What is another word for more minding?

Pronunciation: [mˈɔː mˈa͡ɪndɪŋ] (IPA)

The phrase "more minding" refers to the act of paying attention or being more careful. Some synonyms for this phrase include "being more cautious," "giving more thought," "exercising greater care," "being more alert," "watching more closely," "paying greater attention," "taking greater care," and "being more mindful." All of these phrases imply the need to be more careful and to take actions with greater focus and consideration. Whether it be in regards to personal safety, work performance, or interpersonal relationships, being more mindful and attentive can lead to more successful outcomes.

What are the hypernyms for More minding?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for more minding?

The term "more minding" implies a focus or attention on something, but there are several antonyms to this phrase that denote a lack of attention or care. One is "neglectful," which means to fail to give proper attention or care. Another antonym is "indifferent," which refers to a lack of interest or concern. "Distraction" is also an antonym to "more minding," as it suggests a diversion of attention from the task at hand. In contrast, "less minding" could suggest a sense of ease, detachment or freedom from obligations. In summary, the antonyms of "more minding" are neglectful, indifferent, and distracted.

What are the antonyms for More minding?

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