What is another word for swizz?

Pronunciation: [swˈɪz] (IPA)

"Swizz" is a British slang word that is used to mean a scam or a fraud. This term is interchangeable with a variety of synonyms that can be used to convey the same meaning. Some of the common synonyms for "swizz" include "swindle," "cheat," "deceive," "hoodwink," "bamboozle," "defraud," "trick," and "dupe." All these words are used to refer to dishonest practices that involve taking advantage of someone for personal gain. Regardless of the word used, it is essential to be vigilant and protect oneself from being swindled by fraudsters who are always looking to make a quick buck.

Synonyms for Swizz:

What are the hypernyms for Swizz?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

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