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Articles from Whole Dog Journal (May 1, 2020)

1-5 out of 5 article(s)
Title Author Type Words
Canine Ulcers: Anyone who has ever had an ulcer (or the heartburn indicating that an ulcer is developing) knows the discomfort that ulcers cause. Yet few recognize the same symptoms in their dogs! Ashe, Catherine 1587
Changing of the Guarder: Until recently, food-guarders would be euthanized by most shelters. But attitudes about guarding are changing, because we now know the behavior can be managed or modified. Miller, Pat 3278
On a Roll: Why do dogs roll in stinky things?! And what can you do about it? Colman, Stephanie 2107
On the Horns of a Dilemma: To neuter, or not to neuter: That is the question. Dobbins, Barbara 7636
Trying to make up for an experience that haunts me to this day. Kerns, Nancy Personal account 523

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