=a578815c0fmsh92bedc0fa0c572dp1b3ea3jsnd22c4b326093 -t youtube ."
                       sh "docker tag youtube dhruvdarji123/youtube:latest "
                       sh "docker push dhruvdarji123/youtube:latest "
        stage("TRIVY Image Scan"){
                sh "trivy image dhruvdarji123/youtube:latest > trivyimage.txt" 
        stage('Deploy to Kubernets'){
                dir('Kubernetes') {
                     withKubeConfig(caCertificate: '', clusterName: '', contextName: '', credentialsId: 'kubernetes', namespace: '', restrictKubeConfigAccess: false, serverUrl: '')  {
                     sh 'kubectl delete --all pods'
                     sh 'kubectl apply -f deployment.yml'
                     sh 'kubectl apply -f service.yml'
    post {
     always {
        emailext attachLog: true,
            subject: "'${currentBuild.result}'",
            body: "Project: ${env.JOB_NAME}<br/>" +
                "Build Number: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}<br/>" +
                "URL: ${env.BUILD_URL}<br/>",
            to: '[email protected]',
            attachmentsPattern: 'trivyfs.txt,trivyimage.txt'

  • Add this pipeline script
  • Apply and Save
  • Click on Build Now

finel jenkins pipeline

Grafana dashboard for

grafana finel

final Grafane dashboard for Kubernetes Pods

grafana fi

  • Run this command
kubectl get svc
  • Now copy the LoadBalancer URL and paste in a Web browser

get svc finel

Now enjoy your video streaming application

finel output

finel output 1

Clean-Up Environment

  • This command will delete all the pods in the Prometheus namespace
kubectl delete --all pods -n prometheus
  • This Command will delete Prometheusnamespace .
kubectl delete namespace prometheus
  • This command will show all the deployments, pods & services in the default namespace
kubectl get all
  • Delete deployment in your Kubernetes cluster
kubectl delete deployment.apps/youtube-cluster
  • Delete service for your deployment of Kubernetes cluster
kubectl delete service/youtube-service
  • This command will delete your EKS cluster
eksctl delete cluster youtube-cluster --region ap-south-1


eksctl delete cluster --region=ap-south-1 --name=youtube-cluster  

Second way

Go to AWS CloudFormation

  • Select Stacks and Delete that

Destroy terraform infrastructure as

  • Goto jenkins_terraform directory and run this terraform destroy command.

terraform destroy or terraform destroy -auto-approve

  • Goto monitoring-server directory and run this terraform destroy command.

terraform destroy or terraform destroy -auto-approve


Optimize your video streaming app with our CI/CD DevSecOps project. Streamline development with continuous integration, deploy effortlessly, and fortify security seamlessly. Elevate user experience with rapid updates and robust protection.







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