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Articles from Journal Record (Oklahoma City, OK) (April 10, 2018)

1-24 out of 24 article(s)
Title Author Type Words
Abandoned ideas resurface in revenue hunt. 786
Around Town: Exciting Derby Day coming up. 411
Capital Perspectives: FERC policy change Part II. 731
Capital Perspectives: FERC policy change Part III. 657
Cusack dispute could be resolved this month. 343
Devon to lay off 300 employees. 342
Fair Housing Act at 50: The face of discrimination has changed. 801
FAPC promotes local food companies. 379
Farmland session set at Cameron. 121
General revenue collections beat estimate. 275
Holt begins four-year term as OKC mayor. 160
Hunter supports citizenship question. 226
Integris ranked first for liver survivorship. 138
Johnsen elected to ACHE regents. 149
Mercy teams with Energy. 540
New lodging tax repealed. 102
Office Visit: The benefits of volunteering. 393
OKC pares municipal fleet through auctions. 541
OMRF discovers new approach to treating obesity. 421
Periscope: Here's why there are hockey sticks on the porch. 604
Saints, Weatherford expand partnership. 551
Sixty Six Oilfield to buy Five Star. 270
Stafford awarded Russian Order of Friendship. 321
Wyrick, O'Connor nominated for U.S. District Court seats. 553

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