Synonyms for More deviceful:
• creative
- Demiurgic
, - Deviceful
, - clever
, - cool
, - fertile
, - formative
, - gifted
, - hip
, - ingenious
, - innovational
, - innovative
, - innovatory
, - inspired
, - inventive
, - leading-edge
, - original
, - originative
, - productive
, - prolific
, - stimulating
, - visionary
, - way out
• ingenious
- able
, - adroit
, - artistic
, - bright
, - canny
, - crafty
, - creative
, - cunning
, - dexterous
, - imaginative
, - intelligent
, - ready
, - resourceful
, - shrewd
, - skillful
, - sly
, - subtle
• innovative
• inventive
What are the hypernyms for More deviceful?
A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.
What are the opposite words for more deviceful?
The opposite of "more deviceful" could be "simple" or "plain". If something is "more deviceful", it suggests that it has more features, accessories or enhancements than something that is simple or plain. The term "less deviceful" could also be used, which describes something that has fewer features or enhancements. These words can be applied to a variety of situations, such as technologies or designs. While some people prefer their devices to be more deviceful, others prefer simplicity, preferring gadgets or designs without cluttered features. Both terms provide a clear contrast to one another, with "more deviceful" highlighting the presence of more features while "simple" draws attention to the absence or lack of features.
What are the antonyms for More deviceful?
• creative
- Ungifted
, - fruitless
, - impotent
, - inept
, - old
, - uncreative
, - unfruitful
, - unimaginative
, - uninspired
, - unproductive
, - untalented
• ingenious
- awkward
, - dull
, - dumb
, - foolish
, - honest
, - ignorant
, - incompetent
, - open
, - stupid
, - uninventive
, - unresourceful
• innovative
• inventive
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