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Articles from Technology and Engineering Teacher (May 1, 2020)

1-9 out of 9 article(s)
Title Author Type Words
"powered and pumped up" with NASA: The NASA engineering tasks proved to be an engaging experience that helped middle school students develop an understanding of the engineering process and a relevant application. Caniglia, Joanne; Meadows, Michelle Essay 3274
83rd ANNUAL ITEEA CONFERENCE: Where Technology and Engineering Education Come to Life! Calendar 218
building problem-solving skills through STEAM: STEAM activities provide a context for authentic problem solving and have the ability to reach more students than science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) alone. Roberts, Thomas; Schnepp, Jerry Essay 3267
forging a path: women in STEM education Virginia R. Jones. Interview 886
Fulbright experience: ITEEA Chinese center: A visiting teacher must be aware of their teaching practices and recognize that they may differ (significantly) from those of the institution/area where they are placed. Mahoney, Mark Essay 2873
ITEEA 2020 professional recognition awards. 998
SMART buoys: integrating data visualization and design to reduce ocean-life casualties. Santana, Vanessa; Bartholomew, Scott; Rowe, William; Byrd, Vetria; Strimel, Greg; Han, Kevin Essay 2572
the grass-to-energy challenge: In this challenge, students and or teams can explore ways to utilize this technological advance and evaluate its impacts. Roman, Harry T. 654
White House OSTP Leads Effort to Increase Access to Online Education Resources. 258

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