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Synonyms for Backfence talk:
• gossip- account ,
- babble ,
- back-fence talk ,
- blather ,
- blether ,
- buzz ,
- calumny ,
- chatter ,
- chitchat ,
- chronicle ,
- clothesline ,
- conversation ,
- cry ,
- defamation ,
- dirty laundry ,
- dirty linen ,
- dirty wash ,
- earful ,
- grapevine ,
- hearsay ,
- idle talk ,
- injury ,
- malicious talk ,
- meddling ,
- news ,
- prate ,
- prattle ,
- report ,
- scandal ,
- scuttlebutt ,
- slander ,
- small talk ,
- story ,
- tale ,
- talk ,
- whispering campaign ,
- wire .
Other relevant words:
- accidental injury ,
- account statement ,
- accounting ,
- air ,
- annotate ,
- answer for ,
- articulate ,
- asperse ,
- aspersion ,
- assembly ,
- assumption ,
- babble out ,
- babbling ,
- battle cry ,
- bawling out ,
- be known as ,
- besmirch ,
- bible ,
- bill ,
- blab ,
- blab out ,
- blabber ,
- blatherskite ,
- blazon out ,
- blither ,
- bombilate ,
- bombilation ,
- bombinate ,
- bombination ,
- book ,
- bubble ,
- bump off ,
- burble ,
- business relationship ,
- busy ,
- busybodied ,
- cable ,
- cackle ,
- calculate ,
- call ,
- call out ,
- calumniate ,
- castigation ,
- causerie ,
- chaffer ,
- chat ,
- chattering ,
- chew the fat ,
- chewing out ,
- child's play ,
- chin music ,
- chin wag ,
- chin wagging ,
- chin-wag ,
- chin-wagging ,
- chit chat ,
- chit-chat ,
- cinch ,
- clack ,
- claver ,
- click ,
- combat injury ,
- commentary ,
- communique ,
- complete ,
- composition ,
- conception ,
- conducting wire ,
- confab ,
- confabulate ,
- conjecture ,
- consist ,
- countersign ,
- cover ,
- cry out ,
- defame ,
- denigrate ,
- denigration ,
- describe ,
- design ,
- despatch ,
- dirt ,
- discharge ,
- discussion ,
- dish the dirt ,
- dressing down ,
- duck soup ,
- dupery ,
- dwell ,
- electrify ,
- esteem ,
- exclaim ,
- excogitation ,
- expedition ,
- expeditiousness ,
- explanation ,
- fable ,
- falsification ,
- falsity ,
- fib ,
- fictionalisation ,
- fictionalization ,
- floor ,
- formulate ,
- fraud ,
- fraudulence ,
- gab ,
- gabble ,
- gabfest ,
- gang fight ,
- gentle wind ,
- gibber ,
- give voice ,
- give-and-take ,
- gloss ,
- going-over ,
- good book ,
- gossiper ,
- gossipmonger ,
- grape ,
- grape vine ,
- growl ,
- grumble ,
- grumbling ,
- guess ,
- guggle ,
- gurgle ,
- harm ,
- hatchet job ,
- hint ,
- history ,
- holler ,
- hollo ,
- holy scripture ,
- holy writ ,
- hum ,
- humbug ,
- hurt ,
- hypnotism ,
- hypothesis ,
- ill fame ,
- innovation ,
- input ,
- insinuation ,
- intelligence activity ,
- intelligence agency ,
- intelligence information ,
- intelligence operation ,
- intelligence service ,
- interfering ,
- invoice ,
- jaw ,
- know as ,
- lallation ,
- lecture ,
- let the cat out of the bag ,
- level ,
- lie down ,
- lie in ,
- logos ,
- look on ,
- look upon ,
- lying ,
- malicious gossip ,
- manufacture ,
- maunder ,
- meddlesome ,
- mesmerism ,
- mouth ,
- murder ,
- narration ,
- narrative ,
- natter ,
- news program ,
- news report ,
- news show ,
- newsmonger ,
- newsworthiness ,
- notice ,
- obloquy ,
- off ,
- officious ,
- outcry ,
- outrage ,
- palaver ,
- paper ,
- parole ,
- password ,
- peach ,
- phrase ,
- picnic ,
- piece of cake ,
- piffle ,
- pipeline ,
- play a joke on ,
- point out ,
- polish off ,
- prevarication ,
- proffer ,
- prompting ,
- proposition ,
- public lecture ,
- pull someone's leg ,
- pushover ,
- put-on ,
- rallying cry ,
- regard as ,
- remark ,
- remove ,
- report card ,
- reputation ,
- rest ,
- ripple ,
- rumbling ,
- rumormonger ,
- rumour ,
- rumourmonger ,
- rustle ,
- rustling ,
- score ,
- scream ,
- scripture ,
- seethe ,
- send off ,
- shipment ,
- shoot the breeze ,
- shout ,
- shout out ,
- sing ,
- singing ,
- slay ,
- smatter ,
- smear ,
- smirch ,
- snap ,
- son ,
- speak ,
- speculation ,
- spill ,
- spill the beans ,
- squall ,
- storey ,
- study ,
- sully ,
- supposal ,
- surmisal ,
- surmise ,
- susurration ,
- take to be ,
- talk of the town ,
- talking ,
- tampering ,
- taradiddle ,
- tarradiddle ,
- telegram ,
- telegraph ,
- telling ,
- theme ,
- think of ,
- tint ,
- trace ,
- traducement ,
- trauma ,
- twaddle ,
- untruth ,
- upbraiding ,
- utter ,
- verbalise ,
- verbalize ,
- visit ,
- vociferation ,
- voicelessness ,
- walkover ,
- war cry ,
- watchword ,
- weep ,
- whispering ,
- word of god ,
- word of honor ,
- word of mouth ,
- wound ,
- write up ,
- written report ,
- yack ,
- yak ,
- yakety-yak ,
- yell ,
- zephyr .
What are the hypernyms for Backfence talk?
Other hypernyms:
chatter, chitchat, gossip, idle conversation.
What are the opposite words for backfence talk?
Backfence talk refers to casual conversations or gossip that takes place between neighbors over their backyard fences. While this talk may seem innocent, it can often lead to misunderstandings and rumors. The antonyms for backfence talk would be formal, official or professional talk. When discussing important issues, it is best to have formal talks with colleagues or superiors to ensure transparency and clarity. These discussions can lead to effective problem solving and decision making. Professional talks, on the other hand, can result in meaningful business relationships and successful collaborations. Rather than engaging in backfence talk, it is better to communicate in a constructive and respectful manner.
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