What is another word for fling down?

Pronunciation: [flˈɪŋ dˈa͡ʊn] (IPA)

There are several synonyms for the phrase "fling down," including "throw down," "toss down," "drop," "slam," and "cast." All of these options suggest a sudden and perhaps forceful action, as if the object being flung down is too heavy or unimportant to be handled carefully. Other synonyms may include "hurl," "chuck," or "heave," which also imply a degree of effort or exertion in the action of throwing down an object. Whether you're tossing a jacket on a chair or slamming a book on the table in frustration, there are many ways to describe this common action in English.

What are the hypernyms for Fling down?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for fling down?

Antonyms for the word "fling down" include gentle placement, carefully set down, and deliberate release. These terms imply a more controlled and deliberate action as opposed to the impulsive and forceful nature of "fling down." Other antonyms to consider are lift up, elevate, and hold steady, which suggest upward or steady movement rather than abrupt downward action. Similarly, "place gracefully," "set with care," and "lower gently" connote a level of finesse when handling objects or people. Antonyms for "fling down" are useful when describing actions that require more finesse or when attempting to convey a sense of gentle motion.

What are the antonyms for Fling down?

Related words: fly down, jump down, dive down, plummet down, zoom down

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