Name | Type | Nodes | Edges | Description |
ego-Facebook | Undirected | 4,039 | 88,234 | Social circles from Facebook (anonymized) |
ego-Gplus | Directed | 107,614 | 13,673,453 | Social circles from Google+ |
ego-Twitter | Directed | 81,306 | 1,768,149 | Social circles from Twitter |
soc-Epinions1 | Directed | 75,879 | 508,837 | Who-trusts-whom network of |
soc-LiveJournal1 | Directed | 4,847,571 | 68,993,773 | LiveJournal online social network |
soc-Pokec | Directed | 1,632,803 | 30,622,564 | Pokec online social network |
soc-Slashdot0811 | Directed | 77,360 | 905,468 | Slashdot social network from November 2008 |
soc-Slashdot0922 | Directed | 82,168 | 948,464 | Slashdot social network from February 2009 |
wiki-Vote | Directed | 7,115 | 103,689 | Wikipedia who-votes-on-whom network |
wiki-RfA | Directed, Signed | 10,835 | 159,388 | Wikipedia Requests for Adminship (with text) |
gemsec-Deezer | Undirected | 143,884 | 846,915 | Gemsec Deezer dataset |
gemsec-Facebook | Undirected | 134,833 | 1,380,293 | Gemsec Facebook dataset |
soc-RedditHyperlinks | Directed, Signed, Temporal, Attributed | 55,863 | 858,490 | Hyperlinks between subreddits on Reddit |
soc-sign-bitcoin-otc | Weighted, Signed, Directed, Temporal | 5,881 | 35,592 | Bitcoin OTC web of trust network |
soc-sign-bitcoin-alpha | Weighted, Signed, Directed, Temporal | 3,783 | 24,186 | Bitcoin Alpha web of trust network |
comm-f2f-Resistance | Weighted, Directed, Temporal | 451 | 3,126,993 | Dynamic face-to-face interaction network between group of people |
musae-twitch | Undirected | 34,118 | 429,113 | Social networks of Twitch users. |
musae-facebook | Undirected | 22,470 | 171,002 | Facebook page-page network with page names. |
act-mooc | Bipartite, Directed, Attributed, Temporal | 7,143 | 411,749 | Student actions on a MOOC platform, with student drop-out binary labels. |
musae-github | Undirected | 37,700 | 289,003 | Social network of Github developers. |
feather-deezer-social | Undirected | 28,281 | 92,752 | Social network of Deezer users from Europe. |
feather-lastfm-social | Undirected | 7,624 | 27,806 | Social network of LastFM users from Asia. |
twitch-gamers | Undirected | 168,114 | 6,797,557 | Social network of Twitch users. |
congress-Twitter | Directed | 475 | 13,289 | Twitter interaction network for the US Congress |
Name | Type | Nodes | Edges | Communities | Description |
com-LiveJournal | Undirected, Communities | 3,997,962 | 34,681,189 | 287,512 | LiveJournal online social network |
com-Friendster | Undirected, Communities | 65,608,366 | 1,806,067,135 | 957,154 | Friendster online social network |
com-Orkut | Undirected, Communities | 3,072,441 | 117,185,083 | 6,288,363 | Orkut online social network |
com-Youtube | Undirected, Communities | 1,134,890 | 2,987,624 | 8,385 | Youtube online social network |
com-DBLP | Undirected, Communities | 317,080 | 1,049,866 | 13,477 | DBLP collaboration network |
com-Amazon | Undirected, Communities | 334,863 | 925,872 | 75,149 | Amazon product network |
email-Eu-core | Directed, Communities | 1,005 | 25,571 | 42 | E-mail network |
wiki-topcats | Directed, Communities | 1,791,489 | 28,511,807 | 17,364 | Wikipedia hyperlinks |
cisco-secure-workload | Directed, Communities, Attributed | between 86 and 278,739 | between 155 and 2,158,346 | 10 and 23 | 22 graphs of communications between computers, 2 have ground truth groupings |
Name | Type | Nodes | Edges | Description |
email-EuAll | Directed | 265,214 | 420,045 | Email network from a EU research institution |
email-Enron | Undirected | 36,692 | 183,831 | Email communication network from Enron |
wiki-Talk | Directed | 2,394,385 | 5,021,410 | Wikipedia talk (communication) network |
comm-f2f-Resistance | Weighted, Directed, Temporal | 451 | 3,126,993 | Dynamic face-to-face interaction network between group of people |
Name | Type | Nodes | Edges | Description |
cit-HepPh | Directed, Temporal, Labeled | 34,546 | 421,578 | Arxiv High Energy Physics paper citation network |
cit-HepTh | Directed, Temporal, Labeled | 27,770 | 352,807 | Arxiv High Energy Physics paper citation network |
cit-Patents | Directed, Temporal, Labeled | 3,774,768 | 16,518,948 | Citation network among US Patents |
Name | Type | Nodes | Edges | Description |
ca-AstroPh | Undirected | 18,772 | 198,110 | Collaboration network of Arxiv Astro Physics |
ca-CondMat | Undirected | 23,133 | 93,497 | Collaboration network of Arxiv Condensed Matter |
ca-GrQc | Undirected | 5,242 | 14,496 | Collaboration network of Arxiv General Relativity |
ca-HepPh | Undirected | 12,008 | 118,521 | Collaboration network of Arxiv High Energy Physics |
ca-HepTh | Undirected | 9,877 | 25,998 | Collaboration network of Arxiv High Energy Physics Theory |
Name | Type | Nodes | Edges | Description |
web-BerkStan | Directed | 685,230 | 7,600,595 | Web graph of Berkeley and Stanford |
web-Google | Directed | 875,713 | 5,105,039 | Web graph from Google |
web-NotreDame | Directed | 325,729 | 1,497,134 | Web graph of Notre Dame |
web-Stanford | Directed | 281,903 | 2,312,497 | Web graph of |
Name | Type | Nodes | Edges | Description |
amazon0302 | Directed | 262,111 | 1,234,877 | Amazon product co-purchasing network from March 2 2003 |
amazon0312 | Directed | 400,727 | 3,200,440 | Amazon product co-purchasing network from March 12 2003 |
amazon0505 | Directed | 410,236 | 3,356,824 | Amazon product co-purchasing network from May 5 2003 |
amazon0601 | Directed | 403,394 | 3,387,388 | Amazon product co-purchasing network from June 1 2003 |
amazon-meta | Metadata | 548,552 | 1,788,725 | Amazon product metadata: product info and all reviews on around 548,552 products. |
Name | Type | Nodes | Edges | Description |
p2p-Gnutella04 | Directed | 10,876 | 39,994 | Gnutella peer to peer network from August 4 2002 |
p2p-Gnutella05 | Directed | 8,846 | 31,839 | Gnutella peer to peer network from August 5 2002 |
p2p-Gnutella06 | Directed | 8,717 | 31,525 | Gnutella peer to peer network from August 6 2002 |
p2p-Gnutella08 | Directed | 6,301 | 20,777 | Gnutella peer to peer network from August 8 2002 |
p2p-Gnutella09 | Directed | 8,114 | 26,013 | Gnutella peer to peer network from August 9 2002 |
p2p-Gnutella24 | Directed | 26,518 | 65,369 | Gnutella peer to peer network from August 24 2002 |
p2p-Gnutella25 | Directed | 22,687 | 54,705 | Gnutella peer to peer network from August 25 2002 |
p2p-Gnutella30 | Directed | 36,682 | 88,328 | Gnutella peer to peer network from August 30 2002 |
p2p-Gnutella31 | Directed | 62,586 | 147,892 | Gnutella peer to peer network from August 31 2002 |
Name | Type | Nodes | Edges | Description |
roadNet-CA | Undirected | 1,965,206 | 2,766,607 | Road network of California |
roadNet-PA | Undirected | 1,088,092 | 1,541,898 | Road network of Pennsylvania |
roadNet-TX | Undirected | 1,379,917 | 1,921,660 | Road network of Texas |
Name | Type | Nodes | Edges | Description |
as-733 (733 graphs) |
Undirected | 103-6,474 | 243-13,233 | 733 daily instances(graphs) from November 8 1997 to January 2 2000 |
as-Skitter | Undirected | 1,696,415 | 11,095,298 | Internet topology graph, from traceroutes run daily in 2005 |
as-Caida (122 graphs) |
Directed | 8,020-26,475 | 36,406-106,762 | The CAIDA AS Relationships Datasets, from January 2004 to November 2007 |
Oregon-1 (9 graphs) |
Undirected | 10,670-11,174 | 22,002-23,409 | AS peering information inferred from Oregon route-views between March 31 and May 26 2001 |
Oregon-2 (9 graphs) |
Undirected | 10,900-11,461 | 31,180-32,730 | AS peering information inferred from Oregon route-views between March 31 and May 26 2001 |
Name | Type | Nodes | Edges | Description |
soc-RedditHyperlinks | Directed, Signed, Temporal, Attributed | 55,863 | 858,490 | Hyperlinks between subreddits on Reddit |
soc-sign-bitcoin-otc | Weighted, Signed, Directed, Temporal | 5,881 | 35,592 | Bitcoin OTC web of trust network |
soc-sign-bitcoin-alpha | Weighted, Signed, Directed, Temporal | 3,783 | 24,186 | Bitcoin Alpha web of trust network |
soc-sign-epinions | Directed | 131,828 | 841,372 | Epinions signed social network |
wiki-Elec | Directed, Bipartite | ~7,000 | ~100,000 | Wikipedia adminship election data |
wiki-RfA | Directed, Signed | 10,835 | 159,388 | Wikipedia Requests for Adminship (with text) |
soc-sign-Slashdot081106 | Directed | 77,357 | 516,575 | Slashdot Zoo signed social network from November 6 2008 |
soc-sign-Slashdot090216 | Directed | 81,871 | 545,671 | Slashdot Zoo signed social network from February 16 2009 |
soc-sign-Slashdot090221 | Directed | 82,144 | 549,202 | Slashdot Zoo signed social network from February 21 2009 |
Name | Type | Nodes | Edges | Description |
loc-Gowalla | Undirected, Geo-Location | 196,591 | 950,327 | Gowalla location based online social network |
loc-Brightkite | Unirected, Geo-Location | 58,228 | 214,078 | Brightkite location based online social network |
Name | Type | Nodes | Edges | Description |
wikispeedia | Navigation paths | 4,604 | 119,882 | Navigation paths on the Wikipedia hyperlink network, collected by the human-computation game Wikispeedia |
wiki-Vote | Directed | 7,115 | 103,689 | Wikipedia who-votes-on-whom network |
wiki-Talk | Directed | 2,394,385 | 5,021,410 | Wikipedia talk (communication) network |
wiki-Elec | Bipartite | ~7,000 | ~100,000 | Wikipedia adminship election data |
wiki-RfA | Directed, Signed | 10,835 | 159,388 | Wikipedia Requests for Adminship (with text) |
wiki-meta | Edits | 2.3M users, 3.5M pages |
250M edits | Complete Wikipedia edit history (who edited what page) |
wiki-hoaxes | Wiki markup | 64 | Public Wikipedia hoaxes | |
musae-wiki | undirected | 19,109 | 400,832 | Wikipedia page network with traffic information. |
Name | Type | Nodes | Temporal Edges | Static Edges | Description |
soc-RedditHyperlinks | Directed, Signed, Temporal, Attributed | 55,863 | 858,490 | 858,490 | Hyperlinks between subreddits on Reddit |
sx-stackoverflow | Directed, Temporal | 2,601,977 | 63,497,050 | 36,233,450 | Comments, questions, and answers on Stack Overflow |
sx-mathoverflow | Directed, Temporal | 24,818 | 506,550 | 239,978 | Comments, questions, and answers on Math Overflow |
sx-superuser | Directed, Temporal | 194,085 | 1,443,339 | 924,886 | Comments, questions, and answers on Super User |
sx-askubuntu | Directed, Temporal | 159,316 | 964,437 | 596,933 | Comments, questions, and answers on Ask Ubuntu |
wiki-talk-temporal | Directed, Temporal | 1,140,149 | 7,833,140 | 3,309,592 | Users editing talk pages on Wikipedia |
email-Eu-core-temporal | Directed, Temporal | 986 | 332,334 | 24,929 | E-mails between users at a research institution |
CollegeMsg | Directed, Temporal | 1,899 | 20,296 | 59,835 | Messages on a Facebook-like platform at UC-Irvine |
soc-sign-bitcoin-otc | Weighted, Signed, Directed, Temporal | 5,881 | 35,592 | Bitcoin OTC web of trust network | |
soc-sign-bitcoin-alpha | Weighted, Signed, Directed, Temporal | 3,783 | 24,186 | Bitcoin Alpha web of trust network | |
act-mooc | Bipartite, Directed, Attributed, Temporal | 7,143 | 411,749 | Student actions on a MOOC platform, with student drop-out binary labels. | |
comm-f2f-Resistance | Weighted, Directed, Temporal | 451 | 3,126,993 | Dynamic face-to-face interaction network between group of people |
Name | Type | Nodes | Edges/Actions | Description |
act-mooc | Bipartite, Directed, Attributed, Temporal | 7,143 | 411,749 | Student actions on a MOOC platform, with student drop-out binary labels. |
Name | Type | Nodes | Edges | Description |
twitter7 | Tweets | 17,069,982 users | 476,553,560 tweets | A collection of 476 million tweets collected between June-Dec 2009 |
memetracker9 | Memes | 96 million | 418 million links | Memetracker phrases and hyperlinks between 96 million blog posts from Aug 2008 to Apr 2009 |
ksc-time-series | Time Series |
2,000 | Time series of volume of 1,000 most popular Memetracker phrases and 1,000 most popular Twitter hashtags | |
higgs-twitter | Tweets | 456,631 | 14,855,875 | Spreading processes of the announcement of the discovery of a new particle with the features of the Higgs boson on 4th July 2012. |
Name | Type | Number of items | Description |
soc-RedditHyperlinks | Subreddit hyperlinks | 858,490 links between 55,863 subreddits | Hyperlinks between subreddits on Reddit |
web-RedditEmbeddings | Reddit Embeddings | 118,381 users and 51,278 subreddits | Embeddings of users and subreddits |
web-RedditPizzaRequests | Reddit requests | 5,671 submissions | Textual requests for pizza with outcome labels |
web-Reddit | Reddit submissions | 132,308 submissions | Resubmitted content on |
web-flickr | Images | 2,316,948 related images | Images sharing common metadata on Flickr |
Name | Type | Number of items | Description |
web-BeerAdvocate | Beer reviews | 1,586,259 beer reviews | Beer reviews from BeerAdvocate |
web-RateBeer | Beer reviews | 2,924,127 beer reviews | Beer reviews from RateBeer |
web-CellarTracker | Wine reviews | 2,025,995 wine reviews | Wine reviews from CellarTracker |
web-Amazon | Amazon reviews (all categories) | 34,686,770 product reviews | Reviews from Amazon |
web-FineFoods | Food reviews | 568,454 food reviews | Food reviews from Amazon |
web-Movies | Movie reviews | 7,911,684 movie reviews | Movie reviews from Amazon |
Name | Type | Nodes | Edges | Description |
comm-f2f-Resistance | Weighted, Directed, Temporal | 451 | 3,126,993 | Dynamic face-to-face interaction network between group of people |
Name | Type | Number of graphs | Description |
Deezer Ego-nets | Undirected, Unattributed | 9,629 | Ego-nets of European Deezer users |
GitHub Stargazers | Undirected, Unattributed | 12,725 | Communities of developers who starred repositories |
Reddit Threads | Undirected, Unattributed | 203,088 | Reddit discussion and non-discussion based threads |
Ego-Nets | Undirected, Unattributed | 127,094 | Ego-Nets of Twitch users in the partnership program |
Name | Type | Number of graphs | Description |
cisco-secure-workload | Directed, Attributed | 22 | Communications among computers running different distributed applications in various enterprises |
Name | Type | Number of graphs | Description |
ERC20-stablecoins | Directed, Attributed | 6 | Transaction data of the top five stablecoins in market cap (USDT, USDC, DAI, UST, PAX) and WLUNA |
ethereum-exchanges | Directed, Attributed | 28 | Token (asset) networks from the Ethereum blockchain |
Name | Type | Number of graphs | Description |
telecom-graph | Directed, Attributed | 1 | Relationships between users, packages, apps, and cells in a telecom network |
Dataset statistics | |
Nodes | Number of nodes in the network |
Edges | Number of edges in the network |
Nodes in largest WCC | Number of nodes in the largest weakly connected component |
Edges in largest WCC | Number of edges in the largest weakly connected component |
Nodes in largest SCC | Number of nodes in the largest strongly connected component |
Edges in largest SCC | Number of edges in the largest strongly connected component |
Average clustering coefficient | Average clustering coefficient |
Number of triangles | Number of triples of connected nodes (considering the network as undirected) |
Fraction of closed triangles | Number of connected triples of nodes / number of (undirected) length 2 paths |
Diameter (longest shortest path) | Maximum undirected shortest path length (sampled over 1,000 random nodes) |
90-percentile effective diameter | 90-th percentile of undirected shortest path length distribution (sampled over 1,000 random nodes) |
We encourage you to cite our datasets if you have used them in your work. You can use the following BibTeX citation:
@misc{snapnets, author = {Jure Leskovec and Andrej Krevl}, title = {{SNAP Datasets}: {Stanford} Large Network Dataset Collection}, howpublished = {\url{}}, month = jun, year = 2014 }