What is another word for Inge de Bruijn?

Pronunciation: [ɪnd͡ʒˈiː də bɹˈuːe͡ɪən] (IPA)

"Inge de Bruijn" is a name synonymous with swimming excellence. Born on August 24, 1973, in the Netherlands, she has left an indelible mark on the sport. Regarded as one of the greatest female swimmers of all time, Inge de Bruijn has consistently exemplified immense talent and determination throughout her career. Known for her speed, agility, and flawless technique, she has become synonymous with success in the pool. With a remarkable collection of Olympic gold medals and world records to her name, Inge de Bruijn's legacy is one of greatness and inspiration. Her achievements make her an icon in the world of swimming and a true synonym for excellence.

What are the antonyms for Inge de bruijn?

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