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Related to youthfully: youthfulness
1. Characterized by youth; young: the youthful king.
2. Typical of or suggesting youth: youthful rebelliousness. See Synonyms at young.
3. In an early stage of development; new: a youthful nation.
4. Geology Young: a youthful streambed.
youth′ful·ly adv.
youth′ful·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Adv. | 1. | youthfully - in a youthful manner; "he is still youthfully enthusiastic" |
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(juːθ) – plural youths (juːðz) – noun1. (the state of being in) the early part of life. Enjoy your youth!; He spent his youth in America.
2. a boy of fifteen to twenty years old approximately. He and two other youths were kicking a football about.
3. young people in general. Some people say that today's youth has/have no sense of responsibility.
ˈyouthful adjective1. young. The boy looked very youthful.
2. energetic, active, young-looking etc. Exercise will keep you youthful.
3. of youth. youthful pleasures.
ˈyouthfully adverbˈyouthfulness noun
youth hostel a place for young people, especially hikers, on holiday, where cheap and simple accommodation is provided ( noun youth hosteller)
youth mentor noun
someone who gives guidance and is like a big sister/brother to a young person who has social problems or is retarded.
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