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Articles from OBG Management (May 1, 2020)

1-9 out of 9 article(s)
Title Author Type Words
A multicenter RCT makes a case for transabdominal cerclage: According to results of a recent trial, transabdominal cerclage should be considered the treatment of choice for women with a prior failed transvaginal cerclage, but the risks also must be weighed. Owen, John 878
Cardiovascular health among US pregnant women. 240
COVID-19 apps for the ObGyn health care provider: Three apps to help clinicians keep up with COVID-19 information and treatment guidance. Bogaert, Kelly; Chen, Katherine T. 752
COVID-19: We are in a war, without the most effective weapons to fight a novel viral pathogen: Although we are in the midst of battle, we will win this fight, alongside the global community of clinicians. Barbieri, Robert L. Cover story 4355
Do women treated with ceftriaxone and doxycycline for PID benefit from added metronidazole to broaden anaerobic coverage? Soper, David E. 738
Learning to live with COVID-19: Postpandemic life will be reflected in how effectively we leverage this crisis: Four strategies can help us navigate through the COVID-19 health emergency, and lessons learned can guide thinking on future health care delivery and educational initiatives. Norwitz, Errol R. 1485
Steps to leadership during the COVID-19 era and beyond: ObGyn clinical experience and leadership skills can help pilot patient care through the COVID-19 pandemic and plan a cohesive response to future crises. Levy, Barbara 2127
Telemedicine: A primer or today's ObGyn. Karram, Mickey; Baum, Neil 2196
Transabdominal cerclage for managing recurrent pregnancy loss: Among women in whom prior transvaginal cerclage has failed, transabdominal cerclage has a high rate of success in providing a good pregnancy outcome. Crihfield, Eric G.; Shibata, Renae; Moskowitz, Olivia; Rodriguez-Ayala, Gianni; Nimaroff, Michael L. 2964

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