What is another word for more avowedly?

Pronunciation: [mˈɔːɹ ɐvˈa͡ʊɪdlɪ] (IPA)

"More avowedly" can be substituted with various synonyms depending on the context of the sentence. Some of the options include "openly," "unequivocally," "unquestionably," "unmistakably," "explicitly," "decisively," "categorically," and "emphatically." For instance, instead of saying "more avowedly liberal," one can say "explicitly liberal" or "unequivocally liberal." Similarly, instead of saying "more avowedly supportive," one can say "emphatically supportive" or "categorically supportive." In summary, there are several alternatives to the phrase "more avowedly," each with a slightly different connotation, and selecting the most appropriate one requires an understanding of the tone and message the author intends to communicate.

Synonyms for More avowedly:

What are the hypernyms for More avowedly?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

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