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Philadelphia Hosts CPhI North America's 2nd Annual Event: Dedicated to pharma and biopharma drug development and manufacturing.

CPhI North America will hosts its 2nd annual event in Philadelphia April 24-26, 2018. Dedicated to pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical drug development and manufacturing, the event will host 635 exhibiting companies and more than 7,400 attendees. The conference will feature networking events and educational programs on Tuesday and Wednesday aimed at helping industry professionals navigate the evolving regulatory, strategic and technology landscape.

The CPhI Conference Program offers tracks for Drug Development, Drug Manufacturing, and Bio-Processing.


Tuesday, April 24: Dr. Bertalan Mesko, director of The Medical Futurist Institute, and Amazon Top 100 author, analyzes how science fiction technologies can become reality in medicine and healthcare.

Wednesday, April 25: How are Digital Medicines transforming healthcare as we know it? Dr. Jeremy Frank, vice president of Digital Medicine Platform Development at Proteus Digital Health will offer his insight into the future of the pharma and tech industries.

Session Highlights: Continuous Processing Technologies for Intermediate Manufacturing Tuesday, April 24, 11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Location: 119B

Regulatory Considerations, Strategy and Best Practices for Choosing a Quality Contract Manufacturing Organization (CMO) Tuesday, April 24, 3:30 p.m.-4:15 p.m.

[Improving Solubility Spotlight] Hot Melt Extrusion Challenges and Solutions--Part II--AbbVie Hot Melt Extrusion Capabilities Tuesday, April 24, 3:55 p.m.-4:15 p.m. Location: 119A

[Formulation Innovations] Fixed Dose Combination (FDC)--A Cost Effective Approach for Simplified Dosing Wednesday, April 25, 3:15 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Location: 119A

Exhibit Hall KeyNote: Contract Services Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: A Retrospective with Jim Miller Wednesday, April 25, 3:45 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Location: 119AB.

Exhibit Hours:

Tuesday, April 24, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Wednesday, April 25, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Thursday, April 26, 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

More info:
2018 Exhibitors

Company                                           Booth

3M Drug Delivery Systems                           1365
A.H.A INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD                         561
A&C Your Global GMP Partner                         628
Aadi Global                                         827
Aavis Pharmaceuticals                              1711
AB BioTechnologies, Inc.                           1714
Abaclpharm Corp.                                   1650
AbbVie                                             1219
Aber Gmbh                                          1151
Ablaze Glass Works Pvt. Ltd.                        165
Ace Glass                                           413
Acebright Group                                    1207
Aceto Corporation                                   913
ACG                                                1132
Aconitum                                           1165
Adare Pharmaceuticals, Inc.                        1125
Adesis Inc.                                        1362
Aenova                                             1537
AGC Biologies                                      1707
AGC Chemicals Americas Inc.                         200
AGI USA, Inc.                                       224
Agno Pharma                                        1245
AIC                                                 813
Ak & MN Biofarm Co., Ltd.                           610
Aktin Chemicals, Inc.                               585
Albemarle                                           419
Alcaml                                              801
Alchem International Private Limited               1465
Alconox Inc.                                       1529
Alliance Technologies, Inc                         1925
ALLYCHEM CO.                                        427
Almac Group Ltd                                     524
Alpex Pharma SA                                    1923
Althea                                             1703
Amano Enzyme USA Co. Ltd.                          1509
Ambiopharm Inc.                                    1006
Amcor Flexibles Americas                           2105
American Chemical Society (ACS)                    1749
American Cleanstat                                 1628
American International Container                    936
American RENOLIT Corp. LA                          2021
Amindon, Inc.                                       300
AminoLogics Co Ltd                                 1458
Aminowill Wuxi Jinghai Amino Acid Co.,Ltd          1143
Ampac Fine Chemicals                            SPONSOR
Amri                                                301
Amsyn Inc                                           310
Angelini A.C.R.A.FSpa                             1719e
Anhui HeGeng Biotech Engineering Co., LTD.         1928
ANHUI HERYI PHARMACEUTICAL CO.                      438
Anmol Chemicals                                     373
Anqiu Lu'an Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.                1247
Apex Aseptic Products                               206
Aphena Pharma                                      1532
Aptar Pharma                                       2104
ARBES TOOLS PVT. LTD.                              2036
Ark Pharm Inc                                       314
Artisan Industries Inc.                             236
Ashland Inc                                         372
AST LLC                                            2041
AstaTech (Chengdu) BioPharmaceutical Corp.          962
Astatech Inc.                                      1732
Asymchem, Inc.                                     1439
Atabay                                              360
Aurisco Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                    849
Austin Chemical Company Inc.                        701
Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc.                           933
Avara Pharmaceutical Services                      1307
Avema Contract Sen/ices                            1636
Avista Pharma Solutions, Inc.                      1536
Axcellerate                                        1329
AZICO BIOPHORE INDIA                                302
B&W Tek                                            1612
Bachem AG                                           661
Baiyu Pharmaceutical, Co., Ltd.                    1261
BANGKOK BOTANICA                                   1157
Baxter Blopharma Solutions                         1445
BCN Peptides SA                                    1229
BCPP                                               1257
BD                                                 1632
Beijing Hulkang Boyuan Chemical Tech                589
Beijing Odyssey Chemicals Co., Ltd.                 431
Beilite Chemical Co., Ltd.                          484
Bellen Chemistry                                   1450
Bellwyck Pharma Services                           1237
Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Ltd.                     850
Berkshire Sterile Manufacturing                    1927
Berry Global, Inc.                                 1924
Biazzi SA                                           138
Biddle Sawyer Corporation                           663
Biocompounds Pharmaceutical Inc.                    381
Bioduro                                            1462
Biological E Ltd.                                  1032
Biopeptek Pharmaceuticals                          1804
Blophore Pharma INC.                                711
BioSpectra                                          625
Biotechpharma UAB                                  1904
BioVectra                                           632
Bloomage Freda Biopharm USA, Inc.                  1028
Bona Pharma                                        2022
Bormloli Pharma                                    2001
Boron Molecular Inc.                                233
Bosch Packaging Technology, Inc.                   2233
Brand-Nu Laboratories / Yabang-QH                   937
Brandwidth Solutions                               1638
Brenntag Specialties                                927
BSP Pharmaceuticals S.p.a                          1501
Budenheim                                          1160
Busch Vacuum Pumps and Systems                     2100
Calgon Carbon Corporation                           160
Callery, LLC                                        553
Cambrex                                             613
Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc.                564
Capot Chemical Co., Ltd.                            638
Capsulit S.P.A.                                    2026
CAPUA BIOSERVICES SPA                             1719a
Caregen Co., LTD.                                  1101
Carow Packaging                                    2123
Catalent Pharma Solutions                          1401
CCCMHPIE                                            535
CelesTech, Inc.                                    1148
CellMark USA, LLC                                   952
Central Glass Corp.                                 309
Cerbios                                             701
Changzhou GenPharm Pharmaceutical                   832
Changzhou Highassay Chemical Co., Ltd              1935
Changzhou Juyou New Material Tech Co., Ltd          181
Changzhou LonGo Chemical Co., Ltd.                  583
Changzhou Sunlight Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd          424
Charkit Chemical Company                            828
Chartwell Actives                                  1043
Chemada/lcl-lp                                      140
ChemCon GmbH                                        648
ChemGenes Corporation                              1910
Chemglass Life Sciences                             239
CHEMI SPA                                         1719f
Chemical Information Services Inc.                  332
Chemical Solutions Ltd.                            1456
Chemlex Pharmaceuticals                             129
Chempacific Corporation                             439
Chempartner/China Gateway                           453
Chemtour Biotech                                    753
Chengdu Apothe Laboratories Ltd.                    344
Chengdu Biopurlfy Phytochemicals, Ltd.             1805
Chengdu Shengnuo Biopharm Co., Ltd                 1837
China Synchem Technology Co., Ltd.                  486
Chlral Technologies Inc.                            364
Ciron Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd              1232
Civentichem                                         465
CMIC CMO USA Corporation                           1313
Colorcon Inc                                       1937
Comar LLC                                           662
Comi Polaris Systems, Inc.                          409
Contipro A.S.                                       471
Contract Pharma                                    1815
Contract Pharmacal Corp.                           1625
Contract Pharmaceuticals Limited Canada            1144
Coral Drugs Pvt. Ltd.                              1311
Coral LLC                                          1153
Corden Pharma International                        1432
CoreRx                                             1433
Corning Incorporated                                114
Corning Sas                                         313
CPC Scientific Inc.                                 472
Csiro                                               233
CurTec USA, Inc.                                    733
Custom Granular Inc.                                228
Cyalume Specialty Products                         1037
Cymtek Laboratories, Limited                        558
Dalchem                                             552
Dalian Join King Fine Chemical Co. Ltd.             464
DALIAN SKY CHEMICAL CO.                            2229
DanYang WanLong Chemical                           1613
Dastech International, Inc.                         932
Datwyler Pharma Packaging USA                      2004
DCS Pharma USA                                     1050
Deseret Laboratories                                235
DFE Pharma                                         1333
DIA Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                       1337
Digital Specialty Chemicals                         336
DIVI'S LABORATORIES LIMITED                         543
Dorlzoe Lifesclences Ltd.                          1833
Dottikon Exclusive Synthesis                        505
DPL-US (A division of Dr. Paul Lohmann Inc.)       1045
DPT                                                1513
Drugdu Technology                                  1624
DSL Chemicals (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.                   204
DSM                                                1635
Dupont Nutrition and Health                        1019
DWK Life Sciences Inc.                             2017
DZD (Heze) Pharm                                    537
EAS Consulting Group LLC                            856
Eastar Chemical Corp.                               208
Eastman Chemical Company                            760
Edelmann USA                                       2012
Ei LLC                                             1325
Ekato Corporation                                   255
ELC Group                                          1945
EMBOCAPS by Suheung                                 705
Emergent Biosolutions                              1238
EPO S.r.l.                                        1719d
EquipNet Inc.                                       308
Erbozeta S.p.A.                                    1250
ESIM Chemicals GmbH                                 448
Esteve Quimica S.A.                                 338
Eurofins Alphora                                   1535
Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories, Inc.              1533
EuTech Scientific Services, Inc.                   1452
eVenus Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Inc.           1059
Evonik Corporation                                  748
Exergy, LLC                                        2045
Exova SL Pharma                                    1608
F.P.S. Food and Pharma Systems Sri                 1637
Famacy Group                                       2122
Famar SA                                           1825
Far Chemical Inc                                    551
Fareva                                              649
Federal Equipment Company                           513
Feihe Chemical Co., Ltd.                            842
Fermion Oy                                         1149
Fine Organics Ltd                                   370
Finoso Pharma                                      1934
First American Equipment Finance                   2244
Flamma Spa                                        1719b
Flow Sciences, Inc.                                 542
Fluorotech USA                                      550
Foster Delivery Science                             265
Fresenius Kabi Product Partnering                   836
Frontida BioPharm                                  1201
Fuji Chemical Industries                            736
G. M. Chemie Pvt. Ltd.                             1152
Gansu Nuokeda Trading Co.                           430
Gelest Inc.                                        1052
Generichem                                          953
GENIBET BIOPHARMACEUTICALS, SA                     1741
Genovior Biotech Corp.                             1715
Gentec Pharmaceutical Group                         958
GEO Specialty Chemicals                             271
Gerresheimer AG                                    2008
Gesellschaft fur Micronisierung mbH                 529
Gfs Chemicals Inc.                                  410
GHW-USA                                             150
GL Filtration Limited                              1734
Grand River Aseptic Manufacturing                  1801
Graphic West Serialization and Packaging           2217
Graver Technologies                                 219
GreenBiochem LLC                                    149
Greenfield Global                                   232
Grlfols International, S.A.                        1437
Groupe Parlma                                      1137
GSK/GlaxoSmithKline                                1407
Gujarat Organics Ltd.                               470
GVK Biosciences                                    1700
Haemopharm Healthcare s.r.l                        2117
HAINAN GUONING IMPORT & EXPORT                      126
Halo Pharmaceutical, Inc.                          1549
HAMARI CHEMICALS LTD                                951
Hangzhou Allsino Chemicals Co., Ltd                 580
Hangzhou Minsheng Binjiang                          742
  Pharmaceutical Co.
Hangzhou Zhongmei Huadong                          1244
  Pharmaceutical Co.
Hebei Chengxin Co., Ltd.                            339
HEBEI FIRST RUBBER MEDICAL                         1947
Hebei Jianmin Starch Glucose Co., Ltd.              533
HEBEI JIHENG PHARMACEUTICAL CO.                    1320
HEBEI YANUO BIOSCIENCE CO.                          479
Heinkel Group USA                                  1539
Helsinn Advanced Synthesis SA                       749
High Hope Int'l Group Jiangsu Medicines and         845
  Health Products Imp & Exp Corp Ltd.
HighChem America Inc.                              1457
Hisun Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.                    1025
Hovione PharmaScience                               624
HTL S .A.S.                                         366
HuaJian Service US                                 1736
Hubel Gedian Humanwell Pharmaceutical Co,           959
Hubel Goto Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.                   844
Hybio Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd                      1265
I-Chess                                             666
Ideal Cures Pvt Ltd                                 637
IDT Biologika gmbH                                 1406
ILC Dover                                          1701
IMCD US Pharma                                     1036
Impopharma, Inc.                                   1460
InCon Process Systems--GIG Karasek                  411
Inhale Health                                      1914
Innophos Inc.                                       205
Insight Finechem Co Ltd                            1060
Integrated Analytical Laboratories                 1338
IntelGenX Corp.                                    1453
Interchem Corporation                               650
International Pharmaceutical Excipients             634
  Council of Americas
International Speciality Chemicals and              261
Intertek                                           1601
Inventys Research Company Pvt. Ltd.                 354
Ioflna Chemical Inc.                                460
IRA Istituto Ricerche Applicate                     528
IRISYS Pharma Development, Manufacturing           1929
  & Regulatory Solutions
Italian Trade Agency 1719g, 1719
J-Star Research Inc.                                231
J&W Pharmlab Lie                                   1359
Jayco Chemical Industries                          1811
Jaytick Chemicals Inc.                              304
JenKem Technology Co., Ltd.                         530
Jiangsu Hanbon Science & technology Co.,Ttd        1829
Jiangsu Jiaerke Pharmaceuticals Group Corp.        1348
JIANGSU MAIDA NEW MATERIAL CO.                      258
JIANGXI QUCHENG CHEMICAL CO.                        584
JIANGXI SUNWAY CHEMICAL CO.                         559
JIANGXI TIME CHEMICAL CO.                           957
Jiaozuo Zhongwel Special Products                   569
JM Rodgers Co., Inc.                               1705
Johnson Matthey                                     536
Jost Chemical Co                                    837
JRS Pharma                                         1242
Jubilant HolllsterStier                            1611
Kerry                                              1159
KEWPIE CORPORATION                                  861
Kikkoman Biochemifa                                 578
Kingchem Life Sciences LLC                          333
KinOmega Blopharm Inc.                              203
Kodak Specialty Chemicals                           761
Lablabo                                            2119
LABORATORIO MEDINFAR                               1741
LABORATORIOS AZEVEDOS                              1741
LABORATORIOS BASI                                  1741
Lacamas Laboratories Inc.                           633
Lauda-Brinkmann Lp                                  549
Laurus Labs Ltd.                                    459
Laviana Pharma Co.,Ltd.                             435
LCI Corporation                                     365
LGC Standards                                      1614
Lgm Pharma                                          901
Lianhetech                                          370
Lianyungang Shengfeng Chemical Co.,Ltd.            1813
Lifecore Biomedical, LLC                            636
LinkChem Co.,Ltd                                   1542
LIPOID, LLC                                         467
LIVZON GROUP NINGXIA NEW NORTH                     1145
Log Plastic Products Co Ltd                        2018
Lonza Pharma & Biotech                              605
Louisiana Chemical Equipment Company                334
LuinaBio                                           1712
Luna Chemicals Co., Ltd                            1436
LUOHE CHIEF PHARMACEUTICAL                         2121
LuoYang Hongguan Biotechnology Co. Ltd              487
Lyophllization Technology, Inc.                    1553
M.O. Industries                                    2027
Macco Organiques Inc.                               853
Macco Organiques, s.r.o.                            853
Macleods Pharmaceuticals Ltd                        737
Malladi Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd                 273
Mallinckrodt Generic Division                      1225
Mcgean                                              408
Medpack Swiss Group                                1264
Mercachem-Syncom Group                              701
Meroven Pharmaceuticals                            1065
Metrics Contract Services                          1424
Metro Exporters Pvt. Ltd                            926
Mfg Chemical Inc.                                   137
Mlcronclean                                        2023
MllliporeSlgma                                      619
Minakem                                             371
Minsheng Group Shaoxing Pharmaceutical Co.          744
Morepen Laboratories Ltd                            501
Morre-Tec Industries Inc.                           213
Mpd Chemicals                                       325
MPP Group LLC                                      1941
MRIGIobal                                          1428
MSU Bioeconomy Institute                            405
MyGen Pharmaceuticals Inc.                          573
NAL Pharmaceutical Group Limited                   1233
Nanjing Chemical Material Corp.                     252
Nanjing Chemlin Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.         572
Nanjing Dorra Pharmaceutical Technology Co.        1228
NANJING GUOCHEN CHEMICALS CO.                       280
NANTONG SANE BIOLOGICAL CO.                         574
Nation Ford Chemical Company                        401
Navin Fluorine International Ltd                    249
Nectar Lifesciences Ltd                             267
Neopharm Labs                                      1239
Neuland Laboratories                                732
NEWCHEMIC (U.S.) INC.                               264
NEXUS COMPANY INC.                                 2125
Nlacet Corporation                                  135
NINGBO V&P CHEMISTRY CO.                            489
Nipro Pharmapackaglng International                2225
Nitta Gelatin NA, Inc.                              665
Nobel Pharmaceuticals                              1033
NOF CORPORATION                                     579
Norquay Technology Inc                              327
Novasep                                             449
Novatla                                            1652
Novo Nordlsk A/S                                    927
Oakwood Chemicals                                   215
Oceanic Pharmachem PVT. LTD.                        833
Olon Spa                                           1544
OMPI                                               2204
One Source Blopharma, LLC.                          125
Optima Chemical and Optima Belle                    725
Orbis Biosciences                                  1933
Organic Technologies                               1361
Orion Corporation                                  1248
Ortec Inc.                                          412
Pace Analytical Life Sciences, LLC                 1324
PAMAS USA                                          1551
Park Systems                                       2133
Patheon, a part of Thermo Fisher Scientific        1001
Paul O Abbe                                         407
PCAS                                                565
PCI Pharma Services                                 601
PCI Synthesis                                      1552
Pennakem                                            454
Perry Videx Lie                                     312
Pet Flavors Inc.                                    575
Peter Greven US Corporation                        1260
Pfanstlehl                                         1235
Pfizer CentreOne                                   1213
Pharma Portugal                                    1741
PharmaBioSource Inc                                1243
PharmaBlock USA, Inc.                              1142
Pharmaceutical Technology                          1862
Pharmaffiliates Analytics & Synthetics             1349
Pharmagra Labs, Inc.                                759
PHARMAnetwork                                      1835
PharmaResources (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                532
Pharmasol Corporation                              1633
Pharmax NA Inc.                                     511
Phoenix Equipment Corporation                       356
Phosphonics Limited                                 905
PHT International Inc.                             1057
Pierre Fabre CDMO                                   357
Pii Pharmaceutics International Inc                 554
Piramal Pharma Solutions                            504
Polpharma Pharmaceutical Works                     1049
PolyClne GmbH                                      2000
Polycrystalline                                    1556
Polymer Chemistry Innovations Inc.                 1360
PolyPeptlde Group                                  1004
Polysclences Inc.                                   848
Porocel International Lie                           259
Power Container Corp.                              2207
PPD                                                1560
PQE US, Inc.                                       1806
Precision NanoSystems Inc.                         2232
Pressure Chemical Co.                               456
Procaps SA                                         1301
PROCOS SPA                                        1719c
Purollte                                            821
Pyramid Laboratories, Inc.                         1901
Q Laboratories                                     1351
Qi-Chem Co.,Ltd.                                    428
QILU PHARMACEUTICAL CO.                             719
QINGDAO KINGWISH INT'L CO.LTD                       379
Qosina                                             2005
Qualicaps, Inc.                                    1413
QuickLabel                                         2116
Quotient Sciences                                  1339
R-Pharm Germany GmbH                               1449
RA Chem Pharma Limited                             1224
Raffles Pharma Tech Co.,Ltd.                        113
Raymat--AVF                                         961
Reachlaw Ltd.                                       353
Recro Gainesville LLC                              1252
Regis Technologies Inc.                             115
Reine Lifescience                                   570
Reliance Label Solutions                            250
Ricerca Biosciences                                1544
Richman Chemical                                    510
Rieke Metals, Lie.                                  457
Robatel Inc.                                       1357
Rohner Inc.                                         443
Rommelag                                           1605
Rommelag FLEX                                      1605
Ropack Inc.                                        1919
Roquette                                           1007
ROUSSELOT, INC.                                     253
Rovl Contract Manufacturing S.L.                   1438
Rovlpharm                                          2216
Roy + LeClair Packaging                            2209
Royal Chemical Company                              330
RxTPL                                              1558
S.I.F.RA. EST S.p.A                                2014
SA Traders                                          358
Safebrldge Consultants, Inc.                       1328
SCHOTT Pharmaceutical Systems                      2020
Senn Chemicals AG                                   757
Sentinel Process Systems, Inc.                      210
Seppic Inc.                                        1026
SeranCascade                                        508
Servier CDMO                                       1507
sfm Medical Devices USA                            2205
SGS Life Sciences                                  1334
Shandong Huimeng Bio-tech Co.,                      128
ShanDong Kexlng Bioproducts Co.                    1346
Shandong Kunda Biotechnology Co.                    324
Shandong Llxing Chemical Co.                        133
Shandong New Time Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd          1443
Shandong Pharmaceutical Glass Co., Ltd.            2028
Shandong Topscience Biotech Co., Ltd.               342
SHANDONG XISACE NEW MATERIALS                      1121
Shangdong Luoxin Pharmaceutical                     556
  Group Stock Co., Ltd.
Shanghai AQ BioPharma Co.,Ltd.                      278
SHANGHAI BAYUECHEMICALS CO.,LTD.                    432
Shanghai Chemspec Corporation                       500
Shanghai Forxine Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.           473
Shanghai Nucleosides Bio-Technology Co.,Ltd         658
Shanghai Pharma Group Changzhou Kony                964
  Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
Shanghai Rich Chemicals Co., Ltd.                   378
Shanghai Ruiyl Medical Tech Co.,Ltd.                337
Shanghai Yaxin Biotechnology Limited Company        586
Shanghai Yuking Water Soluble                      1220
  Material Tech Co.
Sharp Packaging Solutions                          1800
Sharp Packaging Solutions                          1800
ShedirPharma S.r.l                                 1158
Shenzhen JYMed Technology Co., Ltd                  285
Shenzhen Oriental Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.         1048
Shiseido Co., Ltd.                                  568
shlzuishan pengsheng chemical Co.,ltd              1906
Shouguang Fukang Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd             434
Shulan City Jinma Chemical Co., Ltd                 481
Sichuan Huafamel Enterprise Co., Ltd.               270
Siegfried                                          1256
Sigachi US Inc.                                    1053
SillCycle Inc                                       219
Siltech Corporation                                 512
Simagchem Corp                                      238
Singota Solutions                                  1336
Sino high goal chemical technology Co. Ltd          745
SINOCHEM HEBEI FUHENG CO.,LTD                       179
Sinochem Jaingsu Co. Ltd.                          1258
Sinocompound Catalysts Co., Ltd.                    557
SINOPHARM ZHIJUN (SHENZHEN)                        1936
SK biotek                                          1448
Snowbell Machines Pvt. Ltd.                        2044
Society of Chemical Manufacturers                   119
  & Affiliates (SOCMA)
SoftGels                                           1410
Solid State Pharma, Inc.                           1262
Solvay                                              474
Solvias AG                                          960
Sourcechem Co.,Ltd.                                 429
Sovereign Pharmaceuticals, LLC                     1550
Spectrum Chemical Mfg. Corp.                        211
Speed Laboratory Inc                               1932
STA Pharmaceutical                                  519
Sterigenics, A Sotera Health Company                928
Sterling Pharma Solutions                          1648
Strem Chemicals Inc.                                112
Strongarm Designs, Inc.                            2032
SuanFarma                                           136
Sulzer Mlxpac AG                                   1710
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Inc.                 1412
Suparna Chemicals, Ltd.                             548
Surmount Laboratories Pvt Ltd.                     1364
Survival Technologies Pvt. Ltd.                    1013
Sutphin Drugs Inc                                  1606
Suven Life Sciences                                 349
Suzhou Highfine Biotech Co., Ltd.                  1249
Swiss Parenterals Pvt. Ltd.                        1136
SwRI                                               1326
SX Pharma                                           657
Symblotica Speciality Ingredients SDN BHD          1164
Sympatec Inc.                                      2019
SYNGENE INTERNATIONAL                               643
Taiwan Kimax Controls Inc                           143
TAIXING YANGZI PHARM CHEMICAL                       245
Takasago International Corporation                  348
Tatva Chintan USA                                   157
Tc Scientific Inc.                                  212
TCG Lifesciences                                    131
Tci America                                         152
Technoflex                                         2010
TECOLAND CORPORATION                                209
TEH SENG Pharma                                    1156
Tergus Pharma                                      1332
tesa Labtec GmbH                                   1342
Textron Technica SLU                                907
Tianjln Chengyi International Trading Co.           124
Tianjin Jiateng Chemical Products Co.               254
Tianjin Mlnxiang Biomedical Inc.                   1119
Tianjin Tianyao Pharmaceuticals                    1425
Tiarco Chemical                                     359
TMC Industries, Inc.                               1353
Topharman Shanghai Co., Ltd.                        475
Torch Medical Devices                               950
Toronto Research Chemicals Inc                     1039
Tosoh USA Inc.                                      214
Trecora Chemical                                    148
Tyger Scientific Inc.                               153
Umicore                                             225
Unichem Enterprises                                 452
Unipharma LLC                                      1525
Unither Pharmaceuticals                            1133
Univar Pharma Ingredients                           858
Upchem (China) Co.,LTD                             1909
UPM Pharmaceuticals                                1519
UPM Pharmaceuticals                                1519
UPM Raflatac                                       2126
US Pharmacopelal Convention (USP)                  1649
Vacuubrand Inc.                                     437
Valllscor                                           201
Vandemark Chemical Inc.                             525
Vanderbllt Minerals LLC                             445
Vasudha Pharma Chem Ltd                            1062
Vefa llac                                          1253
Vertellus                                           248
Vlakem, S.A. De C.V                                 355
VIKRAM THERMO INDIA LTD.                            852
VINCHEM, Inc.                                      1619
Vitusa Products Inc                                1915
WAB US Corporation                                 2237
Ward/Kraft, Inc.                                    328
Web Talent Marketing                               1344
Wego Chemical Group                                 455
West Pharmaceutical Services                       1812
WeylChem International GmbH                         329
Wilmington Pharma Tech Co. Lie                      331
Wlsesorbent Technology LLC                         2040
WR Grace                                            571
Xi'an Gaoyuan Bio-Chem Co.,Ltd.                     539
Xiamen Goodhealth Pharmchem Co., Ltd.               764
YACHT BIOTECHNOLOGY CO., LTD                        436
Yamasa Corporation                                  664
Yancheng City Shengda Chemical Co.                  433
Yangzhou Chemical Co.,Ltd.                          260
Yichang Sanxia Pharmaceuticals                     1807
Yiling Pharmaceutical Inc                          1810
YIZHENG EAST CHEMICAL CO., LTD.                     326
Yufeng International Co., Ltd.                      478
Yunnan Hande Bio-Tech Co., Ltd                      385
Zeon Corporation                                    948
ZETA Pharmaceuticals LLC                           1900
Zhejiang Ausun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.             865
Zhejiang Charioteer Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.         425
Zhejiang Eazy Pharmchem Co., Ltd.                   485
Zhejiang Jiuzhou Pharmaceutical Co.                1113
Zhejiang Langhua Pharmaceutical Co.                 743
ZHEJIANG MEDICINES & HEALTH                         660
ZHEJIANG NEO-DANKONG PHARMA                         243
Zhejiang Peptites Biotech Co., Ltd                 1459
ZHEJIANG RUIBANG LABORATORIES                       942
ZHEJIANG SHARE BIO PHARM CO., LTD.                 2222
ZHEJIANG SHENGDA BIO-PHARM CO.                     1461
Zhejiang Tianyu Pharmaceutical Co., LTD.            949
Zhuhal Rundu Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd                 944
Zxchem Usa Inc                                     1150
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Publication:Contract Pharma
Date:Apr 1, 2018
Next Article:AGC Biologics Expands Capacity: Thermo Fisher to build pharma services supply chain facility.

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