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Articles from Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs (May 1, 2020)

1-78 out of 78 article(s)
Title Author Type Words
Agency Discretion to Manage Appropriated Funds: The WHO Funding Announcement. Stiff, Sean M. 2460
Antitrust Enforcement During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Frequently Asked Questions. Sykes, Jay B. 1857
Applicability of Federal Civil Rights Laws to Recipients of CARES Act Loans. Cole, Jared P. 2325
BIA's New Take on Taking Land into Trust for Indians. Murphy, M. Maureen 1809
Broadband Connectivity and COVID-19: The FCC's Response. Holmes, Eric N. 1746
Business Interruption Insurance and COVID-19: Federal Legislative Initiatives. Horn, Diane P.; Webel, Baird 979
Business Interruption Insurance and COVID-19: State Legislative Initiatives. Horn, Diane P.; Webel, Baird 1013
Community Bank Leverage Ratio (CBLR): Background and Analysis of Bank Data. Perkins, David W. 8811
Congress, the Judiciary, and Civil and Criminal Procedure. Lampe, Joanna R. 1847
Copyright and State Sovereign Immunity: The Allen v. Cooper Decision. Hickey, Kevin J. 1937
COVID-19 Alternate Care Sites (ACSs): Role and Activities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Carter, Nicole T.; Fischer, Hannah 921
COVID-19 and China: A Chronology of Events (December 2019-January 2020). Lawrence, Susan V. Chronology 20952
COVID-19 and the Indian Health Service. Heisler, Elayne J. Report 1071
COVID-19 and Workplace Liability: Selected Issues Under Antidiscrimination Laws. Anderson, April J. 1532
COVID-19-Related Loan Assistance for Agricultural Enterprises. Dilger, Robert Jay; Lindsay, Bruce R.; Lowry, Sean 1263
COVID-19: Summary of the Direct Payments Proposed in the Heroes Act (H.R. 6800). Crandall-Hollick, Margot L. 1127
COVID-19: The Employee Retention Tax Credit. Sherlock, Molly F. 1215
COVID-19: U.S. Economic Effects. Miller, Rena S.; Labonte, Marc 976
Dam Failure: Overview of Federal Programs and Resources. Normand, Anna E.; Horn, Diane P.; Bracmort, Kelsi; Bearden, David M. 970
Delivery of VA Telehealth Services During COVID-19. Elliott, Victoria L. 1667
Digital Contact Tracing Technology: Overview and Considerations for Implementation. Figliola, Patricia Moloney 1365
Domestic Public Health Response to COVID-19: Current Status. Sekar, Kavya; Cornell, Ada S. 1739
Election 2020 and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Legal Issues in Absentee and All-Mail Voting. Whitaker, L. Paige 2360
EU Climate Action and Implications for the United States. Archick, Kristin; Leggett, Jane A.; Procita, Kezee 1370
Facebook Inc.'s Acquisition of GIPHY: Potential Competition Issues. Cho, Clare Y. 977
Federal Authority to Lift or Modify State and Local COVID-19 "Stay-at-Home" Orders: Frequently Asked Questions. Sykes, Jay B. 2175
Federal Legislation Shielding Businesses and Individuals from Tort Liability: A Legal and Historical Overview. Lewis, Kevin M. 1981
Federal Response to COVID-19: Department of Veterans Affairs. Panangala, Sidath Viranga; Sussman, Jared S.; Dortch, Cassandria; Elliott, Victoria L.; Gaffney, Jon Report 14797
Foreign Sovereign Immunity and COVID-19 Lawsuits Against China. Elsea, Jennifer K. 1987
Forest Carbon Primer. Hoover, Katie; Riddle, Anne A. Report 13956
Formal Removal Proceedings: An Introduction. Smith, Hillel R. 1929
Full Practice Authority for VA Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Panangala, Sidath Viranga; Sussman, Jared S. 1161
Health Insurance Options Following Loss of Employment. Rosso, Ryan J.; Fernandez, Bernadette; Baumrucker, Evelyne P. 1608
HEROES Act (H.R. 6800): Selected Federal Reserve Provisions. Labonte, Marc 999
High Court Tosses Bridgegate Convictions. Doyle, Charles 1790
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs): EPA and State Actions. Shouse, Kate C. 1715
Indian Water Rights Settlements. Stern, Charles V. Report 12344
Intellectual Property Rights and International Trade. Akhtar, Shayerah Ilias; Fergusson, Ian F.; Wong, Liana Report 27551
Judiciary Budget Request, FY2021. McMillion, Barry J. 1175
Low Oil Prices May Trigger Certain Tax Benefits, but Not Others. Sherlock, Molly F.; Brown, Phillip 1098
Medicaid Financing for the Territories. Mitchell, Alison 1493
Medicaid Recession-Related FMAP Increases. Mitchell, Alison Report 13084
Medicare Overview. Davis, Patricia A.; Voorhies, Phoenix 1670
Medicare Part B: Enrollment and Premiums. Davis, Patricia A. Report 28099
Medicare Primer. Davis, Patricia A.; Binder, Cliff; Hahn, Jim; Kirchhoff, Suzanne M.; Morgan, Paulette C.; Villagrana Report 21407
Medicare: Insolvency Projections. Davis, Patricia A. Report 6672
Mortgage Servicing Rights and Selected Market Developments. Getter, Darryl E. 1008
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Funding: FY1995-FY2021. Sekar, Kavya Report 6315
National Park Service Deferred Maintenance: Frequently Asked Questions. Comay, Laura B. Report 10696
New Title IX Sexual Harassment Regulations Overhaul Responsibilities for Schools. Cole, Jared P. 2242
Noncitizens and Eligibility for the 2020 Recovery Rebates. Crandall-Hollick, Margot L.; Kolker, Abigail F. 1342
Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19): Q&A on Global Implications and Responses. Salaam-Blyther, Tiaji 30993
Offshore Royalty Relief: Status During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Comay, Laura B. 1007
Oil and Gas Tax Preferences. Sherlock, Molly F.; Hughes, Joseph S. 1748
Older Americans Act: Nutrition Services Program. Colello, Kirsten J. 1773
Overview of Assisted Living Facilities. Colello, Kirsten J. 1645
Overview of Federally Certified Long-Term Care Facilities. Voorhies, Phoenix; Colello, Kirsten J. 1600
Overview of the 2018 Farm Bill Energy Title Programs. Bracmort, Kelsi 1292
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA): Resources for Frequently Asked Questions. Napili, Angela Report 13871
PJM Minimum Offer Price Rule Impact on Future Renewables. Campbell, Richard J.; Clark, Corrie E. 1014
Presidential Objections to Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery Reporting Requirements. Garvey, Todd 2193
Presidential Removal of IGs Under the Inspector General Act. Garvey, Todd 1910
SBA Disaster Loan Program: Frequently Asked Questions. Lindsay, Bruce R. Report 3562
Section 7 of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act: In Brief. Riddle, Anne A. Report 4820
Serving Free School Meals through the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP): Background and Participation. Billings, Kara Clifford; Carter, Jameson A. 11341
Small Business Research Programs: SBIR and STTR. Gallo, Marcy E. 16114
Spectrum Interference Issues: Ligado, the L-Band, and GPS. Gallagher, Jill C.; King, Alyssa K.; Cho, Clare Y. 1607
Supreme Court Permits Retroactive Punitive Damages Against Sudan in Terrorism Cases. Elsea, Jennifer K. 1295
Supreme Court Rules That Lawful Permanent Residents May Be Treated as "Inadmissible" Under Cancellation of Removal Statute. Smith, Hillel R. 2327
The 2020 Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS): COVID-19 Impacts. Bracmort, Kelsi 1122
The Credit Union System: Developments in Lending and Prudential Risk Management. Getter, Darryl E. Report 12659
The Economic Development Administration's Economic Recovery Assistance for COVID-19 Impacted Communities. Lawhom, Julie M. 991
The Future of the Second Amendment: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association at the Supreme Court. Foster, Michael A. 2477
The Impact of COVID-19-Related Forbearances on the Federal Mortgage Finance System. Scott, Andrew P. 973
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and Larger Borrowers: Oversight Efforts and Options for Congress. Lowry, Sean 1235
Treatment of COVID-19: Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine. Dabrowska, Agata; Green, Victoria R. 1296
U.S. Forest Carbon Data: In Brief. Hoover, Katie; Riddle, Anne A. Report 3423
Unauthorized Immigrants' Eligibility for COVID-19 Relief Benefits: In Brief. Kolker, Abigail F. 3266

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