What is another word for Fund-holder?

Pronunciation: [fˈʌndhˈə͡ʊldə] (IPA)

A fund-holder is a person or organization that holds funds or monetary assets. There are several synonyms for the term fund-holder, including investor, stockholder, financier, shareholder, patron, and benefactor. An investor is someone who puts money into a financial venture in the hope of making a profit. A stockholder is someone who owns shares in a company. A financier is a person or organization that provides funding for a financial venture. A shareholder is someone who owns shares of stock in a corporation. A patron is a person who supports a particular activity or person. A benefactor is a person who provides financial support or assistance. These terms are often used interchangeably to refer to someone who holds financial assets.

Synonyms for Fund-holder:

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What are the hypernyms for Fund-holder?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

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