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iOS Rules for Bazel


rules_ios is community developed Bazel rules that enable you to do iOS development with Bazel end to end.

It seamlessly Bazel builds iOS applications originally written under Xcode with minimal-to-no code changes. It often re-uses ideas and code from rules_swift and rules_apple and it isn't tied to untested or unused features. It generates Xcode projects that just work and makes using Apple Silicon with Bazel a breeze.

Learn more at

Looking for the CocoaPods/Carthage rules? See this section.

Reference documentation

Click here for the documentation.

Supported Bazel versions

rules_ios depends on rules_apple and rules_swift which are often affected by changes in Bazel itself. This means you generally need to update these rules and rules_ios as you update Bazel.

See the following table for supported release versions.

Bazel release Minimum supported rules version Final supported rules version
7.* 4.4.0 current
6.* 2.0.0 current
5.* 1.0.0 3.2.2
4.* 1.0.0 1.0.0

Supported rules_apple versions

rules_ios depends on rules_apple, we attempt to maintain compatibility with most versions of rules_apple until it becomes too difficult to do so.

See the following table for supported rules_apple release versions.

rules_apple release Minimum supported rules version Final supported rules version
3.5.1 4.3.1 current
3.* 3.* 4.2.1
2.* 2.* 3.2.2
1.* 1.0.0 3.2.2

Getting started

Bzlmod setup

Add the Bazel module to your MODULE.bazel file: See the latest release for an up-to-date snippet!

bazel_dep(name = "rules_ios", version = "x.x.x", repo_name = "build_bazel_rules_ios")


Add the following lines to your WORKSPACE file. See the latest release for an up-to-date snippet!

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

# See
    name = "build_bazel_rules_ios",
    sha256 = "4faa33a671f615500d3ec0d04d89e390103bcc1abb5e973c8fb1c2510af85985",
    url = "",











rules_ios pulls a vetted sha of rules_apple and rules_swift - you can find the versions in repositories.bzl.

iOS applications

rules_ios supports all the primitives like apps, extensions, app clips, and widgets

For example, create an iOS app like so:

load("@build_bazel_rules_ios//rules:app.bzl", "ios_application")

    name = "iOS-App",
    srcs = glob(["*.swift"]),
    bundle_id = "com.example.ios-app",
    minimum_os_version = "12.0",
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

Xcode project generation

See rules_xcodeproj.


Static frameworks with Xcode semantics - easily port existing apps to Bazel

# Builds a static framework
    name = "Static",
    srcs = glob(["static/*.swift"]),
    bundle_id = "com.example.b",
    data = ["Static.txt"],
    infoplists = ["Info.plist"],
    platforms = {"ios": "12.0"},
    deps = ["//tests/ios/frameworks/dynamic/c"],

Dynamic iOS frameworks

rules_ios builds frameworks as static or dynamic - just flip link_dynamic

    name = "Dynamic",
    srcs = glob(["dynamic/*.swift"]),
    bundle_id = "com.example.a",
    infoplists = ["Info.plist"],
    link_dynamic = True,
    platforms = {"ios": "12.0"},
    deps = [":Static"],

Testing - UI / Unit

Easily test iOS applications with Bazel - ui and unit testing rules

load("//rules:test.bzl", "ios_unit_test")

    name = "Unhosted",
    srcs = ["some.swift"],
    minimum_os_version = "12.0",
    deps = [":Dynamic"]

Apple Silicon ready

  • Automatically run legacy deps on Apple Silicon - it just works by running arm64-to-sim and more.
  • Testing mechanisms to easily test in ephemeral VMs


See the tests directory for tested use cases.

Special notes about debugging xcode projects

Debugging does not work in sandbox mode, due to issue #108. The workaround for now is to disable sandboxing in the .bazelrc file.

Bazel version required by current rules is here

Xcode 13 and above supported, to find the last SHA with support for older versions see the list of git tags.

CocoaPods and Carthage

The existing CocoaPods and Carthage rules have been removed for maintenance reasons, instead use these other solutions:


For information on contributing / maintaining this repository see: