Home Improvement Exterior Remodel Framework

Building Code Foundation Requirements

Building Code Foundation Requirement Checkpoints

The Spruce / Michela Buttignol

A good foundation is essential for every house. Improperly built foundation footings can bring down a house. So, building codes naturally have a few things to say about foundation footings.

Like any code recommendations, these are not how-to guides to building footings. Review these parameters and adjust them according to your local code requirements.

Topic Requirement or Recommendation
Site grading Slope ground at 10% away from the foundation for 10 feet or more.
Site grading exceptions Ground may be sloped at 5% in combination with water diversion methods.
Soil load-bearing value Presumptive undisturbed soil or disturbed soil of a minimum LBV per square foot.
Footing depth 12 inches minimum depth or below frost line.
Footing width 12 inches minimum.
Footing level, top Always level.
Footing level, bottom Up to 10% slope.
Spread footing 6 inches thick minimum.
Concrete strength 2,500 psi minimum, but up to 3,000 psi may be required.

Site Grading

The ground immediately adjacent to the foundation footings—on the exterior of the foundation—should slope down at a 10% minimum slope. This must continue for at least ten feet.

If obstructions do not permit the preferred 10% grading, 5% grading may be approved, but you need an alternative method of diverting water from the foundation. When there is a ramp or a door landing, an impervious surface may be installed and sloped at a minimum of 2%.

Impervious Surface

An impervious surface may include walkways, patios, driveways, formal planters, parking lots or storage areas, and concrete or asphalt paving surfaces.

Load-Bearing Value of Soil

Foundations must rest on firm, undisturbed soil. ​Undisturbed soil is soil that has never been turned over, tilled, graded, hoed, dumped, dug, scraped, compacted, amended, or anything of that nature by humans or machines. Undisturbed soil is significantly stronger than soil that has been disturbed. After enough time, disturbed soil can eventually be classified as undisturbed, and a soil test can determine this.

Load-bearing values (LBVs) are "presumptive," meaning that a soil test is the only way to know the soil's load-bearing value (LBV) for the footings on a given site.

Soil Type LBV Per Square Foot
Bedrock 12,000
Sedimentary Rock 4,000
Sandy Gravel or Gravel 3,000
Sand, Silty Sand, Clayey Sand, Silty Gravel, Clayey Gravel 2,000
Clay, Sandy Clay, Silty Clay, Clayey Silt 1,500

Depth, Width, and Thickness of Footings

Depth of Footings

Footings should extend to a minimum depth of 12 inches below previously undisturbed soil. Footings must also extend at least 12 inches below the frost line (the depth to which the ground freezes in winter) or be frost-protected.

These rules may not apply to accessory buildings (such as sheds) if they are below a certain square footage specified by your local building code. Also, deck footings may have a different depth requirement. Some decks, such as those not attached to the house, may not have the exact depth requirements.


Areas with expansive clay soil will require caissons (or concrete columns) to be drilled down to bedrock at pre-determined locations. Some sort of expansion material will be placed between the caissons to allow for soil expansion and contraction. The foundation walls will then be poured on top of them.

Width of Footings

Footing width can vary according to the structure, site, and conditions. Under code, generally, one-story buildings with footings on undisturbed soil with LBVs between 1,500 and 4,000 should have a minimum width of 12 inches.

Two-story buildings require a minimum of 15-inch wide footings for soil with a 1,500 LBV. For soil with 2,000 LBV or greater, two-story buildings may have 12-inch wide footings.


Requirements for levelness are different for the top and bottom of the footing:

Top of the Footings

The top of the footings must be level, with no exceptions.

Bottom of the Footings

The preference for the bottom of the footing is that it is level. Exception: If building on a sloped grade, you can step the footing by as much as one unit vertical per 10 units horizontal (or a 10% slope).


The term "unit" is used in codes to refer to any type of measurement, whether imperial or metric, used during construction.

Spread Footings

Spread footings help distribute the load carried by the footings over a wider area. The spread part is a base that looks like an upside-down "T" and transfers the weight across its area.

The spread footing should be at least six inches thick and project at least two inches on both sides.

Strength of Footing Concrete

The minimum strength of concrete for foundations and slabs, except for garages, should be 2,500 psi. Vertical walls exposed to the weather may require 2,500 psi concrete minimum strength, up to 3,000 psi in some severe weathering conditions.

Building Code Basics

These code specifications are derived from the International Building Code (IBC) for one- and two-story residences. Use this summary only as a general sense of code requirements for foundation footings.

The IBC encompasses the International Residential Code (IRC) but includes provisions for commercial and residential buildings. The IRC is equally suitable for residential buildings. In the IRC, the chapter relating to foundations and footings is chapter 4.

Keep in mind that each construction project is unique. For example, the soil is different from place to place, and thus, the load-bearing value of the soil will change. Also, code rules are set and enforced at the local level, typically through each city's building department.

Most local code authorities use the IBC and IRC as model codes but may omit, modify, or expand any code specification to suit local conditions and legal requirements. While the IBC and IRC are merely suggested guidelines, the local code is the law of the land that you must observe.

  • How do foundation requirements vary by state?

    Building codes vary by state and municipality, mainly diverging regarding foundation footings. Most codes follow the 2018 International Building Codes and 2018 International Residential Codes but may be modified based on the type of building, soil condition, and building materials. Drainage conditions and local seismic vulnerability will also affect these building codes.

  • What should I do if I discover that my existing foundation is not up to code?

    If your foundation fails inspection, immediately contact a structural engineer for an assessment. You can fix many foundations, bringing them back to code. Second, review your warranty and insurance policies for assistance in paying for repairs or your next steps.

  • Do all foundations need footings?

    Not all constructions need footings. For example, depending on soil quality, you can build a home on a slab foundation without using footings. In those cases, those homes will not have a basement.