Send and receive MMS with ease
Send and receive images & long texts as easily as with SMS. Built-in support for receiving GPS location markers.
No-fuss signup
Signup up and start testing without dealing with contracts, sales reps or MRCs. We’re here to talk when you’re ready to scale.
Transparent pricing
Pay only for what you use with no startup fees and no minimum monthly costs. Invoicing and volume discounts available for businesses.
Works in all projects
Swift, Rust, JavaScript, C++ — you can use the 46elks API no matter what language your codebase is written in.
High throughput
Send up to 100 MMS per minute by default. Higher throughput available upon request.
Flat price per message
One single flat rate no matter how large your messages are. Payloads up to 320KB supported by default.
Automatic encoding
Give us your JPEGs and PNGs and we'll make sure they're encoded correctly for the carrier networks.
MMS-enabled numbers
MMS-enabled virtual phone numbers let you forward MMS directly to your back end via a webhook.
Instead of SMS
MMS allows for up 320,000 characters in a single message, instead of many small SMS.
Turn off logging
Ensure compliance with privacy laws by requesting data not be permanently stored on our servers.
Get in touch
If you’re wondering how you can use 46elks for a project,
don’t hesitate to contact us.