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Web app to save Reward&Slash data in csv file using Dash and Subscan API


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Web app version of dlSubscanStakingRewardsHistory created using Dash and Plotly

Table of Contents


Save data in the following formats as csv files using Dash, Ploly, and Subscan API.

  • Reward&Slash transaction history (Download all data)
  • Cryptact custom files (Staking rewards)
  • 2-dimensional graphical display of cumulative staking reward values and dates

Supported tokens and Subscan API information

StakingRewards is obtained by specifying the following Request URL for each token according to the API Endpoint specification.

Token API Request URL module_id event_id
DOT V2 API reward-slash-v2 Staking Reward
KSM V2 API reward-slash-v2 Staking Reward
ASTR Staking API reward-slash dappsstaking Reward
MANTA Staking API reward-slash parachainstaking Reward


  • While I have confirmed that I can verify incoming data for a particular account, I don't guarantee that you will necessarily get the expected data.
  • Please note that I'm not responsible for any and all damages incurred by executing or referring to this code.
  • The specifications of Subscan and the data format of Cryptact may change, so please check the latest information.
  • When using the application, please set SubscanAPI Key information from the settings screen described below.
  • Transaction history depends on the transaction status. Please be sure to confirm that the data acquired is the desired data and that there are no errors by referring to the transaction data.
  • Only Polkadot, Kusama, Astar and Manta are supported Networks.
    If other networks are specified, the data cannot be acquired correctly and an error will result. (reference:API Endpoints)


The Reward&Slash data displayed in the following demo uses address listed in Docs as of January 5, 2023.

Obtain Staking&Rewards History


Download Staking&Rewards History(CSV)



  • The assumption is that the response data is different from the Value displayed on Subscan Exploler.
  • Not all accounts are applicable, but Value is displayed with the number of digits of the value adjusted.
  • In this code, the data is adjusted to Reward&Slash's transaction history (Download all data) by setting the section information in "config.toml", so please compare the data with it when checking.


1. environment building

For Docker

A container based on the service specified in docker-compose.yaml (the app service) is built, started, and the application is executed.

  1. Get project

    git clone
  2. Container construction and startup

    docker compose up -d --build
    # Affer build
    docker-compose stop
    docker-compose start


    docker run --rm -p 8050:8050 dlsubscanstakingrewardshistorydash-app poetry run python app

For Local (Linux/Mac/Windows)


If you use a development environment that supports static analysis tools, see [Optional] Development environment.

  1. Get project

    git clone
  2. Setup of virtual environment

    Run the poetry command.

    poetry install --no-dev
  • If the package DL fails after installation, there may be a problem with the development environment.

  • See Switching between environments.

  • Please run poetry env info to check your development environment.

  • If your python version is not 3.10 or higher, please run poetry env use python3.10 to recreate your development environment.

    Or create a virtual environment with venv, pyenv, etc. and run the following command.

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Development Environment

The following static analysis tools are supported in the development environment

  • isort: Automatic organization of import statements
  • black: Code formatter for Python (PEP8 compliant)
  • flake8: Grammar checking
  • ruff: An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.
  • mypy: Type checking with type annotations
  • pytest: A framework for writing unit tests created for Python.
  1. To create a development environment, do the following

    poetry install
  2. How to use the static analysis tool (commands)

    poetry run task isort
    poetry run task black
    poetry run task flake8
    poetry run task mypy
    poetry run task ruffch
    poetry run task rufffix
    poetry run pytest -s -vv --cov=. --cov-branch --cov-report=html

2. Subscan API Settings

  • Set the section marked "(User-defined required)" in app/config.toml before starting the application.
  • Be sure to set the API key, address, decimal point adjustment value, and round decimals value.
  • The API key and address can be changed even after the application is launched.
  • Each setting value will be displayed in conjunction with the token information set on the page from which you first accessed the URL. (See below for "Application Operations").
  • Please note that if the values are changed, the system will not operate normally.


  • The API key is used in the HTTP Request Header information (X-API-Key), but the value can be obtained even if not specified.
  • However, the Response data depends on Rate Limiting.
  • Specifying a large value for the number of requests may result in 429 Too Many Requests and may not work correctly.
  • Please obtain an API key when using this service.

3. Application Execution

  1. Execute the program in a virtual environment

    poetry run python app
  2. Application Launch

    Please access the URL displayed.

    Dash is running on http:
     * Serving Flask app 'main'
     * Debug mode: on

4. Application Operations


  • The layout is composed of a tree of "components" such as html.Div and dcc.Input.
  • See official documentation for details.
  • The following Reward&Slash data uses the address listed in Docs.

1. Usage Button

  • Press the button to access this

2. Subscan Button

  • Press the button to access Suscan Explorer on your address.

3. Donate Button

  • Press the button to access this Donate Info.

4. Set API Key

  • Enter the API Key and press the Set button to save the API Key in app/config.toml.

5. History Type Selection

  • Select Reward&Slash or CryptactCustom.
  • Reward&Slash is selected by default.

6. Token Type Selection

  • Select one of DOT, KSM, ASTR, MANTA.
  • DOT is selected by default.

7. Staking Type Selection

  • Select Nominator or NominationPool.
  • Nominator is selected by default.


NominationPool supports only DOT and KSM.

8. Sort Type Selection

  • Select Ascending or Descending.
  • Ascending is selected by default.

9. Account Address Input

  • Please enter your account.
  • If it is not a legitimate account, a response error will result.
  • The address is linked to Token (radio button).
  • It is automatically entered by defining the address_{tokken name} key in the [subscan_api_info] selection in app/config.toml.
  • Enter the address and press the Set button to save the address in app/config.toml.

10. Input Number

  • Enter the number to retrieve.
  • The default setting is in the range of 0 to 5000.
  • If the range is exceeded, no input is allowed.
  • If you want to get more than 5000 entries, change the component_property(max) defined in the Input tag for id='input_num'.
  • The default is 50 entered.

11. Submit Button

  • Clicking the Submit button will send a POST request based on the information entered in the Type, Token, Sort, and Account Address fields to retrieve the history.

12. Response Data Info

  • Response data (API Endpoint, HTTP Status Code, Data Num) is displayed when the Submit button is triggered.
  • Data Num represents the number of cases retrieved, and if not met in Input, the maximum number of cases that can be retrieved is displayed.
  • If there is a problem with the response data during response processing, an error dialog appears and Response Data Info displays Error.
  • Default is "No Response Data" is displayed.

13. Table

  • Displays response data in table format (dash_table.DataTable).
  • Select Table Data displays information about the selected cells. By default, "No Data Selection" is displayed.
  • The table displays 20 response data per page.
  • If the number of entries exceeds 20, they will be displayed on multiple pages.
  • Pressing the CSV Download button saves the response data in csv format.
  • Changing pages deselects cells and changes "Response Data Info" and "Select Table Data" to default values.

14. Error handling

  • If there is a problem with the response data during response processing, an error dialog will appear; pressing the OK button will close the error dialog and access the Subscan API Documents page. If the Cancel button is pressed, the document page is not accessed and the error dialog is closed.
  • When the error dialog is closed, "Response Data Info" will show Error and Select Table Data will change to the default value.

Other Information

Cryptact Custom File

Data is created according to the specifications in "Custom File for any other trades".

  • The data for the Cryptact custom file consists of a header and line data. The headers are stored in [cryptact_info] in app/config.toml. Cryptact_custom_header value (list type) in app/config.toml.
  • Row data is created from a list of variable values (block_timestamp,amount,event_index) and fixed values ([cryptact_info]).
  • block_timestamp is converted to local time with fromtimestamp() because it is UNIX time as it is.
  • Date and time information is converted to string by specifying the format to match the Cryptact specification.


This project was created as a personal hobby, but if you find this project useful, I hope you will consider making a donation to the address below. Your donation will motivate the continued development of this project.









Even a small contribution would be greatly appreciated. With heartfelt gratitude, I thank you.


Donations are not for profit but are intended to support the ongoing development and improvement of the project. There are no perks or services offered in exchange for donations.