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Articles from Kai Tiaki: Nursing New Zealand (May 1, 2020)

1-41 out of 41 article(s)
Title Author Type Words
'A time of anxiety and fear'. Ansin-Johnson, Marita 393
'A very intense month'. Clissold, Carolyn 330
'Adjusting to a new normal'. Seymour, Natalie 311
'Be calm and be kind'. Symes, Heather Letter to the editor 179
'Work is harder and slower'. Hand, Margaret 372
A 30-year chapter has ended: Cee Payne has worked for NZNO--and its predecessor NZNA--for close to 30 years. She reflects on the changes she has lived through over that time. O'Connor, Teresa 1723
Appalled at the state of 'chaos' within NZNO. Lovell, Deidre Letter to the editor 445
Auckland nurse hospitalised, others infected. 288
Auty 'surprised' at resignations of board members. 305
Bicultural partnership part of NZNO's 'essence'. 617
Call for a no-confidence vote. Letter to the editor 196
Charging for carparking 'mean-spirited'. 236
Charlotte Bradshaw--a pioneer in her time. 1187
COVID-19 exposes weaknesses In aged care: NZNO and aged-care staff are hoping the current focus on shortcomings within the sector, highlighted by the pandemic, may lead to much-needed change. Longmore, Mary 1556
Dear Prime Minister ... An NZNO organiser writes to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Davies, Danielle Letter to the editor 502
Defending Florence Nightingale's reputation: A leading international Florence Nightingale scholar rebuts Grant Brookes' and Kerri Nuku's viewpoint on the founder of modern nursing, published in the April issue of Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand. McDonald, Lynn 1301
DHBs: Negotiations to start next month? 406
Ensuring nurses have PPE. Weston, Kate 872
Experiences and self-management of chronic pain. Budge, Claire; Taylor, Melanie 2651
Fallen nurses and health workers honoured. 443
Five themes for manifesto. 199
Holding the line on COVID-19. Longmore, Mary; Manchester, Anne; O'Connor, Teresa 6435
Honouring the Lessons of history. Neilson-Hornblow, Cherene 476
Increase in resignations and calls of concern. 176
it's cool to korero. 225
Long-serving delegate marks 70th birthday. 296
No way forward--Brookes. 889
NZNO contributes to PPE review. 449
Out of isolation. Hayward, Sue 379
Pandemic tests nurses' resolve. Minskip, Nicole Letter to the editor 346
Petition to be presented this month. 680
Planning for a COVID-19 crisis: A new era of critical care nursing began at Wellington Hospital's intensive care unit in March as staff began preparing for a possible catastrophe. Sutton-Smith, Lynsey 1561
Primary health care: Ratification underway. 346
Resignation a 'personal attack'. 915
Resignation causes 'sadness'. Whiting, Alana Letter to the editor 260
Supporting members through COVID-19 issues. 180
Supporting members through COVID-19: Organisers' role during this pandemic has been to give members the best advice possible, despite restrictions on their work. Hipkiss, Andy 747
Swoop teams in action. Clendon, Jill 351
The kaiwhakahaere comments. Nuku, Kerri Letter to the editor 504
Where to from here for NZNO? O'Connor, Teresa; Manchester, Anne; Longmore, Mary Editorial 833
writing guidelines: Guidelines for writing articles for Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand. 659

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