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Articles from Aviation Safety (May 1, 2020)

1-13 out of 13 article(s)
Title Author Type Words
ATC-Zero: It's a thing, and it can happen quickly, without warning. The good nexus is you already know how to cope. Check Notams and bring more fuel. 1309
Decisions In The System: The hands-on part of flying an airplane, even single-pilot IFR, is easy. Managing your flight--making decisions in real time--is the hard part. Turner, Thomas P. 2325
Defensive Flying: Especially in the traffic pattern, fly like everyone is out to get you, because they probably are. Even ATC. Burnside, Joseph E. 2245
FAA Reacts To Covid-19: Agency offers guidance on medical certificate expiration dates and airport closures, among other policies. 917
First Flights. 505
Is This Trip Necessary? Burnside, Jeb 888
Learning Experiences. 239
NTSB Reports: Recent general aviation and air carrier accidents. 2583
One Risk Over The Line: Even when a flight begins as a routine mission, it stays that way only until a new hazard appears and changes the equation. Wright, Robert 2442
Ready To Burst: Don't let 'get-home-itis' lead you to try landing when there are thunderstorms about. Burnside, Joseph E. 1148
Unlimited Switches. 405
Vacuum Pump Care And Feeding: It can be one of the most important, and most neglected, components aboard your aircraft. Berry, Mike 2339
Wake Turbulence. 737

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