What is another word for counter-move?

Pronunciation: [kˈa͡ʊntəmˈuːv] (IPA)

Counter-move is a term usually associated with sports and games, referring to a move made in reaction to an opponent's move. Synonyms for counter-move include retaliation, counterattack, counterstrike, counterblow, counteroffensive, response, rebound, backlash, and counteraction. These words all suggest an attempt to turn the tables on an adversary, usually after being subjected to their offensive move. In a broader sense, counter-move can also refer to a strategic move made in response to changing circumstances, a defensive tactic that aims to neutralize an enemy's advance, or a corrective measure aimed at offsetting a previous mistake or failure.

What are the opposite words for counter-move?

The word "counter-move" refers to a defensive action taken to counteract an opponent's move. Its antonyms are offensive actions or moves, such as attacking, advancing, or pushing forward. While a counter-move involves reacting to an opponent's attack or defense, an offensive or aggressive move involves taking the initiative, making the first move, and trying to gain an advantage. Other antonyms for counter-move include retreat, withdrawal, and surrender, which involve giving ground or yielding to the opponent. In competitive situations, knowing the antonyms of counter-move can help strategize for both offensive and defensive actions to gain an advantage over the opponent.

What are the antonyms for Counter-move?

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