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Synonyms for Bending one's ear:
• bore- afflict ,
- annoy ,
- be tedious ,
- bend one's ear ,
- bother ,
- burn out ,
- cloy ,
- discomfort ,
- drag ,
- exhaust ,
- fatigue ,
- irk ,
- irritate ,
- jade ,
- pall ,
- pester ,
- put to sleep ,
- send to sleep ,
- talk one's ear off ,
- tire ,
- trouble ,
- turn one off ,
- vex ,
- wear ,
- wear out ,
- weary ,
- worry .
Other relevant words:
- account ,
- adulteress ,
- adumbrate ,
- advise ,
- agitate ,
- ail ,
- amaze ,
- annoyance ,
- article of clothing ,
- assume ,
- aweary ,
- babble out ,
- babbling ,
- badger ,
- baffle ,
- bag ,
- banquet ,
- bawl out ,
- bear ,
- beat ,
- beauty ,
- become flat ,
- bed cover ,
- bed covering ,
- bedcover ,
- bedspread ,
- beleaguer ,
- berate ,
- bewilder ,
- blab out ,
- blabber ,
- blatherskite ,
- blither ,
- blow ,
- blow out ,
- bore ,
- botheration ,
- break ,
- breath ,
- broadcast ,
- bruit ,
- bubble ,
- bug ,
- burble ,
- bust ,
- cackle ,
- call down ,
- call on the carpet ,
- care ,
- cark ,
- cart ,
- carve ,
- cattle farm ,
- cattle ranch ,
- cerement ,
- chafe ,
- chaffer ,
- chattering ,
- chew ,
- chew out ,
- chew the fat ,
- chew up ,
- chide ,
- chill ,
- chin music ,
- chit-chat ,
- chitchat ,
- circularise ,
- circularize ,
- circulate ,
- clack ,
- claver ,
- click ,
- clothing ,
- clue ,
- commove ,
- compartmentalise ,
- compartmentalize ,
- composition ,
- concern ,
- confab ,
- confabulate ,
- confabulation ,
- confidant ,
- confidential information ,
- connote ,
- consume ,
- counterpane ,
- cover ,
- cozy ,
- cup of tea ,
- curtain ,
- dash ,
- daunt ,
- deplete ,
- describe ,
- devil ,
- die ,
- difficulty ,
- diffuse ,
- discharge ,
- discommode ,
- dish aerial ,
- dish antenna ,
- dish out ,
- dish up ,
- dishful ,
- disoblige ,
- disorder ,
- disperse ,
- dispersed ,
- disquiet ,
- disseminate ,
- dissonance ,
- distract ,
- distribute ,
- disturb ,
- disturbance ,
- don ,
- double ,
- drag in ,
- drag on ,
- drag out ,
- drape ,
- drapery ,
- draw ,
- dredge ,
- dress down ,
- drop back ,
- drop behind ,
- dull ,
- dumbfound ,
- duplicate ,
- eat ,
- eat up ,
- echo ,
- eject ,
- embroil ,
- endure ,
- entail ,
- evoke ,
- exhaust fumes ,
- exhaust system ,
- expel ,
- facing pages ,
- fag ,
- fag out ,
- fall apart ,
- fan out ,
- fatigue duty ,
- feast ,
- flummox ,
- fornicatress ,
- frighten away ,
- frighten off ,
- fumes ,
- fuss ,
- gabble ,
- gall ,
- gap ,
- get ,
- get at ,
- get behind ,
- get into ,
- get to ,
- gibber ,
- go around ,
- gossip ,
- gravel ,
- guggle ,
- gurgle ,
- hack ,
- hale ,
- hang back ,
- haphazardness ,
- hassle ,
- haul ,
- have on ,
- have words ,
- headache ,
- hearsay ,
- hold out ,
- hussy ,
- idle talk ,
- incommode ,
- inconvenience ,
- inconvenience oneself ,
- incriminate ,
- inculpate ,
- infliction ,
- informal ,
- ingeminate ,
- inner ,
- interest ,
- interference ,
- internal ,
- intimation ,
- involve ,
- irritation ,
- iterate ,
- jade green ,
- jade-green ,
- jadestone ,
- jawbone ,
- jot ,
- knockout ,
- knowledgeable ,
- lallation ,
- lambast ,
- lambaste ,
- lead ,
- lecture ,
- let the cat out of the bag ,
- looker ,
- loose woman ,
- lulu ,
- make noise ,
- manducate ,
- mangle ,
- mantle ,
- mantrap ,
- masticate ,
- maunder ,
- mean ,
- mite ,
- mouth ,
- mutilate ,
- mystify ,
- nag ,
- nark ,
- natter ,
- nettle ,
- new world chat ,
- news report ,
- nonplus ,
- occupy ,
- old world chat ,
- open ,
- outspread ,
- outwear ,
- overspread ,
- pain ,
- pain in the ass ,
- pain in the neck ,
- paint a picture ,
- palaver ,
- paper ,
- pass around ,
- paste ,
- peach ,
- perplex ,
- perturb ,
- piffle ,
- pinch ,
- play out ,
- plug ,
- pose ,
- private ,
- problem ,
- propagate ,
- propose ,
- public lecture ,
- puff ,
- pull ,
- put away ,
- put on ,
- put out ,
- puzzle ,
- racket ,
- rag ,
- raise up ,
- ranch ,
- randomness ,
- ravisher ,
- rebuke ,
- recapitulate ,
- recur ,
- reduplicate ,
- reiterate ,
- release ,
- remonstrate ,
- repetition ,
- replicate ,
- report card ,
- reprimand ,
- reprise ,
- reprize ,
- reputation ,
- resound ,
- restate ,
- retarding force ,
- retell ,
- rile ,
- ripple ,
- rumour ,
- run down ,
- run through ,
- rustle ,
- rustling ,
- sap ,
- saucer ,
- scare ,
- scare away ,
- scare off ,
- scatter ,
- schmooze ,
- scold ,
- scuff ,
- serve ,
- serve up ,
- sexual ,
- shake up ,
- shmoose ,
- shmooze ,
- shoot the breeze ,
- shroud ,
- sing ,
- singing ,
- slut ,
- smasher ,
- smatter ,
- smite ,
- soreness ,
- soupcon ,
- speak ,
- speck ,
- spill ,
- spread head ,
- spread out ,
- spreadhead ,
- spreading ,
- steer ,
- stick ,
- stir up ,
- stochasticity ,
- story ,
- strumpet ,
- study ,
- stunner ,
- stupefy ,
- suggestion ,
- surfeit ,
- susurration ,
- sweep ,
- sweep up ,
- sweetheart ,
- take over ,
- take to task ,
- talk of the town ,
- talking ,
- tangle ,
- tease ,
- telling ,
- theme ,
- tinge ,
- tint ,
- tip ,
- tire out ,
- tiredness ,
- tittle-tattle ,
- touch ,
- trace ,
- trail ,
- trollop ,
- trouble oneself ,
- trounce ,
- tucker ,
- tucker out ,
- twaddle ,
- tyre ,
- uncomfortableness ,
- unfold ,
- unhinge ,
- upset ,
- use up ,
- utter ,
- verbalise ,
- verbalize ,
- versed ,
- vesture ,
- vexation ,
- visit ,
- voicelessness ,
- wash up ,
- wear down ,
- wear off ,
- wear thin ,
- wear upon ,
- wearable ,
- weariness ,
- wearing ,
- whispering ,
- wind ,
- winding-clothes ,
- winding-sheet ,
- wipe out ,
- write up ,
- written report ,
- yack ,
- yack away ,
- yak ,
- yakety-yak ,
- yap away .
What are the hypernyms for Bending one's ear?
A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.
Other hypernyms:
Engaging in conversation with someone, Hearing someone out, Listening to someone, Paying attention to someone, Speaking with someone.
What are the opposite words for bending one's ear?
The phrase "bending one's ear" typically means to talk someone's ear off or to speak at length, often with little consideration for the other person's interest or attention. Antonyms for this phrase could include "listening attentively," "being concise," "speaking sparingly," or "engaging in meaningful conversation." When communicating with others, it is important to strike a balance between expressing oneself and taking the time to listen and understand the other person's point of view. Using antonyms for "bending one's ear" can help facilitate more productive and respectful communication between individuals.
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