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(wul) noun, adjective
(of) the soft hair of sheep and some other animals, often made into yarn etc for knitting or into fabric for making clothes etc. I wear wool in winter; knitting-wool; a wool blanket.
ˈwoollen adjective
made of wool. a woollen hat.
ˈwoollens noun plural
clothes (especially jumpers etc) made of wool. Woollens should be washed by hand.
ˈwoolly adjective
1. made of, or like, wool. a woolly jumper/rug.
2. (also ˌwoolly-ˈheaded) (of a person) vague or hazy. She's too woolly(-headed) to be in charge of a department.
nounplural ˈwoollies
a knitted garment.
ˈwoolliness noun
pull the wool over someone's eyes
to deceive someone.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


أَصْوَاف vlněné oděvy uldtøj Wollsachen μάλλινα είδη prendas de lana villavaatteet lainage vuneni odjevni predmeti capi di lana 毛織物衣類 모직물 wollen kledingstukken ullklær ubrania wełniane artigos de lã шерстяная одежда yllekläder เสื้อผ้าที่ทำจากขนสัตว์ yünlüler quần áo len 毛织品
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
They are generally clad in deer skins, or woollens, and extremely well armed.
She had round red arms, a dress of some sober woollen stuff, and a brass brooch the size of a cheese-cake stuck in the front of it.
I was called from these reflections by the sight of a freckled woman with yellow hair and a yellow gown, standing in the porch of the inn, under a dull red lamp swinging there, that looked much like an injured eye, and carrying on a brisk scolding with a man in a purple woollen shirt.
And therefore, let not the knights of that honorable company (none of whom, I venture to say, have ever had to do with a whale like their great patron), let them never eye a Nantucketer with disdain, since even in our woollen frocks and tarred trowsers we are much better entitled to st.
Likewise, have you any woollen stockings to wear, and warm clothes generally?
A year had now elapsed since her sad marriage, but she had preserved sufficient draperies from the wreck of her then full wardrobe to clothe her very charmingly as a simple country girl with no pretensions to recent fashion; a soft gray woollen gown, with white crape quilling against the pink skin of her face and neck, and a black velvet jacket and hat.
"I am in the machinery patent line--machinery for the manufacture of woollen goods mostly--and I have a few appointments in London.
I took off my long woollen comforter and wound it around Yulka's throat.
And thirdly, standing on a raised step among the maidens of Haarlem, a beautiful Frisian girl, dressed in fine scarlet woollen cloth, embroidered with silver, and covered with a lace veil, which fell in rich folds from her head-dress of gold brocade; in one word, Rosa, who, faint and with swimming eyes, was leaning on the arm of one of the officers of William.
The dispute between us ended, after that, in my wiping my eyes, like an old fool, with my new woollen waistcoat, and saying I would think about it.