What is another word for wert one mind?

Pronunciation: [wˈɜːt wˈɒn mˈa͡ɪnd] (IPA)

"Wert one mind" is a phrase that means to be of the same opinion or to share a common mindset. There are many synonyms that can be used to replace this phrase, depending on the context. For instance, "think alike," "be on the same wavelength," "see eye to eye," "share the same perspective," "be of the same view," "have a common viewpoint," "agree," "concur," "be united in thought," "see things the same way," and "be of one accord" are all possible synonyms for "wert one mind." These phrases can be used in various situations, from discussing politics to personal relationships, to indicate that two or more people are in agreement or have a shared mindset.

What are the hypernyms for Wert one mind?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the antonyms for Wert one mind?

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