What is another word for Cella?

Pronunciation: [t͡ʃˈɛlə] (IPA)

The word "Cella", sometimes spelled as "Cella", has several synonyms in the English language. It refers to the inner sanctum or inner chamber of an ancient temple, where the statue of the deity would be displayed. Some of the synonyms of "Cella" are sanctum, adytum, innermost chamber, shrine, temple chamber, and inner sanctum. These words describe the same space within the temple, but each of them has its own connotations and implications. For example, the word "shrine" suggests a place of worship or veneration, while the word "adytum" connotes a more mystical or hidden innermost chamber. These synonyms illustrate the richness and complexity of the English language, providing us with various ways to express the same idea.

What are the hypernyms for Cella?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Usage examples for Cella

28, non in Cella emptae nutricis sed gremio ac sinu matris educabatur; A. Gell.
"Roman Society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius"
Samuel Dill
In his letters to Paula, Eustochium, MarCella, and Asella, women who delighted him by manifesting an astounding resolution in mortifying the flesh, he continually laments those who, professing to have made an offering of their virginity to Christ, were in reality a scandal to the Church.
"Women of Early Christianity Woman: In all ages and in all countries, Vol. 3 (of 10)"
Alfred Brittain Mitchell Carroll
It seems likely that she owed her conversion to Christianity to the holy MarCella, one of that circle of ascetic women to whom the letters of Jerome were addressed.
"Women of Early Christianity Woman: In all ages and in all countries, Vol. 3 (of 10)"
Alfred Brittain Mitchell Carroll

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