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🍱 fsspec interface for Weights & Biases (wandb)

Quoting Weights and Biases (wandb), "Weights & Biases is the machine learning platform for developers to build better models faster. Use W&B's lightweight, interoperable tools to quickly track experiments, version and iterate on datasets, evaluate model performance, reproduce models, visualize results and spot regressions, and share findings with colleagues.". Reference at

So you may be thinking, what does wandb have to do with anything close to a File System? Well, it's not but it actually provides a way to upload/download files and store them in a remote, which makes it somehow a File System. Also, wandb provides an API that lets you interact with that "File System", so this is why wandbfsspec makes sense, in order to ease that interface between wandb's File System and anyone willing to use it.

Besides the W&B File System, also an Artifact Store is provided, so that wandbfsspec supports both "file-systems", as for the Artifact Store also an API is provided so as to easily interact with the artifacts uploaded to W&B.

The wandbfsspec implementation is based on

🚸 Usage

Here's an example on how to locate and open a file from the File System:

>>> from wandbfsspec.spec import WandbFileSystem
>>> fs = WandbFileSystem(api_key="YOUR_API_KEY")
['alvarobartt/wandbfsspec-tests/3s6km7mp/config.yaml', 'alvarobartt/wandbfsspec-tests/3s6km7mp/file.yaml', 'alvarobartt/wandbfsspec-tests/3s6km7mp/files', 'alvarobartt/wandbfsspec-tests/3s6km7mp/output.log', 'alvarobartt/wandbfsspec-tests/3s6km7mp/requirements.txt', 'alvarobartt/wandbfsspec-tests/3s6km7mp/wandb-metadata.json', 'alvarobartt/wandbfsspec-tests/3s6km7mp/wandb-summary.json']
>>> with"alvarobartt/wandbfsspec-tests/3s6km7mp/file.yaml", "rb") as f:
...     print(
b'some: data\nfor: testing'

Which is similar to how to locate and open a file from the Artifact Storage (just changing the class and the path):

>>> from wandbfsspec.spec import WandbArtifactStore
>>> fs = WandbArtifactStore(api_key="YOUR_API_KEY")
>>> with"wandb/yolo-chess/model/run_1dnrszzr_model/v8/", "rb") as f:
...     print(

📌 Note that it can also be done through fsspec as long as wandbfsspec is installed:

>>> import fsspec
>>> fs = fsspec.filesystem("wandbfs") # OR fs = fsspec.filesystem("wandbas")
['alvarobartt/wandbfsspec-tests/3s6km7mp/config.yaml', 'alvarobartt/wandbfsspec-tests/3s6km7mp/file.yaml', 'alvarobartt/wandbfsspec-tests/3s6km7mp/files', 'alvarobartt/wandbfsspec-tests/3s6km7mp/output.log', 'alvarobartt/wandbfsspec-tests/3s6km7mp/requirements.txt', 'alvarobartt/wandbfsspec-tests/3s6km7mp/wandb-metadata.json', 'alvarobartt/wandbfsspec-tests/3s6km7mp/wandb-summary.json']
>>> with"alvarobartt/wandbfsspec-tests/3s6km7mp/file.yaml", "rb") as f:
...     print(
b'some: data\nfor: testing'

📝 Documentation

Coming soon... (

🧪 How to test it

In order to test it, you should first set the following environment variables so as to use wandb as a file system for the tests.


Both entity and project values can be found in your account, as the entity name is your account name, and the project name can either be already created or you can just specify it and it'll be created during pytest init. Then, regarding the API Key, you just need to go to, scroll down to Danger Zone -> API Keys, and copy your personal API Key from there.

⚠️ Make sure that you don't publish your API Key anywhere, that's why we're defining it as an environment value, so as to avoid potential issues on commiting code with the actual API Key value.

Then, in order to actually run the tests you can either run:

  • poetry run pytest
  • poetry run make tests

Or, if you're not using poetry, you can just run both those commands without it.