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Articles from ASHRAE Journal (May 1, 2020)

1-11 out of 11 article(s)
Title Author Type Words
A Conversation on Standard 90.1-2019. 3736
Air-Handling System Helps Preserve History: Leading-edge technologies used in this museum project include frictionless centrifugal chillers, a modular heat-recovery chiller, fan-array air-handling systems, polarized filtration systems and advanced building automation system measurements and controls. Deer, Leighton W. 1988
Ambulatory Care: Health, Wellness, And Efficiency: A geothermal energy storage system, dedicated outdoor air system, and optimized heating/cooling plant work together to create one of Canada's most energy-efficient ambulatory care facilities. Monteiro, Kurt; Sharples, Kevin 2778
Concrete Solutions. Lstiburek, Joseph W. 3161
Counting Carbons and Circular Diets. McConahey, Erin 3263
DCV, Geothermal Systems Drive Building Design: The Lexington, Kentucky, high school currently operates with an energy use intensity of 18.3 kBtu/[ft.sup.2] (207.8 MJ/[m.sup.2]), 60% lower than the average K-12 school. Hobbs, Benjamin D. 2211
Effects of Airside Fouling on Condenser Heat Exchangers: How Does Fouling Affect System Performance? McGowan, Mary Kate 1819
Getting the Best From Zeotropes. Pearson, Andy 577
Guidance for Building Operations During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Schoen, Lawrence J. 1620
Improving Facility Design Using Coupled CFD-Multizone Software: HVAC and Infection Control for Surgery Centers. Barbosa, Bruno Perazzo Pedroso; Brum, Nisio De Carvalho Lobo 5129
Stack Pressure-Created Airflows in Insulation Envelopes, Part 2: Passenger Aircraft: Another HVAC Design Parameter to Consider. Walkinshaw, Douglas S.; Horstman, Raymond H. 4925

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