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Articles from Eurasian Journal of Pulmonology (May 1, 2020)

1-11 out of 11 article(s)
Title Author Type Words
A rare cause of pleural efusion; yellow nail syndrome. Dirol, Hulya; Odemis, Ayse; Ozbudak, Omer 2447
Coal workers' pneumoconiosis and surveillance: A 5-year experience. Beyan, Ayse Coskun; Bahadir, Hande; Cimrin, Arif 3736
Comparison of diferent criteria for the diagnosis of position and rapid eye movement-related obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and the value for the determination of prognosis. Aloglu, Melike; Kokturk, Oguz 4632
Efect of visual feedback aerobic exercise training on lung hyperinfation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients--A randomized control trial. Elumalai, Senthil Kumar; Saharan, Ajeet Kumar; Shinde, Neesha; Padia, Khyathi; Jeyaraman, Ramesh Kum 5018
Efects of pulmonary rehabilitation on dyspnea and functional capacity on waiting list for lung transplantation: According to obstructive or restrictive pulmonary disease. Kilic, Lutfye; Pehlivan, Esra; Balci, Arif; Bakan, Nur Dilek 4262
Health-related quality of life in elderly patients with bronchiectasis. Niksarlioglu, Elif Yelda; Yigitbas, Burcu; Camsari, Gungor; Kosar, Filiz 4104
Legionella pneumonia with rhabdomyolysis in a healthy young patient. Bayrak, Emel; Caglar, Kayser 2391
Malaria-associated pulmonary edema. Hage, Rene; Schuurmans, Mace M. 1562
Management of bleeding risk before pleural procedures: A consensus statement of Turkish respiratory society--Pleura study group. Demirci, Nilgun Yilmaz; Koksal, Deniz; Bilaceroglu, Semra; Ogan, Nalan; Atinkaya, Cansel; Ozhan, Mus 3570
The impact of physical activity on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease hospitalization: A prospective study in Iran. Zohal, Mohammadali; Rafei, Sima; Esmailzadehha, Neda; Jamshidi, Sanaz; Rastgoo, Nafse Clinical report 4086
Thoracic ultrasonography in the evaluation of lung parenchyma in interstitial lung diseases. Dogan, Coskun; Kiral, Nesrin; Parmaksiz, Elif Torun; Fidan, Ali; Caglayan, Benan; Salepi, Banu; Come 5463

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