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RonanCraft edited this page Jan 1, 2024 · 20 revisions

The BetterRTP API is a fairly powerful tool when it comes to changing and listening to RTP events.

Getting Started

⚠️ Remember to add BetterRTP to your plugin.yml -> softdepend.

BetterRTP can be installed using the online repository. Use the drop down boxes below for the configuration you need.

Maven Setup
    <name>Ronan Plugins</name>
    <version>(current version)</version>

repositories {
    maven {url ""}
dependencies {
    implementation "com.ronanplugins:BetterRTP:3.6.2"

Manual Setup

Installing via Maven using Maven Helper in IntelliJ using a New Goal:
install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-BetterRTP-jar> -DgroupId=me.SuperRonanCraft -DartifactId=BetterRTP -Dversion=3.2.3 -Dpackaging=jar


Events are implemented right into the Bukkit API. Just use a Listener class and @EventHandler to listen to these events.

Event Cancellable Description
RTP_CancelledEvent No(lol) Called when an rtp is cancelled due to a player moving while under a delay
RTP_CommandEvent Yes Called every time a player executes /rtp ...
RTP_CommandEvent_After No Called after a successfully executed command
RTP_FindLocationEvent Yes Called every time a new location find request is called
RTP_SettingUpEvent Yes Called when an rtp is being setup to find a location
RTP_TeleportEvent No Called right when a safe location is found and about to teleport a player
RTP_TeleportPostEvent No Called after a random teleport
RTP_TeleportPreEvent Yes Called before a random teleport
RTP_FailedEvent No Called when max teleport attempts reached


With BetterRTP, you are able to extend the command library by registering your own sub command. Lets for example try to add link into the list of commands, creating /rtp link.
This can be used by implementing RTPCommand

import me.SuperRonanCraft.BetterRTP.player.commands.RTPCommand;

public class LinkCommand implements RTPCommand {

    public String getName() {
        return "link";

    public void execute(CommandSender sendi, String label, String[] args) {
        sendi.sendMessage("Link Command!");

If you would like add a help message when someone executes /rtp help, have the class also implement RTPCommandHelpable

import me.SuperRonanCraft.BetterRTP.player.commands.RTPCommand;
import me.SuperRonanCraft.BetterRTP.player.commands.RTPCommandHelpable;

public class LinkCommand implements RTPCommand, RTPCommandHelpable {

    public String getName() {
        return "link";

    public String getHelp() {
        return " - &6/%command% link &8| &7Help with linking!";

Registering Commands

Now that we know how to create a command, we need to load the command into BetterRTP.
We can achieve this by running the method load() in the following.

import me.SuperRonanCraft.BetterRTP.BetterRTP;

public class AddonCommands {

    private final LinkCommand cmd = new LinkCommand();

    public load() {
        HelperRTP_Command.registerCommand(cmd, false);

Tip: The register method's boolean is to force the plugin to load the command if the command is only enabled when debug mode is enabled.

Reload Listener

Adding commands are nice, but one pet peeve is that the command gets unloaded everytime someone executes /rtp reload. So we will need a reload listener and register our commands every time this happens. Which can be detected using the RTP_CommandEvent event. Example:

import me.SuperRonanCraft.BetterRTP.player.commands.types.CmdReload;
import me.SuperRonanCraft.BetterRTP.references.customEvents.RTP_CommandEvent;

public class ReloadListener implements Listener {

    public ReloadListener(Plugin pl) {
        Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, pl);

    void reload(RTP_CommandEvent e) {
        if (e.getCmd() instanceof CmdReload)

RTP a Player

Want to just RTP a player on your own means? Maybe you want to have you own alias command plugin, or have custom events to rtp a player.
Just call the following method:
Simple Teleport, sendi, world, biomes, RTP_TYPE.ADDON);

Customized Teleport

RTPSetupInformation setup_info = new RTPSetupInformation(player.getWorld().getName(), command_sender, player, personalized, null, true, RTP_TYPE.ADDON, null);

Tip#1: Player and Command_Sender can be the same, these are just used to send messages, just like what /rtp player <player> does.
Tip#2: You can provide a String list of biomes to this method, as well as to ignore delays for the player so they cannot perform /rtp right after. This method does not check permissions, so make your own permission checks before hand.
Tip#3: RTP Setup Information is a class now needed for API version 3.0.6+, this class holds data for rtp'ing, you can use this class as well to change data before calling the start method!

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