What is another word for set upright?

Pronunciation: [sˈɛt ˈʌpɹa͡ɪt] (IPA)

When you need to position something standing straight up, there are various synonyms you can use for "set upright." One option is "erect," which suggests a strong and rigid stance. Another is "upraise," which implies lifting something up to a higher level. "Raise" or "uplift" also have similar meanings, while "stand up" and "put up" provide more casual and relaxed options. "Prop up" involves using additional support to keep something upright, while "reposition" indicates a change in the placement or orientation of an object. Overall, there are many different words you can use to convey the act of setting something up straight.

What are the opposite words for set upright?

The antonym for the phrase "set upright" is "knock down." To knock down means to cause something to fall down or to bring something to the ground. The phrase is often used to describe the action of bringing down a structure or a building, but it can also be used to describe the act of causing a person or an object to fall. The opposite of setting something upright is to make it unstable or to knock it over. The phrase "set upright" is often used when referring to objects, while knocking down is used more often in reference to structures, both physical and metaphorical.

What are the antonyms for Set upright?

Famous quotes with Set upright

  • I understood by my reason and by my feeling of my pains that I should die; and I assented fully with all the will of my heart to be at God’s will. Thus I dured till day, and by then my body was dead from the middle downwards, as to my feeling. Then was I minded to be set upright, backward leaning, with help, — for to have more freedom of my heart to be at God’s will, and thinking on God while my life would last.
    Julian of Norwich

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