

adj, -gier or -giest
with zigzags; having sharp turns
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
My eyes travel from star to star and they grow more grotesque with each link-the cat sprouts a zigzaggy tail, the sea creature now has seven legs, the spider is drooling pools.
A zigzaggy line of children and their families waited for pony rides under the shade of tall cottonwood trees.
The results of the election--which delivered Morales the first major setback of his presidency and reduces his ability to maneuver and negotiate--could have repercussions on Bolivia's timid and zigzaggy efforts to rebuild diplomatic and commercial relations with the US.
When you stitch Zippling on a large scale, this zigzaggy design feels quite masculine, and would be a terrific choice for quilts for men or boys.
Jim Puder Zithering zestfully, Zahna, Zimbaloning Zizi's zenana, Zinged "zany" Zahara's "Zigzaggy" zamarras, Zelle "zippering" zealous Zigana.
"I have thought about the direction my career has gone and it has been a bit zigzaggy.
For example, one reader commented: "The descriptions that were the best were very detailed in the shapes and what the figure looks like it's doing." The readers' profile revealed that the readers' informational needs were met more efficiently by writers who elaborated on the analogical referent with a balance of shape names (e.g., triangle, parallelogram, square), geometrical qualifications (e.g., zigzaggy, diagonal, pointy), and location descriptors (e.g., to the right, on its left, the left one).
Some flash while they fly in a straight line, while others have a zigzaggy flash flight.
She read about thieves' acrobatic midair grabs, zigzaggy chases, and harassment of a successful hunter until some of the booty was regurgitated for the thief.