What is another word for big hitter?

Pronunciation: [bˈɪɡ hˈɪtə] (IPA)

A big hitter is someone who is known for hitting hard and with great force. This term is often used in sports, particularly in baseball and tennis. However, there are many different words that can be used as synonyms for "big hitter." Some of these include powerhouse, slugger, bomber, crusher, behemoth, mammoth, and juggernaut. Each of these words conveys a sense of strength and power, but they may also have slightly different connotations. For example, a powerhouse may be seen as more reliable than a behemoth, which might imply a lack of finesse. Overall, there are many ways to describe someone who hits big - you just need to find the right word for the situation!

What are the hypernyms for Big hitter?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

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