What is another word for Heterarchy?

Pronunciation: [hˈɛtəɹˌɑːki] (IPA)

Heterarchy is a term that refers to a system of organization where different entities have equal power and authority without any hierarchy. Some synonyms for heterarchy would include holacracy, anarchy, egalitarianism, polyarchy, and horizontalism. Holacracy is a management system that promotes self-organization and roles without traditional hierarchy. Anarchy is a societal state of no government or authority. Egalitarianism refers to the belief that all people are equal and should have equal rights and opportunities. Polyarchy is a system of governance where power is dispersed among multiple entities. Horizontalism refers to a political philosophy in which power is distributed evenly among individuals and groups. Each of these synonyms has its unique meaning and context of use, but all embrace equality and power sharing as a fundamental principle.

What are the hypernyms for Heterarchy?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

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