Synonyms for Drop for:
• pick up
- accompany
, - collect
, - drop in for
, - get
, - give a lift
, - go for
, - go to get
, - invite
, - offer
, - proposition
, - stop for
What are the hypernyms for Drop for?
A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.
Other hypernyms:
cascade, descend, dive, drop, fall, go down, lower, nosedive, plummet, plunge, plunge headlong, plunge downward.
What are the opposite words for drop for?
The phrase "drop for" usually implies a sudden decrease or fall in something, such as a drop in prices or a drop in temperature. The antonyms for "drop for" therefore, would be words that indicate an increase or rise. For example, the antonyms for "drop in prices" could be "rise in prices" or "increase in prices," while the antonym for "drop in temperature" could be "increase in temperature" or "rise in temperature." It is important to remember that antonyms are words that have opposite meanings and can be used to express the opposite of a particular word or phrase.
What are the antonyms for Drop for?
• pick up
- drop
, - free
, - have
, - lower
, - release
, - spend
, - surrender
, - throw away
, - weaken
, - worsen
, - yield
Other relevant words:
- continue
, - increase
, - keep
, - keep up
, - lift
, - pick up
, - promotion
, - retain
, - rise
, - take up
, - wake up
, - win
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