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Articles from U.S. Catholic (May 1, 2020)

1-24 out of 24 article(s)
Title Author Type Words
"verbatim. 159
A sick system: America needs merciful sick and family leave policies. Clarke, Kevin 639
AND IT'S STILL ALRIGHT. Christenson, Ann 307
Braided together: Stand in solidarity with those who came before us and those currently in our pews. Sauro, Joan Personal account 997
Build bridges: It's time to show the Samaritans some love. Camille, Alice 1258
Christ in full color: Preach the gospel through the sacred art of Laura James. Christman, John Cover story 1567
COMMON OBSERVATIONS. Davis, Brian M.; Mandel, David; Williams, Arlene Leone Letter to the editor 273
Forest lessons. Bazan, Jessie 609
From fury to faith. Gonzalez, Shemaiah 966
Fruit of thy labor. Bleem, Jerry 254
Here is our mother: Mary stands with all parents who mourn lost children. Brink, Laurie Essay 1632
In whom do we trust? Social trust is essential for working together for the common good. Cloutier, David 1117
Is ignorance a sin? Considine, Kevin P. 490
LITTLE WOMEN. Murray, Susan W. 310
Lord, hear our prayer: Prayer doesn't magically heal, but it changes the people who pray for the better. Coda, Teresa 2450
Poet and prophet: Samuel Taylor Coleridge calls us to stop and attend to God's creation. Mosley, David Russell 1156
Pondering the Cosmic, Christ While on Retreat: A Haiku Dozen. Gatti, Daniel J. 222
Tell me about it: To understand our church, we must both tell and listen to the stories of its members, says theologian Natalia Imperatori-Lee. Imperatori-Lee, Natalia Interview 2500
The Bannon effect: Two new documentaries demonstrate the hypocrisy of Steve Bannon and, by extension, his political movement. Collum, Danny Duncan 880
The comfort of faith. Ostberg, Rene 435
The mystery of faith: Catholics explain the core, crux, and heart of what they believe. Gonzalez, Shemaiah 2616
you follow? LOLs and hashtags from Twitter. 178

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