A wildflower meadow is a haven of biodiversity – attracting five times more insects than a grassed area. Yet, since the second world war, the UK has lost almost all its wildlife meadows and only a mere 3% remain.
At Ashe Warren farm in Hampshire there is a small but determined revolution under way to reverse this decline.
It is here that the Wildflower Turf company has been creating meadows from scratch since 2003. During this time it has established more than 100 hectares of new meadows, with the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) being one of its most high-profile clients.
Promising a sustainable Olympics, the ODA had exacting demands for its new city meadows, not only in terms of sustainability and biodiversity, but also a deadline that was non-negotiable – the 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony.
The Hampshire company was well able to meet its demands and supplied more than 30,000m² of bespoke wildflower turf to a number of Olympic sites. The result was a stunning array of native wildflowers in the heart of London.
Over the past decade, the company has developed its soilless turf production system, which is particularly suited to growing a balance of wildflowers and grasses.
Meadow Buttercup, Ladies Bedstraw and Ragged Robin are just some of the 34 native UK wildflowers and grasses present in the turf. They are visually attractive and also an excellent food source for birds, as well as a habitat for butterflies and bees.
The turf is drought tolerant and is grown using sustainable raw materials such as composted green waste, wood-fibre, organic fertiliser and degradable netting. Unlike many ornamental plants, no heat or glass houses are required. Pesticides are also not used on the wildflower turf, and water is recycled.
From the beginning, wildlife turf delivers many biodiversity benefits. The RSPB has monitored the production site, which is part of a family farm, for a number of years and has seen first-hand how valuable it is for lapwings, skylarks and other wildlife.
What is really surprising though, is the speed at which a meadow can be created. Often biodiverse meadows can be difficult to create and take years before they are truly established. Using Wildflower Turf you can a meadow can be established in just 10 weeks during the spring growing season. And like a true wildflower meadow, no two years will be the same. Different plants will flower depending on temperature, moisture and available nutrients resulting in a constantly changing landscape.
Once established, maintenance of the meadow is minimal, requiring a cut in the autumn resulting in less mowing and weeding.
Product demand, not least from the Olympics, has given the company the resources to invest in research and development, new machinery and labour to further develop solutions and products that deliver biodiversity.
Since it was established more than a decade ago, the business has grown quickly, starting out as a family partnership and becoming a limited company in 2011.
Nicolette Fox is part of the wordworks network
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