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Quic Pluggable Transport

This is an experimental Pluggable Transport (PT) to experiment with the Quic protocol and Tor.

Building quic-client

To build the quic-client:

$ git clone
$ cd quic-pt/src/quic-client
$ go get
$ go build

You can now copy the src/quic-client/quic-client binary to a location of your choice.

Client Configuration

To configure a tor client to use the Quic Pluggable Transport you should set the following options in your torrc:

UseBridges 1
Bridge quic <Server IP>:<Server Port>

ClientTransportPlugin quic exec path/to/quic-client -log-file path/to/quic-client.log -certificate-pin <certificate fingerprint> -public-key-pin <public key fingerprint>

See below on how to find the public key and certificate fingerprint values. These values should be published by the server operator.

Building quic-server

To build the quic-server:

$ git clone
$ cd quic-pt/src/quic-server
$ go get
$ go build

You can now copy the src/quic-server/quic-server binary to a location of your choice.

Server Configuration

To configure a tor bridge to support the Quic Pluggable Transport you should set the following options in your torrc:

BridgeRelay 1
ORPort 9001
ExtORPort 9002

ServerTransportPlugin quic exec path/to/quic-server -log-file path/to/quic-server.log -certificate cert.pem -key key.pem
ServerTransportListenAddr quic <IP>:<Port>

It is important that you publish the SHA2-256 public key and certificate fingerprints for clients to pin in their torrc. A client cannot connect to your bridge unless at least one of the two values are passed to their quic-client program as a command line argument.

To find the public key fingerprint use:

$ openssl x509 -in key.pem -fingerprint -sha256 -noout | tr A-Z a-z | tr -d :
sha256 fingerprint=b111f42b37ada7627f610c63ac329118da2963cdc528e712e87da29a35988bb6

To find the certificate fingerprint use:

$ openssl x509 -in cert.pem -pubkey -noout | openssl pkey -pubin -outform der | openssl dgst -sha256 -c | tr A-Z a-z | tr -d :
(stdin)= ca72f32243c65f1b39b3986d9a1a1efb27245dc11b27355e3c371743a5335ec3
