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TWO questions about the soldiers Nazi saluting in front of the Union flag. Were any of their kin ever wounded, captured or killed in either of the world wars? And how proud of them are their parents today? God help us if our national security depends on morons like these.

Big Phil, Omagh RE: Monday's Comment of the Day letter. An independent Scotland could easily have afforded the PS134million loan/grant for Grangemouth. We pay more into the Treasury than we get back. I think your reader, like many other submissive Scots, suffers from an inferiority complex. If people have a wish to remain British, that is their democratic right, but to infer Scotland is incapable of being a successful independent country is insulting to all Scots.

Kevin Kielty IT was good to see no one in the political world claimed to have been the ones to solve the problem at Grangemouth. It was a joint venture between the UK and Scottish Goverments. Then along comes Joan McAlpine to say it was Alex Salmond who fixed it. Rubbish.

8DA followed Big Bob I HAD to laugh when I saw an advert saying go to East Kilbride shopping centre as there's a surprise in store. I'm guessing the surprise is that a lot of the shops are closed because shopkeepers can't afford to pay their rent.

S. Holt, East Kilbride WHEN the Americans tapped the German chancellor's phone, was she making nein nein nein calls? Jimmy Neil, Glasgow
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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)
Geographic Code:4EUUK
Date:Oct 30, 2013
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