[ID: 3 pictures of a light skinned fat person with short shaved hair. Purr is wearing a light pink crop top with pastel art of Hello Kitty in a fuzzy purple costume, a bunch of pastel and rainbow kandi on purrs arms and neck, a light pink cat collar with 2 small bells and 1 big one, blue jean shorts, hot pink converse-style shoes, a purple cat mouth kandi mask with rainbow stripes and a white muzzle, and a rainbow fox tail on purrs belt loop. Purr also has bright pink ear defenders on and purr is holding a pink cane with a little pink plush cat head decorating it. The first picture is a chest up selfie and purr is holding up the devil horns sign to purrs face. The second picture is a full body mirror selfie that shows the full outfit and purrs cane. The last is a shoulders up selfie without the kandi mask, and purr is holding up a peace sign to purrs cheek and smiling. End ID.]

hiii its me, ur favorite fat disabled kittyboy freak <3 (he/purr/they) πŸ’•πŸŒˆ

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